The black Guanyin’s body was bubbling with black qi that made people’s scalps tingle when they saw it, but Bi Hao suddenly found that this black Guanyin was very similar to a legend on the earth.

Legend has it that there is something called Ghost Kannon, and they are actually those good Kannon things that are demonized after being killed by some terrible force.

This kind of ghost Guanyin is more terrifying than ordinary Guanyin, and it is said that Guanyin has a thousand images, and the ghost Guanyin is the most terrifying existence among Guanyin, even those real gods do not want to touch it.

Why does this terrible thing exist in this world? Moreover, the ancient legends of the earth also have a brief introduction to the cultivation era, is there anything in common between these two worlds? Bi Hao couldn’t figure it out more and more.

However, it was obvious that the ghost Guanyin summoned by Li Xiuyuan was not a good stubble, and immediately launched a fierce attack, its hands were very rough, and the green tendons were exposed, no, to be precise, it should be a living black maggot, those maggots were very thick one by one, constantly writhing in Guanyin’s hands, with the surging black fog, very frightening.

Bi Xiuzhen seemed to finally face Li Xiuyuan in front of him, there was grief in his eyes, but there was also disdainful ridicule, “You actually summoned this kind of thing, have you done a lot of research in the underworld over the years, otherwise… Even this terrible existence has been found by you, and you tell me what else you can’t do? ”

Li Xiuyuan seemed to be very satisfied with Bi Xiuzhen’s expression, and immediately Yang Tian laughed and said, “When I defeat you, then I may really have nothing that I can’t do in this world, from childhood to adulthood, I can’t do one thing, that is, kill you, Bi Xiuzhen!” ”

Bi Xiuzhen sighed softly and said, “Although you summoned this Ghost Guanyin to defeat me, have you ever thought that when I die, you will also die soon because of over-summoning, and when the Ghost Guanyin wreaks havoc on the earth, what should these people in the cultivation world do?” ”

Li Xiuyuan’s look was very wrong, and suddenly he sighed and said, “Bi Xiuzhen, this is your terrible point, even if I have thought about burning with your jade now, you still want to have a lot of life, but that has nothing to do with me, now I just want to fight with you, and after that, I will return to dust and dust, and I will never know anymore.” ”

“It’s only natural and open-minded that you can think that way.” Bi Xiuzhen looked up at the ghost Guanyin’s eyes with sadness.

“This ghost Guanyin was still sealed by Qi Tian’s Great Sage himself, and now he was actually brought out by you, even I didn’t expect you to have such ability, before, I didn’t go all out for you, it was my fault, now I should really face you squarely, I also want to see what kind of power this monstrous creature that originally haunted Qi Tiandasheng and finally died tragically under the hands of the Great Sage turned into a ghost Guanyin.” Speaking of this, Bi Xiuzhen’s tone suddenly became excited.

Hearing Bi Xiuzhen’s words, Bi Hao’s eyelids suddenly jumped, what did he mean by this, this ghost Guanyin was once also a real Guanyin?

It’s scary! Moreover, Guanyin has always been a sacred and inviolable existence in the ancient mythology of the earth, how terrible should this so-called Qi Tian Great Sage actually kill Guanyin?!

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