Bi Hao couldn’t help but withdraw her hand, not expecting her face to be so tender that she just lightly touched it and turned red, this is to say that she kissed it, it must not break a layer of skin.

After thinking about it, Bi Hao shook his head and threw those unrealistic ideas out of his mind.

At this time, the fire clouds above the sky still hadn’t dissipated, the sky was black and oppressive, and there were some small bugs and other things in the grass that were all bounced off by Bi Hao.

Now the little female monkey is the appearance of a human girl, and he does not know whether he will scream in fear when he sees these small insects, so he had to lie on the side and wait for the little female monkey to wake up, but after waiting for a long time, the little female monkey did not wake up.

At this time, according to the calculation of the duration, it should have been dark, but the sky was still the same.

Bi Hao knew what must have happened in the Heavenly Palace, but he didn’t know the specifics, could it really be that the Great Saint was making a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace?

On second thought, his conjecture was very likely.

According to the calculation of the timeline, it was impossible for him to teleport to a place far away from the timeline in which the Qi Tian Great Sage appeared, otherwise, he would be even more wasted of time if he wanted to see the original truth, so he would definitely appear in a place where the timeline was relatively close to the appearance of the Qi Tian Grand Sage, and it was very likely that in two days the Qi Tian Great Saint would appear.

At that moment, he looked at the little female monkey again and sighed, not knowing how this monkey family could have such a ridiculous prophecy.

A monkey girl becomes a human girl, and then falls in love with the best people of the monkey tribe.

But it is clear that each race has its own beliefs. Although he did not believe, he could not attack the beliefs of other races, otherwise he would be knocked on the head by the monkey elders with a stick.

But in the face of such a thing, Bi Hao is also very helpless, he has always adhered to the principle that feudal superstition cannot be advocated, but after experiencing so many things, he knows that although feudal superstition in this world is not credible, there are really some people who have such a powerful strength, maybe the prophecy of the monkey tribe is the prophecy handed down by a powerful person thousands of years ago.

Maybe this thing will really come true, then if you are now slashing out for love, whether it will disrupt the development of history, what will the final result look like, and if you do this, you will definitely stand against the Qi Heaven Great Sage.

Is this really the right thing to do? He couldn’t help but get worried.

Bi Hao didn’t expect that Qi Tian Dasheng hadn’t yet appeared, he was already confused, and he immediately laughed helplessly, he really didn’t expect that he would be affected by these things now.

Perhaps because his own strength could not be played in the illusion, he felt a little sincerely afraid, and he did not know how to go for the future.

How long did this situation not appear, or when he didn’t get the system, when he was a chaotic teenager, he couldn’t help it, Bi Hao began to recall the past, thinking of the earth thinking of the cultivation world, he couldn’t help but show a smile.

At this time he felt a fiery gaze watching him, and he looked down to see that the little female monkey had woken up.

When the little female monkey closed her eyes before, those eyes were already very beautiful, and now when she opened them, those big eyes seemed to be able to speak, which was even more beautiful.

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