Bi Hao was stunned for a moment, he didn’t expect the Monkey Clan Elder to be so reasonable, and he didn’t even blame him, but asked him why, and then he smiled bitterly and said, “Actually, no, it’s just because I and the little female monkey, although the two people are quite able to talk, but there are too many differences between the two of us to tell the truth.” ”

He didn’t dare to tell this monkey clan elder that he was human, seeing that these monkeys hated the human race no less than the minotaur king, and he was also quite disgusted with those monkey dealers, and if he said that he was a human, he might not be able to approach them.

So at that moment he had to say with a bitter smile, “I am not a greedy person who is afraid of death, but I don’t want to delay her life, because we only know each other today, and there is not much contact between the two people, I am afraid, what if she does not like me after becoming a parent?” Although she is very smart and very lively, I don’t want to delay her life, and everyone is happy now, but what if she doesn’t like me in the future? ”

Bi Hao’s words were extremely sincere.

Grandpa was stunned for a moment, obviously did not expect Bi Hao to have such a long-term vision, he said with a bitter smile, “It turns out that you are more thoughtful than I thought.” ”

But then his tone also became sharp, “But my little granddaughter is now telling me that it is not that you are not married, how do you let me be good, or else, the two of you will be together for a while, and today you will not be married, if the two of you think it is very good to be together, it is not too late to clarify.” ”

Bi Hao breathed a sigh of relief as he said this, and then he asked with concern, “Is she going to be angry with that little guy?” ”

The Monkey Clan Elder smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t be angry if I go and tell her.” ”

Bi Hao was relieved, although this little female monkey was bent on helping her, but the eyes that looked at him were colorful, he knew, he was worried that this little female monkey would really like him, after all, this female monkey and human emotions he did not understand, but since the elder was willing to help him solve this matter, then he was also relieved.

He looked at the elder and suddenly thought of a very serious question, “Elder, I came this time to help you solve the Minotaur King, don’t you know what weaknesses this Minotaur King has?” ”

Since this elder will become a member of his own family in the future, it should not hurt to tell him these things now.

Bi Hao thought so, but the elder suddenly looked at him and said, “You actually want to solve the First King, what are you?” ”

“But from under the throne of Bodhidharma.” Bi Hao wanted to brag to the end, that he simply had the whole big bull.

“Bodhi Old Ancestor is under the throne, but isn’t Bodhi Old Ancestor already dead?”

Bi Hao was slightly stunned, he did not expect that in the myths and legends of the earth, the mighty Bodhi Old Ancestor was actually dead, whether he had been killed by the Heavenly Court, he did not understand.

He said, “Yes, after this Bodhi Ancestor died, I wandered around, and when I heard that there were traces of Qi Tian Dasheng here, I looked for him, but I didn’t expect that now Huaguo Mountain has been occupied, and only the Minotaur King here has no Qi Tian Dasheng, but this Minotaur King I am confident that I can solve him, because Bodhi Lao Zu taught me a lot of spells, and I believe that I am not worse than my brother Qi Tian Dasheng.” ”

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