As a result, the system suddenly let out a dismissive laugh, “Just for you to see, you can’t see the strangeness of this world, this world has a very unusual power, I guess this world should have something hidden about our main plane world.” ”

“What is the stuff of your world?” Is it awesome? Bi Hao’s face looked at Bi Xiuzhen and Li Xiuyuan with a slightly strange face, but in his heart he was continuing to talk to the system, but when he thought of the system in their world, there was a very unreliable conjecture, was it all some numbers flying all over the sky.

Shouldn’t the world they say be the world of AI?

The AI world is all about digital streams, so is it really possible to think of it?

As a result, the next instant the merciless voice of the system punctured his illusion, “Our world is the same as your world, our system can also be transformed into human form in that world, and even to be precise, our systems in that world are just a very common thing, and everyone has a system, just like the Tao of this world, but our systems are more intelligent and comprehensive.” ”

“Then why do you say that your master will make these systems and ask you to fight each other?” Bi Hao was slightly puzzled, but his heart was very shocked.

If this is the case, then its master is equivalent to creating a world, and being able to create a world where everyone has a powerful system, how powerful that master should be, Bi Hao is really the master who is looking forward to it more and more.

But now I am more concerned about why these systems will kill each other, and if they let them kill each other, there should not be many systems left in that world.

After the system was silent for a while, just when Bi Hao thought that he would not explain it to him, suddenly the voice suddenly rang out again, “This is an honor given to us by the master.” ”

“We are some of the strongest systems in our world, so the master’s gift that we can devour each other’s companions to achieve evolution, and finally become a new system, this is the master’s gift.” 」

Bi Hao shivered, although he didn’t know if the system had senses such as pain in their world, but Bi Hao was also creepy and devouring his companions was terrible to think.

“There are very few systems in our world that can have the ability to devour their companions, and most of them can only be upgraded by constantly completing various tasks.”

After listening to it, Bi Hao couldn’t help but nod his head and say, “Actually, I don’t think evolution is such a thing as very important.” ”

The voice of the system became agitated and said, “How can it not matter, how can there be new developments without evolution, if we have all been stuck in our ways, we have been insisting on doing tasks, becoming slaves to tasks, then what is the role of our systems being developed?” ”

Bi Hao was slightly stunned.

“Evolve these things for us so that all our systems can develop better, and our systems will devour each other on the outside until there will only be one system left in the end, and that system, when you return to our original world, will become the real king, and I don’t want to be assimilated by other systems, so you must become the last living system.” 」

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