“And then what?” Bi Hao’s mind seemed to be able to depict the appearance of the so-called Qi Tian Dasheng in front of the ghost Guanyin.

“Then the last white Guanyin, because he has been all over the world, fighting with those so-called ghost Guanyin, and those ghost Guanyin are even more powerful than before because he entered the underworld cultivation, he alone could not bear it for a long time, and he was not far from death, so before he died, he left all his cultivation to a monk in the human world, that little monk, who was poor in life, but very talented in cultivation, he let that little monk go through ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties, hoping that this Qi Tian Great Sage could accompany the little monk. Only in this way could the little monk get all his strength, and the combination of Qi Tian Dasheng and the little monk would be able to subdue these ghost Guanyin. ”

“Why didn’t that Bai Guanyin and Qi Tian Dasheng come together to save it from the beginning?” He had to sacrifice Bai Guanyin’s life. Bi Hao sighed, somewhat ununderstanding.

“It is very normal that you don’t understand, this Bai Guanyin he was exhausted at that time, and Bai Guanyin was pure and true, they were not willing to kill, before in order to suppress the monkeys, they had already paid a lot of painstaking efforts, but because the world’s ghosts and Guanyin were raging, but they also began to attack these gods and Buddhas, and in the end he was the only one left, and when there was only one Guanyin statue left in the heavens and the earth, he began to think about whether the previous suppression of monkeys was wrong.”

“The answer is, wrong.” Phoenix turned her head slightly, smiled at Bi Haoran and said, “He got the answer in the affirmative, he really did something wrong, and it was a big mistake.” ”

“Where did this come from?” Bi Hao frowned slightly.

“Because from the beginning to the end, they didn’t find out, and the Qi Tian Dasheng they had been rejecting was actually a real victim.” Phoenix sighed softly and said, “The Heavenly Court at that time wanted to recruit the Qi Heavenly Grand Sage, let the Qi Heavenly Great Saint become a member of the Heavenly Garden, and open up the territory and expand the territory for them, but the Qi Heavenly Great Saint did not like to kill, nor did he like to fight, so he refused, did not expect that the Heavenly Court would fall into the well, and repeatedly use his wife and children to blackmail, and finally even killed his wife and children, Qi Tian Dasheng desperately hit the Heavenly Garden, after the killing ring, he deeply felt that his sins were deep, hoping that the gods and Buddhas could tolerate him, but he did not expect it. It actually caused a misunderstanding that he had a dispute over the hostility of the gods and Buddhas, and in the end, discouraged, Qi Tian Dasheng fought, he originally had a will to die, but he did not expect that Guanyin and the bodhisattvas still did not lay down a dead hand in the face of killing so many companions, but only by suppressing him did he fully realize and understand all his faults. ”

Bi Hao sighed and said, “I think I understand the plot after that, Guanyin also discovered his own fault, they misunderstood Qi Tian Dasheng without asking questions, this is not a heavy blow to Qi Tian Dasheng, if he could have solved the misunderstanding earlier, how could there be so many tragedies later, there is no Guanyin in the world now, only these ghosts who live in the world are left.” ”

Phoenix opened his small mouth slightly stunned, and then sighed and said, “The reason why that Guanyin will let the little monk go through the ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties is that he hopes that the little monk can have a good tempering with the Qi Tian Grand Sage, because the Qi Tian Grand Sage is not a person who is willing to be bound.” ”

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