Chapter 449 Na Jie’s Request

What do you mean by that? I didn’t understand it too well, can you explain it to me? Bi Hao opened his mouth, not knowing what Na Jie meant by what she said.

Na Jie looked at him and smiled slightly, “The world you are staying in now is called the Buddha World, as for how you came in, I don’t know, I have to ask yourself, but I tell you, the Buddha World is a secret place, the characters here, every character is a ghost.” ”

“Every character is a ghost…” Bi Hao opened his mouth and was speechless, and after a moment he said in a daze, “That means that the you I see now are also revenants.” ”

As a result, Na Jie shook her head with a faint smile and said, “How is that possible, boy, I tell you, I am a space traveler, wandering in all corners of this world, I am a living person, but none of the other people are alive, these are the souls that died thirty thousand years ago, their souls are now condensed in the world of Buddha, how this world of Buddhas was formed, I don’t know, but I can tell you that this world is very dangerous, you enter this world, I don’t know what purpose you have.” But I want to remind you that once you have the opportunity to escape, leave immediately, do not covet the so-called interests, you yourself survive is the best. ”

Na Jie’s tone was quite sincere.

But Bi Hao was difficult to accept.

He could accept that the little wooden wood in front of him was just an illusion, but he could not accept that the small wooden wood in front of him was actually a ghost, which meant that such a naïve and lovely little wooden wood actually existed tens of thousands of years ago, and it was cruelly destroyed in the end, even now her ghost is still here to mourn miserably, tormented by reincarnation, which is simply too creepy.

Bi Hao felt that his back was very cold, and he opened his mouth and said, “It was Manjushri Bodhisattva who brought me to this secret realm. ”

He thought for a moment and then said, “I don’t know what his intentions are, but he has now become a ghost in our world.” ”

When Sister Na heard this, her eyes suddenly revealed an extremely unbelievable look, and then her eyes were very frightened, and then Sister Na sat on the ground again, leaned against the stump, and then smiled slightly, “I really didn’t expect that even Manjushri Bodhisattva had become a ghost Guanyin, and it seems that there is no god or Buddha in this world.” ”

“Is the God Buddha very powerful?” Bi Hao asked cautiously, in his eyes he had always thought that the gods and Buddhas were those who cultivated very high, but now he found that this god and Buddha seemed to refer to another layer of meaning.

They seem to have reached another level, a whole new level and very powerful, and it should not be said that they are far above these levels of cultivation today.

Bi Hao suddenly remembered that Bi Xiuzhen had said that after the Mahayana period, he always wanted to enter a new realm, but he was always stuck in the bottleneck and could not break through for a long time.

At this time, Bi Hao’s heart trembled slightly, and he suddenly remembered a very incredible thing.

“Sister Na, can I ask you one thing?”

Bi Hao looked at her and asked, “Thirty thousand years ago, did the cultivation world have a Heavenly Dao?” ”

“Heavenly Path? What is this thing? Sister Na’s face showed an extremely dazed expression, “You people after thirty thousand years can really play, even this kind of thing can be made.” ”

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