“Do you have any news of your system companions now?” Bi Hao asked, “I mean suppose that if I and another system survive to the end, but that system has swallowed up too many of your companions, you tell me how we will fight.” ”

After the system was silent for a while, it suddenly said in a very confident tone, “You can rest assured, with my presence, you absolutely cannot be this situation, you just need to do what I tell you to do.” ”

“How I feel that I inexplicably broke into your trap, this feeling of being at the mercy of others is really not good.” Bi Hao smiled with a look of orange that he had talked to the system before, there were things about the system, but the system had always avoided talking about it, and now the system was finally willing to say a little about his original world, just like Bi Hao had a feeling of priing open his heart, and for a while he felt quite happy.

The system said, “You think I chose you out of thousands of planes, is that accidental?” No, you’re wrong, that’s the result of my data investigation of countless planes, and you Bi Hao is suitable to be my master. ”

Bi Hao was slightly stunned, and then he remembered something wrong, and he said, “Then have you analyzed the world before?” ”

The system said coldly, “This world has been occupied by other systems before, so I can’t read the information inside, and naturally I didn’t find that there is actually a Bi Hao who is exactly the same as you, but I believe that even if the two of you are in front of me, I will choose you, after all, I don’t want to stay with a cold host, in this case, I can’t even hear anything from his heart, and the day is too boring.” ”

Bi Hao smiled bitterly and said, “Did it attract you or my charisma?” ”

As a result, the system said very coldly, “No, not charisma, just because the system is afraid of boredom, please don’t put gold on your face.” ”

After being stunned by the strong system, Bi Hao did not feel that there was anything wrong, but the phoenix on the side looked at Bi Hao’s self-talk and looked at himself.

It’s just that she can’t help but have some lamentations in her heart, her own fairness, how she usually does well, how she always makes mistakes sometimes.

At this time, Bi Hao did not care about her, but continued to talk to the system.

“How long do you think Li Xiuyuan can last according to this state now?” I felt that he had run out of light, he should not be able to last for a few minutes, how could such a powerful force be so easy to unleash. ”

The system was silent, it seemed that he did not want to answer this question, Bi Hao waited for half a day and did not see the system’s answer, sighed, he turned to continue to look at the battle between Li Xiuzhen and Li Xiuyuan, at this time Li Xiuyuan’s whole person was like a demon god descending, and the monster that was summoned before behind him turned out to be a majestic black Guanyin.

This black Guanyin looks terrible, very frightening, if placed on the earth must be many children will not forget after seeing it, and then every night will cry because of this, Bi Hao can’t help but be slightly confused, remembering that on the earth, everyone regards Guanyin as a symbol of Furui, if you see this kind of black Guanyin, I am afraid that from now on there will be less than half of the people who believe in Guanyin.

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