Chapter 317: The Little Female Monkey Throws Her Arms and Gives Hugs

Bi Hao was slightly flustered by the little female monkey’s gaze, so he smiled and said, “What are you doing looking at me like this?” Don’t know me anymore? ”

The little female monkey tilted her head and looked at him and said, “Why do I think you are so ugly now?” ”

Unexpectedly, the first words that the little female monkey woke up to say were actually like this, and Bi Hao almost fainted on the ground.

Sure enough, the aesthetics of this monkey tribe are not the same as the aesthetics of the human race, and this sentence of the little female monkey is really breaking Bi Hao’s heart.

What is called a cool heart, a soaring heart, Bi Hao now knows.

Seeing that Bi Hao’s face showed the color of affection, the little mother queen burst out laughing and said, “I was teasing you, I really didn’t expect that the feeling of seeing the world after becoming a human race would be even more different.” ”

Bi Hao couldn’t help but say, “What’s the difference feeling?” ”

“Let’s have a wider view,” the little female monkey stood up and turned around and then smiled and groaned.

“Wider view?”

Bi Hao couldn’t help but smile. “That’s because you were too short before.”

At that time, the little female monkey was two heads shorter than Bi Hao, and the current little female monkey was only 10 centimeters shorter than Bi Hao, of course, the field of vision was wider, and when she heard this sentence, the little female monkey’s face blushed indisputably and said, “Can you blame me?” And it’s not because you guys are too tall. ”

Bi Hao looked at her with a smile and said, “Then how do you feel when you grow taller now?” ”

The little female monkey bit her finger and said, “I feel that you monkeys look so ugly now.” ”

Bi Hao said with some sadness, “Can you not say this, in fact, when I became a human, I should have been very handsome.” ”

The little female monkey chuckled and said, “I don’t believe it.” ”

Bi Hao couldn’t help but smile and said, “Since you don’t believe it, forget it.” ”

When you see Lao Tzu really become a human, he doesn’t look like he will turn you into a trance, Bi Hao said proudly in his heart.

The little female monkey saw that Bi Hao’s face was a little bad, so she tentatively comforted him and said, “You won’t take it seriously, I’m joking.” ”

Bi Hao snorted and said, “I’m just taking it seriously now, I’m a little angry.” ”

The little female monkey also said happily, “Then I am going to marry you now, why are you still angry with me?” I’ll ignore you when you’re angry like this!” ”

Bi Hao said with some surprise, “How do you know that you are going to marry me, are you just pretending to be dizzy?” ”

The little female monkey shook her head and said, “I’m not pretending to be dizzy, it’s just that just now I can hear the outside world but I can’t wake up immediately, and I don’t know why someone may have controlled my brain.” ”

The little female monkey said with a confused face, “I just had someone in my head repeating something, my name is Zixia or something.” ”

Bi Hao simply didn’t know what to say, what was the situation of this illusion, why even the Zixia Fairy, something that originally only existed in the TV series, did Zhou Dagang his script be based on real events, this is also too unreliable!

Surprised and surprised, what should be done is still to be done, so Bi Hao looked at her seriously and asked, “Is there anything uncomfortable about you now, if it is uncomfortable, I will check it for you.” ”

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