Bi Xiuzhen looked up and saw that the ghost Guanyin and Bi Hao were on the same horizontal line, and both of them were still at the moment, as if they were trapped in the void of time and space, and everything was forbidden.

This was a very strange scene, Bi Xiuzhen couldn’t help but frown slightly, looked at the phoenix and said, “What’s the situation?” How did it all of a sudden? ”

Phoenix also said helplessly, “I don’t know.” “If she knew, she wouldn’t have looked so confused.”

At this time, Li Ting, who had been holding her father’s body and crying, also stopped crying, she flew up and looked at Bi Hao, she walked over and pulled Bi Hao’s eyelids away a little, but found that Bi Hao’s eyes were in a state of chaos.

She furrowed her brows slightly, and said, “These two people should have fallen into the illusion, and it is obviously an opposing illusion, that is, this ghost Guanyin is now adding an illusion to Bi Hao’s body, and then letting Bi Hao enter, and this ghost Guanyin is also in a state of mental emptiness at this moment in order to maintain this illusion, and the spirits of the two people should now be in an illusion, and their bodies are just empty shells.” ”

Li Ting’s father, Li Xiuyuan, is a space person, and the explanation she gave is obviously very reliable.

When Bi Xiuzhen heard this, he was immediately anxious, “Then there is no way to save Bi Hao, what should I do if something goes wrong?” ”

At this moment, he no longer had the calm of that cultivation first but only the worry of a father.

Li Ting shook her head and said, “This Guanyin has no ill will toward Bi Hao, his illusion will not hurt Bi Hao, but now the bodies of the two people we need to watch, lest there be unscrupulous people to rob the bodies of the two of them, although they can’t grab the body of this ghost Guanyin, but Bi Hao’s body allows them to take advantage of the void, or it can be done to know Bi Hao’s body, that is the treasure that countless people want.” ”

Speaking of these words, Bi Xiuzhen suddenly woke up, and he quickly nodded his head and said, “Yes, I understand, so what should I do next?” ”

Li Ting looked at Bi Xiuzhen with some hesitation and said, “I’ll go back and bury my father first, you two will stay here, and when Bi Hao wakes up, you let him personally come and get that Ruyi Divine Needle.” ”

She tampered with her father’s last wish without permission, but at this moment, Bi Xiu was really concerned about his son, and did not care about these things, but just nodded and said, “Well, if Bi Hao can wake up, I will definitely let him go to your place to get the Dinghai God Needle.” ”

Li Ting took one last look at Bi Hao, walked over to him and couldn’t help but kiss him on the cheek.

The phoenix beside him was furious and said, “Why don’t you go to your demon beast husband and stay with the man who came to kiss Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu fought with you, do you believe it?” ”

Phoenix’s words were extremely hot, but Li Ting only looked at her lightly and said, “You are so hot, no one wants it.” ”

Phoenix snorted disdainfully and said, “That’s better than a woman like you who has been stabbed by a demon beast.” ”

Her words poked at Li Ting’s sore spots, but Li Ting just smiled indifferently and said, “Yes, you are right, I am indeed a woman who can do her best, but I have my own goals, and you, the former proud daughter of heaven, will only circle around a man, ridiculous.” ”

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