Between the two people chatting, Bi Hao saw that there was a very huge cowhide seat in the water curtain cave, Bi Hao couldn’t help squinting slightly, the other arrangements in this water curtain hole were very simple, only this cowhide seat was very exquisite, and at a glance, he knew that it was the throne of the cowhide king.

So at that moment, Bi Hao went over and reached over and touched the cowhide seat, only to see that the cowhide seat trembled a little, and soon the cowhide seat began to move and squirm, shrinking continuously, and then became the shape of a cow.

This cow looks very petite and exquisite, but the figure makes people dare not compliment, the bull’s head body, the appearance is quite funny, let people want to laugh when they see it.

This look was too surprised, but Bi Hao suppressed the amazement he wanted to export, and he didn’t know if his stealth had been discovered by the Minotaur King, anyway, he only saw the cow, and the pair of bright yellow eyes looked around vigilantly, and then turned left and right, when the line of sight fell to Bi Hao, Bi Hao’s heart was lifted, but he did not expect that the Minotaur King just looked at it and hummed and continued to turn into a cowhide, lying on the seat to sleep.

Bi Hao wondered, no wonder this seat is a cowhide on it, he also wondered before, why the minotaur king would use his own kind of skin as a cushion, it turned out that this skin was the bull head king, Bi Hao really did not expect that this minotaur king could even sleep like this, but thinking about it, he was originally a cow turned into a cowhide, it seemed to make sense.

Just seeing the leather of the Minotaur King, Bi Hao couldn’t help but salivate a little, this is the skin of the Minotaur King, if this is pulled down to make a mat, I don’t know how comfortable it should be, and then Bi Hao’s careful thinking began to come alive.

This is also more firm, Bi Hao must suppress the mind of this minotaur king, this cowhide looks worth a lot of money, if it is made into a seat will certainly be very comfortable.

Bi Hao shook his head and quietly walked over, once again gently touching the cowhide seat.

As a result, I saw that the cowhide began to squirm, and soon turned into a petite and exquisite bull’s head of calf, the cow looked around in confusion, and then began to spit out, “What is the situation in the groove?” Why does it feel like someone is touching Lao Tzu all the time? Shouldn’t it be Lao Tzu with lice? ”

Upon hearing that this Minotaur King might have lice on his body, Bi Hao looked at his hand with great disgust and wiped it on his body.

It’s dirty.

As a result, at this time, the Minotaur King’s gaze suddenly looked over to Bi Hao’s side, according to his thoughts, this side always felt that someone was watching him but did not know who it was, the Minotaur King thought that he should not come to seek revenge, and immediately sat up and sniffed with his nose very solemnly.

But I didn’t smell anything.

The cattle’s sense of smell was very sharp, but Bi Hao was not a vegetarian, and he had asked before coming in that the invisibility potion could completely erase any smell.

Seeing that the old cow’s nose was now smelling everywhere Bi Hao couldn’t help but want to laugh, and even couldn’t help but want to tease him, so Bi Hao quietly and silently walked behind him, raised his feet, and kicked at the cow’s ass, as a result, the cow didn’t brake and the car fell down at once, lying on the ground and falling to the ground with a funny look that made Bi Hao can’t help but laugh.

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