“Could it be that something big has changed in the sky?” The old elder couldn’t help but think to himself secretly, while looking at Bi Hao’s frowning look, he couldn’t help but shake his head slightly, “Something must have happened above the Heavenly Court, should it be that our Great Sage has fought down again?” ”

Bi Hao keenly noticed that he had said this word again, so he said incomprehensibly, “What is called again, has the Great Saint Lord attacked the Heavenly Court many times before?” ”

The old monkey’s face suddenly showed a proud color, and said, “That’s right, before our great sage led us monkey monkey grandchildren to fight the Heavenly Palace, beat the Heavenly Palace to the chicken and dog restless, but later the people of the Heavenly Palace wanted to recruit An, and the Great Sage also felt sorry for the damage of our monkeys, and agreed, and as a result, I went to do a bow Ma Wen, and I don’t know what position this Bow Ma Wen is, I have always wondered if the Great Saint Master has been bullied in the Heavenly Palace, why has he not come to see us for so many years, the heavens have been on the ground for a year, It has only been three days since our great saint had been there, but more than thirty years have passed on our earthly world! ”

The old man’s sad face when he said these words was that he thought that it was the abuse of these years, and it also made him feel very uncomfortable in his heart.

Bi Hao couldn’t help but sigh, time is like shuttle, years are weaving, but according to legend, this heavenly palace cannot really exist, how can there be such a magical time flow rate? It must be because there was some strange acceleration method above that Heavenly Palace.

Immediately, Bi Hao’s mind came alive.

At this time, the fire clouds in the sky did not dissipate, but continued to spread out and stained the whole sky red, and the fiery red sky made people look scared, and the monkeys chirped and cried, and the scream was really disturbing.

At this time, the little female monkey trembled and walked over and pulled Bi Hao and said, “My head hurts so much.” Bi Hao couldn’t help but look at her head but noticed something moving in her head.

No, there shouldn’t be any small animals in this brain, right? But is there really such a thing?

He couldn’t help but frown to look carefully, but found that the back of the little female monkey’s head became exceptionally hot, and the old monkey looked at it and said worriedly, “Is there any vision in this sky that is going to happen?” ”

At this time, the back of the little female monkey’s head became more and more piping, and Bi Hao had no doubt that he could roast the egg by putting an egg on it, but at this time, the little female monkey suddenly rolled on the ground, touching the back of his head and screaming, “The brain hurts so much and hurts so much -”

Bi Hao hurt her and hurriedly pulled her up, but was opened by the little female monkey, and Bi Hao looked at her with some embarrassment and did not know what to do.

Grandpa Monkey was also very distressed to see, but the little female monkey now did not recognize the appearance of six relatives, no one dared to go close, for fear that one accidentally let her herself be injured by mistake, so what to do?

The other monkeys were also quiet at this time, and the color of the fire clouds in the sky gradually turned black, until it became a color like black charcoal, while the little female monkey lay on the ground after a period of struggle, dying, her eyes turned white, but there were some strange changes in her body.

Those long fluffy hairs, golden yellow, originally very cute in color, but at this time they began to fall off one by one.

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