Chapter 450 It turns out that the Heavenly Dao was never there

Bi Hao’s heart fluttered with irrepressible excitement, 30,000 years ago there was no Heavenly Dao in this world, that is to say, the Heavenly Dao existed later, that is to say, after 30,000 years, the reason why this world will have the Heavenly Dao is because there are people in this world who dominate all this happening.

It is self-evident who this person who is in charge of everything happening is.

At this time, the system also said coldly, “Sure enough, this world really has a master, I just don’t know who is stronger and who is weaker than my system.” ”

Bi Hao couldn’t help but smile at Na Jie and said, “Thank you very much.” ”

Sister Na waved her hand boldly and said, I have been wandering in space for so many years, the first time I met a young man like you, the system on your body is very unusual, I can see it, but I want to tell you that the system owner in this world is not easy to deal with, if you want to do something to him, I advise you to consider your own strength first, because all the system owners who appeared in this world before were killed by him. ”

Although she didn’t know about the Heavenly Dao, she knew the so-called system owner, and it seemed that the strength shown by Na Jie was far from what she was now.

Hearing this, Bi Hao’s heart was cold, and then he smiled slightly at Na Jie and said respectfully, “I don’t know if you have any suggestions for me, I know that you have watched the drama here for so many years, you must know something.” ”

Na Jie thought for a moment and said, “If it is a suggestion, there is also a suggestion, if you break through to the Divine Buddha, you will find some new things at that time, but you don’t have the strength and realm to surrender now, so I can’t tell you anything, even if you tell you too much, you can’t accept it, after all, your system is still very weak at the moment.” ”

Na Jie stared at Bi Hao with a smile, and then smiled and said, “Forgot to tell you a very serious thing, that so-called system must be able to reach a new realm by swallowing other systems, if you want to upgrade, I advise you to go to another world, that world is called the data world, there are a lot of system owners in the data world, if you go to see, you should be able to find some new clues, and when you finally reach the Overworld, I hope we can meet again.” ”

After saying this, Na Jie’s smile began to disappear.

Bi Hao was slightly shocked, only to see that the white-clad woman who appeared in front of him smiled slightly at this moment, and the country fell into the city, but in a blink of an eye, it disappeared, and the spiritual power that Bi Hao extended suddenly shrank back.

The spiritual power that was suddenly withdrawn did not cause any substantial damage to Bi Hao’s spiritual consciousness, but it just felt that his scalp was a little itchy, and at this time, Hongyun Xingguan and Xiaomu were looking at him with a worried face.

It’s just that there is more deep meaning in the eyes of the Hongyun Star Officer, and Bi Hao can’t understand his eyes now, so he just slightly skimmed his lips and said, “What’s wrong, why don’t you two walk and wait for me?” ”

Xiao Mumu said with a worried face, “Just now you suddenly stopped, you have been standing there, your eyes are so scary, I and the Rainbow Cloud Star Officer are almost going to carry you away.” ”

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