Bi Hao was almost not shocked by this sentence and jumped out of the water at once, but fortunately, his water quality was good, and this little monkey did not feel anything when he was used to soaking in the waterfall.

The little monkey looked at him questioningly and said, “Why have you been asking about our mountain, are you sent by the Heavenly Court for this alien monkey?” ”

Bi Hao shook his head and said, “You see that I look similar to you, can I be sent by the Heavenly Court?” ”

While saying this, Bi Hao felt a little depressed in his heart, he was also a man with an extraordinary appearance, and now he inexplicably became a monkey, and the most important thing is that this monkey still has to go and compare with other little monkeys, how to think and how to hold back.

But it is clear that this sentence has won the approval of the little monkey,

The little monkey looked him up and down and said, “Well, you look about the same as me, and you’re certainly not a bad person sent by the Heavenly Court.” ”

It was this sentence that made Bi Hao discover a new opportunity, and Bi Hao carefully asked, “Why are all the people in the Heavenly Court bad people?” Isn’t your king also on duty in the heavenly court? ”

The little monkey shook his head and said, “The Great King is a good man, but those in the Heavenly Court are all bad people, every day they come to our Great King to go to the Heavenly Court as an errand boy, but the Great King did not go once, and the last time it seems that the Great King’s teacher Bodhi Laozu was arrested by the Jade Emperor, and asked our Great King to go on an errand for them, otherwise, they would kill Bodhi Laozu, and our Great King had no choice but to go, and they also let our Great King be a bow horse Wen!” It’s really too much, and it’s a horse herder when you hear it! ”

The little monkey said that the righteous indignation, Bi Hao also listened to the horror, this plot is completely a revision of the Journey to the West on the earth, but the plot of the Journey to the West on the earth is written more subtly, this is completely the fault of the heavenly court, did not expect that Qi Tiandasheng in this world is actually a good teenager who is not afraid of power.

“Do you think our king will come back?” Grandpa always told me that the king would come back, but I have been waiting for 30 years, the king still has not returned, these years to see the minotaur king has been oppressing us like this, I don’t know what to do, I want to escape, but I dare not escape, the minotaur king, his mana is particularly strong, you just said to take me to escape, but I am afraid of affecting you, so I still do not escape. The little monkey thanked Nono for his words.

Bi Hao could feel its body trembling, knowing that what this little monkey said was true, and his heart was cold at the time, so he said with a cold face, “Rest assured, this great king I will help you clean up, I will let you have a good life in the future.” Although it was only in the illusion at the moment, Bi Hao absolutely could not tolerate the existence of bullying and weak things.

The little monkey shook his head and said, “You still give up, it is impossible to help us clean up this Minotaur King, this Minotaur King, his strength is second only to Qi Tian Dasheng, you can’t win him, you don’t want to put your own life into it at the end, I can’t collect the corpse for you.” The little monkey said this and was about to cry.

Bi Hao listened amusedly, he might not be able to win any Qi Tian Dasheng, but for the Bull Demon King, such a second-rate goods to pack up casually? It’s just that now he still has to wait for the system upgrade to be completed, and when the system upgrade is completed, Bi Hao believes that this Bull Demon King is just a small role in front of him.

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