Li Xiuyuan trembled and fell to the ground, looking at his daughter’s uncovered green shirt, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, “How can you dress like this?” Are you fooling around in which demon nest again? ”

Her daughter flashed a hint of shyness in her eyes, but gritted her teeth and sighed and said, “Yes, I was still in the nest of demon beasts just now.” ”

Li Xiuyuan suddenly said with tears in his eyes, “I’m sorry, daughter! It is because the father did not teach you well, if you did not calculate Bi Hao at the beginning, there will not be so many wrong things in the future, sorry daughter! It’s all father sorry for you! ”

The daughter was slightly stunned, looking at Li Xiuyuan’s appearance, father and daughter connected hearts, the induction in the blood let her know that Li Xiuyuan had died soon, she couldn’t help but frown slightly, looking at her father’s eyes suddenly red, “What the hell is going on with your father, how did you suddenly become like this, and why is there a ghost Guanyin in the sky?” ”

Although she was a little shy about the fact that she was in the nest of demon beasts, she was not ashamed to admit it.

Perhaps some people’s preferences are naturally unusual, she thought that she liked Bi Hao because she liked Bi Hao, and then she realized that she just liked the ultimate pleasure, she did not lack food and clothing, but the body and mind were empty to the extreme, and the strong and powerful bodies of the demon beasts could just satisfy her, she did not feel that there was anything wrong with seeking a kind of satisfaction, but looking at the old tearful father she knew that she had guilt in her heart after all.

And it is clear that the father’s life at this moment is short.

She felt guilty and regretful at the same time, and looked at her father and couldn’t help but sigh softly, “Why is it like this?” What the hell is wrong with you? ”

Li Xiuyuan trembled and slightly stretched out his hand, touching his daughter’s face for the last time, like a loving father, if you ignore the strange dress between the two people, maybe it is really a harmonious scene of fatherly kindness and filial piety.

Bi Hao also saw it in the sky, the corners of his eyes were cold, and he couldn’t help but sigh lightly and said, “If there had been no such mistakes, maybe it wouldn’t have caused such an impact now, Li Xiuyuan wouldn’t have died, and the original Bi Hao wouldn’t have died.” ”

Phoenix turned her head, looked at him disapprovingly, and said, “Then, you and I will never meet.” ”

To be fair, she really likes this Bi Hao now more than the previous Bi Hao.

Bi Hao tilted his head and thought about it, “It is difficult to predict the impermanence of the world, and we don’t have much qualification to judge what the result will be, but it is just by relying on a heart.” ”

Phoenix tilted her head and smiled, “Don’t think too easily, there will be ghost Guanyin to deal with later, and I don’t know if we can survive this disaster.” ”

She was different from Bi Hao, Bi Hao felt that Ghost Guanyin was slightly stronger in the face of Ghost Guanyin, but her phoenix was close to the level of Bi Xiuzhen and Li Xiuyuan, and in the face of this fierce and courageous demon god, she naturally knew how terrible it should be.

Bi Hao was slightly stunned at first, and then there was a little more sadness in his eyes.

What if something really happened this time?

Bi Hao didn’t know what he was thinking in his heart, he could only have extremely complicated feelings, looking at the people in the sky.

What should I do?

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