This laughter made the Minotaur’s back tingle, his scalp tingling, and he looked around and shouted, “What the hell is playing tricks on me, get me out.” ”

However, Bi Hao just did not come out, he just wanted to put great pressure on the Minotaur King in this way and let him not attack himself.

Think about a person who has been around you but has not spoken, that is, from time to time to tease you, and then make a soft laugh, this kind of thing will feel very strange and scalp tingling no matter who encounters it.

At this moment, the Minotaur King had encountered it, and he felt very strange and terrifying, but after all, he was a Minotaur King, and he also had a certain amount of cultivation, so he immediately opened his spiritual power and scanned around.

Bi Hao was not at all worried that it would scan himself.

Because the spiritual power of this Minotaur King was scanned by the kind of people who had cultivation and cultivation, Bi Hao’s cultivation was all from another world, in this world Bi Hao belonged to no cultivation, and in this illusionary realm, Bi Hao’s strength in this world was all stripped away.

Therefore, now Bi Hao is equivalent to a person who has not cultivated, and he has become invisible to this Minotaur King, even if he can’t scan it again.

Sure enough, the Minotaur King scanned up and down without dying, but nothing was scanned, and immediately he said in frustration, “Who is the high man who is teasing me, please come out quickly, the little brother is willing to put wine to make amends.” ”

Bi Hao couldn’t help but sneer in his heart, if he really came out, he would definitely turn his face immediately when he saw that he was a person who had not cultivated, the minds of these people were very sinister, and Bi Hao did not easily be deceived, but smiled coldly and continued to maintain this means of frightening people to death.

He sneered softly again, and then kicked the Minotaur’s ass, and the Minotaur King was frightened by such an action, and the naked eye could see that its fur was trembling.

Bi Hao pondered his own method, and it was really effective, and he immediately smiled coldly.

“Who is the high man?” Please hurry up and talk to your little brother—” The Minotaur began to kneel on the ground and beg for forgiveness.

He has self-awareness, his own spiritual power can not be scanned out of the cultivation of people will definitely be much higher than him, and now he is invisible, he has no way at all, that person wants to clean up how to clean up after himself, if a sword kills himself, he does not have the ability to resist, now only to ask for forgiveness, maybe there is a glimmer of life.

Bi Hao did not expect that this cow was so shameless, and immediately knelt on the ground and begged for forgiveness, so Bi Hao smiled coldly and began to pinch his throat, pretending to be unpredictable.

“I am the ghost of the female monkeys you killed—I came to avenge you—”

Sure enough, the cow fainted when he heard this, and he lay on the ground and said, “It is impossible and impossible, how can you be the ghost of the female monkeys I killed – no, no– I have never killed a female monkey – I have done nothing, I have not done these bad things, I do not know -”

At this time, Bi Hao looked at the data of the Minotaur King through systematic analysis and couldn’t help but sigh lightly.

At this moment, his heart was extremely angry, and he was eager to drag the monkey elder out and beat him to death.

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