The little female monkey did not expect that after she mentioned the Qi Tian Dasheng, Bi Hao’s eyes would suddenly reveal a kind of emotion that could be called excitement, as a small female monkey who was not deeply involved in the world, naturally did not understand where Bi Hao’s excitement came from, but looking at Bi Hao was actually quite good-looking, in line with her aesthetics as a little fairy of the monkey clan, so Mei Zizi said, “Since you want to marry me, then you will be my monkey husband, and you must be kind to me.” ”

Bi Hao was stunned for a moment and cried and laughed, what should he say, said that he didn’t want to marry you at all, you are a monkey, I am a human, we are sorry for the little girl, you go to find other monkeys, I am really a person!

But in this way, will it hurt the heart of the little monkey in front of you too much?

At that moment, he could only smile bitterly and say, “Well, I’ll marry.” ”

I don’t know if there are any sequelae after marrying, but I heard the little monkey say that the first little female monkey in their clan can follow several monkeys, then after marrying it, it should not be too much of a jerk, if this little female monkey really wants to follow him, I don’t know what to do, and it is not very convenient to act in the future.

But thinking that this was just an illusion, but there was nothing, so he was relieved.

At first, the little female monkey thought that Bi Tian was going to repent, and her mood was still very worried, but now when she heard Bi Hao’s serious answer, she was happy, and then said excitedly, “Since you promised me, then you are not allowed to play with Lai, we pull the hook.” ”

Saying that the little female monkey stretched out her paws, the little paws were more delicate than the average monkey, Bi Hao also smiled and pulled a hook with her, and couldn’t help but complain about why he was so childish.

Between the two people talking, the grandfather of the little female monkey was already greeting Bi Hao to pass, and the elder of the monkey clan was very wise, looking like he was very old, but no matter how old the monkey was, he could not compare with the intelligence of humans.

At that moment, he could only smile slightly, and said to the elder of the monkey clan, “Hello.” ”

The Elder Elder looked at him happily and said, “You should change your mouth in the future, so that my grandfather knows?” ”

Speaking in a rather dignified tone.

Bi Hao smiled bitterly and thought about how it was a bit like the way the son-in-law came to his mother’s house, and the father-in-law gave the face to the face?

This look is quite strange, but Bi Hao can’t say anything, after all, he has hooked up with other people’s little granddaughters, but this is really not what he sincerely wants to hook up.

Inexplicably, he wanted to marry a female monkey, and no one would be happy, if it were not for this little female monkey’s appetite for him, even if Bi Hao threw this place away, he would not have married.

The elder of the Monkey Clan saw Bi Hao’s embarrassment, and immediately narrowed his eyes slightly, “Don’t you really want to marry my family’s little granddaughter?” ”

Bi Hao gritted his teeth, really did not want to harm this little female monkey for life, so he said sincerely to the monkey clan elder, “Yes, I don’t want to marry her, because I am a foreign monkey, I have no feelings for her, I only met today, and the monkey you chased is me, I think you should also know this, now you want to marry her to me… I’m sorry, I can’t marry her, I don’t like her, and I don’t want to delay her for the rest of my life. ”

The elder grandfather was stunned for a moment, he didn’t expect Bi Hao to speak so bluntly, he smiled bitterly and said, “Do you know that we have a Minotaur King here who is worried that it will not be good to survive here in the future?” ”

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