“Forget it, don’t tease you, my way is earth-shattering.” Bi Xiu said calmly, “This Dao is innate to me, and I don’t know how I understood him, but I can accurately see every flaw in your Dao and easily crack it, except for my son’s Dao, I should be the most powerful in the world, right?” ”

Everyone present listened and took a breath of cool air, and they could easily crack the flaws and flaws of other people’s Dao, and this Tao simply did not go against the heavens.

No wonder Bi Xiuzhen was able to stand firm in the cultivation world for so many years, and this earth-shattering path of his was enough to make everyone bow down to him.

At present, some people of great power can’t help but secretly complain in their hearts about the Heavenly Dao, why not give them a powerful Dao, if they are born with such a powerful Dao, they can casually lay down a piece of heaven and earth.

Of course, if you want to think about it, you also understand that it is impossible in your heart, and this kind of atmospheric luck may be envious, but they can’t imitate it.

However, since they knew Bi Xiu’s true Tao, then the communication between them and Mount Emei in the future would need to pay more attention.

Originally, Mount Emei was the first gate sect in the cultivation world, but now that he knew that Bi Xiu really had such a powerful strength, it was even more necessary to be cautious.

It was impossible to deal with Mount Emei without enough strength before, although they felt that they might not be able to see the earth-shattering grandeur of their sect against Mount Emei for the rest of their lives.

But at the moment, it is impossible to think about those who are not, so I have to sigh and continue to look at it with expectation.

Li Xiuyuan’s focus was different from these people, he just looked at Bi Hao calmly and revealed a rather intriguing smile and said, “Of course, I know what your son is, your son’s Dao is much more powerful than your Lao Tzu’s Dao, no wonder the Heavenly Dao wanted to obliterate your son when he was still in the Dan period, but unfortunately such a powerful son was not born by you and your mother after all, but the blood is the same, it is nothing.” ”

Bi Xiuzhen grinned triumphantly and said, “As long as the blood is the same, no one can change that he is my son.” ”

Li Xiuyuan smiled and said, “If you really think so, it would be best.” ”

At the moment, Li Xiuyuan roared wildly, his body shook slightly, his muscles were particularly swollen and bulged, and his whole person looked particularly vicious.

But in fact, the so-called muscle protrusion is only his facial muscles protruding, and the skull frames below his head have begun to move, but there is no muscle existence.

At this moment, Li Xiuyuan’s face had already faintly appeared the appearance of a skeleton, it was a skull, presumably Li Xiuyuan would soon be assimilated by his brother, Bi Xiuzhen looked at his heart, lowered his head and said, “If you continue to fight like this, you will really become an evil spirit.” ”

Li Xiuyuan said indifferently, “It’s all right, after I die, my soul will take you to find the Dinghai God Needle and wait until you find it and take it away, and the people of Mount Meru will not stop you.” ”

To this day, he still thought that Bi Xiu would really care about him just because of the needle of the Sea God.

Bi Xiuzhen tilted his head slightly and didn’t want to explain more, so he smiled and said, “Okay, then continue to fight.” ”

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