“For the remaining Guanyin, the most important thing is to be able to let the little monk completely inherit his cultivation behavior, because at that time he had run out of oil and did not have much strength, and all his remaining cultivation was injected into the little monk, so that the little monk could save the world again.” Bi Hao raised his head and looked at the ghost Guanyin in the sky, which was full of black gas, and his eyes were full of sighs, “I don’t know if this ghost Guanyin is the last one left.” ”

“I think it should be.” At this time, Bi Xiuzhen suddenly smiled at Bi Hao and Phoenix, and said kindly, “This ghost Guanyin should be the last one in the world, and this is also the ghost Guanyin that Guanyin transformed into after his death.” ”

Unexpectedly, Bi Xiuzhen had the leisure will to give his children science popularization in addition to the battle, Li Xiuyuan was tickled by Bi Xiuzhen like this, but he also looked at Bi Xiuzhen solemnly at the moment and said, “Since you know that this is the last statue, you should also know that all the resentment of the rest of the ghost Guanyin is gathered on him, how powerful he should be.” ”

“How powerful should it be?” Hearing these words, Bi Hao’s subconscious gaze turned to that kind of ghost Guanyin, which looked plain and unremarkable, and did not seem to be particularly powerful.

It’s just that the black qi that bubbles up from the body and the golden red eyes faintly exude a terrifying power.

“Son, your father and I may have to confess here today, remember to cultivate my Emei Mountain well, and then marry the phoenix, treat her well, and understand your father’s wishes in this life.” Bi Xiuzhen suddenly said some very sad words without a head.

In fact, it could not be regarded as discouraged, looking at Bi Xiuzhen’s face with a bright smile and no timidity in the face of death, Bi Hao was confused again, “Father, what do you mean by this?” Will you lose in the face of this kind of ghost Guanyin? ”

Bi Xiuzhen shook his head and said, “I will not be defeated in the face of this ghost Guanyin, but with the addition of him and the little skeleton on his body, I will definitely account for it here, but son, I hope you don’t shoot, your father and I have lived for a long time.” ”

Bi Hao was just about to say that he could help his father, but he was blocked by Bi Xiuzhen, and he immediately looked at Bi Xiuzhen wordlessly and did not understand why Bi Xiuzhen had to take the initiative to seek death.

Li Xiuyuan looked at Bi Hao with a dazed look on his face and couldn’t help but laugh out loud, “Your father still thinks about the world from beginning to end, this ghost Guanyin will lose control after I die, and the raging ghost Guanyin will be impossible to stop even if you Bi Hao and Bi Xiuzhen are combined, so what your father wants to fight is who of us dies first, if I die first, he may also take this ghost Guanyin over, and I tell you, Ghost Guanyin, this thing will immediately become a masterless thing after its owner dies.” If you want to subdue the ghost Guanyin, how much do you need to pay, I believe I don’t need to say? ”

Bi Xiuzhen’s face was not ugly at this moment, but the hidden grief in his eyes revealed his true thoughts at the moment.

Bi Hao felt that he should be heartbreaking Li Xiuyuan, why did Li Xiuyuan now become such a person who would do whatever it takes for the sake of the end?

Why is that?

Bi Xiuzhen must have been heartbroken.

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