Bi Hao looked at the little monkey and couldn’t help but laugh and said, “I didn’t know that your little monkey had such sharp teeth and sharp teeth, so why don’t you take me to see your king?” ”

The reason why he wanted to meet this great king was because Bi Hao guessed that this great king might be the Great Sage of Qi Tian, because in the legend of the earth, this great sage of Qi Tian was originally a monkey of Huaguo Mountain, and then it was because he made a bet with other monkeys and went through the waterfall to find the water curtain cave before he became the king of Huaguo Mountain.

Then it is very likely that this Huaguo Mountain has long been occupied by the Qi Tian Great Sage, and he came to this timeline just after the appearance of the Qi Tian Grand Sage, and as a result, the little monkey said with a worried face, “No, but I am in a very annoyed mood now, if you go to see him, you will definitely be kicked out by him and beaten up.” ”

“Is your king very fierce?” Why did he hit me? Bi Hao asked with some puzzlement, the legend on the earth, Qi Tian Dasheng is obviously not the kind of monkey who will take the gas under his hands.

As a result, the little monkey said with a look of fear, “Great King, he is the fiercest bull head on our side, every time he sleeps, several female monkeys have to accompany him, but every time after sleeping after the female monkeys come out, they are all wounded, I asked them and they did not say, Grandpa told me that it was because the king was angry, these monkeys made him angry, and the result was to be punished like this.” ”

Bi Hao’s scalp tingled, isn’t this place a flower and fruit mountain? Why is its owner a bull’s head, is this actually the place where the Bull Demon King of the Great Saint was located, but the place where the Bull Demon King was located was a ridge, not a mountain?

He really couldn’t figure it out, but at this time the little monkey pushed him and said, “You better hurry up, Grandpa, they can’t find me and I’ll be back soon, you stay here, be careful that when they come back, they find that you are a foreign monkey, and arrest you and sacrifice it to the king!” ”

Bi Hao smiled and said, “Then you don’t go with me?” ”

The little monkey shook his head and said, “Why am I going with you, you took me away, I went with you, then I’m not an idiot?!” ”

Bi Hao rolled his eyes and began to deceive, “Then is this king good to you?” ”

The little monkey bit his mouth and said, “The king is not good for us, but usually he has not bullied me, but he often scolds Grandpa and them…”

“Then why don’t you come with me?” If you go with me, maybe I can protect you.” Bi Hao smiled and said.

The little monkey was first moved, and then suddenly firmer, he shook his head and said, “No, I will not go, Grandpa told me that our real king will soon return, the real king is now on an errand in the heavenly court, and when he returns, we will be saved by the monkey mountain, so we don’t have to be bullied by this minotaur king!” ”

Bi Hao was secretly shocked, this plot seemed to suddenly go back on the right track, the legend on the earth, at this time Qi Tian Dasheng should be in the Heavenly Court as a bow Ma Wen came, so he pressed his excitement and quietly asked the little monkey, “Your great king, what is the name of the real big king?” ”

The little monkey said with a look of course, “Our great king is called Qi Tian Great Saint Sun Wukong!” ”

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