The little monkey felt that Bi Hao wanted to take him as a hostage, and immediately squeaked and screamed particularly badly, and the old monkeys did not want to bear it any more, and one by one grabbed the rattan and rushed towards Bi Hao.

Bi Hao plucked out his ears, smiled, and ran away, he is not stupid, stay here and let you catch him.

This group of monkeys is not human, do not know how to communicate with them, in case of communication, whether he eats their monkey brain or they eat his human brain is another matter.

The little monkey was carried by Bi Hao in his hand, this little monkey is not heavy, more than 20 pounds of weight, Bi Hao can still afford to carry it, but now after running for a while, Bi Hao feels that his body has some weakness, and then look at the monkeys behind him, they obviously have a greater advantage than their own with the help of rattan, and they will soon catch up with him.

Bi Hao gritted his teeth, this group of monkeys, did not they really catch a small monkey in your family? He didn’t do anything to others, he had to kill them all, he gritted his teeth and thought about countermeasures in his heart.

But it is obvious that there are countermeasures under the policy, Bi Hao’s policy will definitely not be a good thing, when Bi Hao looked at the little monkey in his hand, hey hey smiled and said, “The little monkey is sorry, let you be the bait~”

So Bi Hao suddenly sprinted, running very fast, the little monkey in his hand had not yet reacted, and his scream was very miserable, which caused the elders to want to arrest people even more.

As a result, Bi Hao ran faster and faster but suddenly killed a return carbine, and quietly walked around the side where there were no monkeys chasing him.

This time, when he reached the waterfall, Bi Hao looked at the little monkey and suddenly laughed and said, “Little monkey, you said I roasted you now, will they know?” ”

Although those monkeys said that they had a little bit of spiritual wisdom, they were not very smart, and if they took a detour, they would be deceived by one or two, but their physical strength was better, and they didn’t expect that in this valley, his physical strength was so bad, it seemed that the previous cultivation and those increases obtained on the earth had all been stripped away.

Otherwise, with his physical fitness, even if he runs 100,000 meters, he will not have some panting.

The little monkey looked angrily at his paws and wanted to scratch him, Bi Hao easily dodged it, Bi Hao patted its head and said, “You better be honest, otherwise I can’t guarantee that when I eat the monkey brain, I will cook you first, or just eat it like this.” ”

This threat little monkey still understood, immediately trembling, looking at Bi Hao was very afraid, Bi Hao saw that this little monkey was well-behaved before he smiled and jumped into the water, this water is not particularly cold, perhaps because of the relationship between the fluff on the body.

Although Bi Hao did not know Surabaya, it was still possible to soar a few times in this water, but he did not expect that it would not take long before he suddenly encountered a large impact of the current.

It turned out that he had swum to the bottom of the waterfall.

Bi Hao frowned and asked if he wanted to go into the waterfall to have a look.

But this waterfall is not really quite grand, the sound of water rumbling, shocking his eardrums hurt, the little monkey seems to be accustomed to hearing this sound but did not show any repercussions, but lying on Bi Hao’s back is not very well-behaved, has been intentionally or unintentionally picking Bi Hao’s neck, Bi Hao can’t help but scold, “You move me again, I will drown you out of this water.” ”

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