Bi Hao coldly watched Li Xiuyuan pick up those fly ashes in an extremely panicked posture, the posture was very ridiculous, but it also sounded very sad.

“No—brother, you can’t leave me—”

The skeleton had lost its will in the previous disintegration, and now it was just a small white ghost, and when it faced disintegration, it immediately lost its full form, disintegrating into the air one by one, and then gradually converged on the body of the ghost Guanyin.


Li Xiuyuan’s bone-like hands were desperately clutching around in the air, and finally spreading out his palms but there was nothing, Elder Li Xiuyuan looked at his empty palms with tears, and then looked at his own dry bark-like skin and couldn’t help but cover his face and start crying bitterly, “Why do I know that this moment when my relatives are separated, I found that I didn’t need to defeat you at all, I just needed my relatives to be together – I couldn’t find my brother so easily, but I didn’t expect that we would face separation again so soon!” ”

Then he lowered his palm, revealing a very scary-looking skeleton face, his eye sockets were full of tears, drop-by-drop down, smashing out another big hole that snapped, “Why? Why didn’t I understand this until now, that all I had gained with my life was these things, and why in the end I didn’t even have anything, only dust left! Why?! ”

“Because you’re greedy, because you want everything, because you don’t have that power, because you want to fight for what doesn’t belong to you.” Bi Xiuzhen held the long knife of the qinqin in his hand, and looked at Li Xiuyuan with complicated eyes, and then he turned his head and put his hand behind his back, and the long knife of the Qilin was also put away by him, “You were originally able to barely live in this world by relying on his last bit of soul power, and now that he has disintegrated, you will soon die, say, what else do you want?” ”

“Wishes?” Li Xiuyuan’s face showed a blank look.

Bi Hao couldn’t help but frown slightly, this Li Xiuyuan, I’m afraid there is only one wish in this life is to defeat Bi Xiuzhen, now is it difficult for Bi Xiuzhen to really want to satisfy Li Xiuyuan’s wishes, the dying man, to lose to Li Xiuyuan once?

As a result, I heard Li Xiuyuan suddenly say, “I just want you to let me look at my daughter again.” ”

“Simple.” Bi Xiuzhen looked at him sadly, and then with a wave of his hand, a woman who was naked and wearing only a piece of tulle suddenly fell out of a space black hole, the woman snapped and fell to the ground, still a little dazed, and immediately raised her head to look at the sky, barely able to see that it was her father’s Li Xiuyuan who showed shock in his eyes, “Why did you become like this?” ”

Li Xiuyuan coughed twice, but he couldn’t cough out any blood or the like, the qi and blood in his body had long been hollowed out at this moment, and only bones were left on his body.

His daughter looked at Li Xiuyuan, and there was some heartache and some intolerance in her eyes, but immediately his daughter’s face became flushed, as if she had reacted to her naked body in front of these people.

Bi Hao glanced at the woman and turned his head.

The incivility should not be ignored, not to mention that this woman had calculated him before, and he was not interested.

There was a phoenix beside him that was a thousand times more beautiful than this woman, and if he saw it, it would be bad if his wife was jealous at that time.

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