“Well, you monkey, you dare to beat me, you see little master, how I clean you up, you must take your skin and take it to the roast meat to eat, look at your fur is not bad, little master, I just don’t have clothes, hey – right my clothes -”

Bi Hao originally just frightened the monkey, but he didn’t know why his ghost made the god send him to say those few words, he subconsciously touched himself, and actually found that he really didn’t make a wisp on his body, but instead of some golden fluff on his body.

He glanced at the fluff, then at the monkey, and couldn’t help but look at the face extremely hard, should he also become the same as these monkeys.

I’ll go! What this Manjushri Bodhisattva made him see was that he wanted to turn him into a monkey, and the god meow funny!

But it was clear that facts trumped words, and now Bi Hao had indeed become a monkey, because at the moment he was looking at the long waterfall and listening to his reflection in the water.

Now his face was full of fluff, and the whole Thunder Face Monster couldn’t see who he really was.

Bi Hao couldn’t help but look tangled up in the thought that the phoenix or his red-faced confidants would see what he looked like now, and it was estimated that he would have to laugh off his big teeth, although he had become a monkey, it was also a handsome and dashing monkey, of course, the shape was good, he did not dare to let people compliment, not to mention that he did not wear anything under his body, and the thing below hung in the air had some cool feeling of wind blowing eggs and eggs.

Bi Hao couldn’t help gritting his teeth and scolding that Manjushri Bodhisattva ten thousand times in his heart, but he also knew that Manjushri Bodhisattva had turned him into this way, not without intention, presumably because he wanted him to look at history or something, and at that moment he could only restrain his mind, suppress his dissatisfaction, and turn to look at the monkey who threw the stone at him, revealing a strange smile.

Then he swooped down in front of the monkey with excellent bouncing power, and before the monkey could react, he was trying to throw him a few more stones, but he was caught by Bi Hao.

Bi Hao stomped this skin-broken monkey on the soles of his feet, and then said with a triumphant smile, “Let you throw a stone, now Grandpa smash you with more than twenty bags, see if you dare to make a fuss!” ”

As a result, the monkey could only tie it up and scream, quite innocent and miserable.

Of course, Bi Hao was only talking about playing, this monkey’s mind was not open, although some of them were smart, but it was nothing, he did not really intend to fight them, but he had not eaten this monkey meat yet, looking at this little monkey’s tender skin, he did not know how it tasted.

Perhaps Bi Hao’s eyes were too explicit, and the monkey finally felt the sense of crisis screaming even more miserably, and the voice echoed in the valley one after another.

This is not a good thing, some monkeys have sneaked out from nowhere they know, a group of monkeys are looking at Bi Hao, Bi Hao grins and does not know what to say, this is a fight can not win, so find helpers?

Too rogue, Lao Tzu is alone, let Lao Tzu singled out a group of you, I go!

But Bi Hao also complained a few words in his heart, these monkeys look very old, not like this little monkey, there is no experience, so it is easy to be caught by him.

What’s more, at present, Bi Hao found that he didn’t seem to have any cultivation in this valley, and he couldn’t clean up these monkeys at all, so with kindness to people, this little monkey had better stay in his hands as a hostage, as for the other monkeys, see who runs fast!

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