Bi Xiuzhen looked at Bi Hao in the sky and couldn’t help but feel deeply worried.

At this time, the dispute between Li Ting and Phoenix and the two women continued, and Phoenix said not to be outdone, “I have no faith, but now I have a man, what do you have?” What else can you do besides holding your demon husband and screaming vigorously? ”

Bi Xiuzhen heard the shame on his face, and really did not expect that the words spoken by a woman who usually looked extremely gentle in the phoenix could be so fierce.

Bi Xiuzhen couldn’t help but feel a little sad for Bi Hao’s future days, but he immediately thought about it and was relieved, and the possessiveness in Phoenix’s bones was a very good thing for Bi Hao.

This shows that the phoenix really loves Bi Hao miserably, and will change from a proud woman of heaven to a clingy kitten.

I just don’t know if this transformation is good or bad for Bi Hao.

Li Ting also began to sneer, “What you said is really grandiose, a man who would like a woman like you, in addition to looking a little better, a little bigger, and a little cocked ass, what advantages do you have for telling me?” ”

Not to be outdone, Phoenix stood up her full chest and said proudly, “What you said is all my strengths, how can I not accept it?” ”

Li Ting was choked up, on the figure she is indeed not as good as the phoenix’s body, Bi Hao will choose the phoenix is also beyond reproach, but she just kissed Bi Hao, really just to remember her past, and from now on he and Bi Hao’s identity is no longer the same, she will become the new mountain lord of Kun Tong Mountain, wait until she wants to do something with Bi Hao in the future, it will be even more impossible, and now that her identity is already like this, can’t she remember the past? It turned out that this stinky woman of the phoenix was so aggressive, which was really annoying.

Phoenix didn’t bother to care about Li Ting’s mental journey, just said with a cold smile, “I don’t care about your previous affairs, and I don’t care about your previous entanglements with him, but if you are a man who covets the old woman, I will tear your skin for you, don’t forget, you can’t beat me.” ”

Bi Xiuzhen looked at Bi Hao’s bloodless face while feeling deeply worried about Bi Hao, the phoenix was really too fierce, if Bi Hao was not easy to control, I was afraid that there would be many incidents in the future.

But when he thought of the phoenix’s well-behaved appearance in front of Bi Hao, he was instantly relieved.

His own son is so excellent, and it is very in line with Phoenix’s concept of mate selection, and Phoenix will fall out with Bi Hao if he is stupid.

After all, Bi Xiuzhen could only look up at Li Ting and said coldly, “Originally, Phoenix and my son were already husband and wife, and you did it too much, and you didn’t put the phoenix in your eyes.” ”

Li Ting snorted and said rather proudly, “I didn’t put her in my eyes in the first place, which onion is she?” ”

When Phoenix heard this, she immediately widened her beautiful big eyes and said in disbelief, “Lao Tzu believed in your evil, do you believe that Lao Tzu will kill you now?” ”

Li Ting smiled and said, “If you kill me, you will completely feud with Kun Tongshan.” ”

Hearing this sentence Phoenix hesitated.

Killing a Li Ting is a small matter, and the Kuntong Mountain is a big trouble, although the strength is different from the past, but the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, if it really launches a madness, although the Kun Tong Mountain will be seriously injured, but they will definitely not be much better than Mount Meru.

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