The little female monkey looked at him with a flushed face and said. “I won’t let you check it out for me, you’re a bad guy.”

Bi Hao felt that he was quite innocent, why did he inexplicably become a bad person, and he was just shocked by what she said, how could the Purple Xia Fairy suddenly appear, could it not be, is there really such a thing as a supreme treasure in this world?

He was thinking to himself, and the little monkey covered his stomach and said with a look of grievance, “I’m hungry, I want to eat.” ”

Bi Hao thought about it for a while and felt a little hungry, but as a half-way monkey, he didn’t know how to get things, and then he took a look at the little female monkey, and now the delicate appearance of the human girl, how could he bear to let the little female monkey bring him something to eat, so he had to shake his head and say, “Then I will go to find you food and you obediently don’t move here.” ”

The little female monkey pulled him aside and said, “Then you have to be careful.” There are many traps in this side of the flower and fruit mountain. ”

The little female monkey’s hand is very soft, if there is no bone, pulling Bi Hao, Bi Hao feels that his heart is racing, and there seems to be a faint fragrance on the little female monkey’s body

In fact, the little female monkey does not want to do it herself, but she does not have the light body of the monkey to swing around in this place now, she is afraid that she will be broken, and now the skin is really tender and smooth, she herself can’t help but touch hard, how can she do those chores again?

Bi Hao couldn’t help but squeeze her face and said, “Then you wait for me, you have to be obedient.” ”

The little female monkey nodded obediently and said, “Well, I will.” ”

Bi Hao looked at the well-behaved appearance of the little female monkey and couldn’t help but kiss her lightly on the face, not because he was frivolous, but the little female monkey’s appearance was so cute that any man would not be able to hold on to such a human girl.

After the little female monkey was kissed by Bi Hao, she did not resist at all, but instead stretched out her face and said, “I will kiss again.” ”

Bi Hao took a look at her blown-and-break cheek, although he kissed her to make a red mark but there was no broken skin, so he relaxed his heart and kissed her face again, and then said, “This is the seal I put on you, you are not allowed to run around.” ”

The little female monkey touched the saliva on her face, smiled silly and said, “Rest assured, I am very well-behaved, I will not mess around.” ”

“Well, I know you’re good, but after all, there are a lot of monkeys over here who don’t know that you’ve become a human girl, and you’d better hide yourself a little bit, and if they do something to you, you’d better go to your grandfather to know?” Bi Hao still couldn’t help frowning and repeatedly admonishing.

“Oh, since you can’t trust me so much, why don’t you take me with you?” The little female monkey really couldn’t stand Bi Hao’s nagging, so she pulled Bi Hao’s arm and began to shake and say, “Then you take me to play together, I will give you the way, lest you get lost when the time comes, and what if you can’t find me when you come back?” ”

Bi Hao thought that this was indeed a foolproof solution, so he nodded and said, “Then you are not allowed to toss around.” ”

The little female monkey said with a firm face, “You can rest assured, I will never cause trouble for you to make trouble, I will cause trouble for you, and I will strike thunder and thunder in the sky.” ”

As she said that, she pointed her hand to the sky, and as a result, she frowned slightly as she looked at the burning clouds in the sky.

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