Chapter 454 Qi Tian Dasheng guards the stable

Bi Hao couldn’t help but think for a moment how disappointed those loyal fans of Journey to the West on Earth would be if they knew about it.

But why is it that Journey to the West is obviously just a fiction, but there will be a real Qi Tian Dasheng, the existence of this kind of thing, it is clear that it is only a legend.

Is it difficult to believe that this Wu Cheng’en actually knows some insider information, or that he has seen Qi Tian Dasheng, which is also a real thing, could it be… Something deeper made Bi Hao feel that his cold hair was a little tight, so he shook his head, thinking that he still couldn’t think straight.

At this time, the system is not salty and not lightly said, “Lord, in fact, you don’t need to worry about the world, these two worlds have a lot in common, including the inheritance of civilization, but this world is more advanced than the earth, the reason why I let you come to this world in the first place is because I see that this world and the earth have some similarities, I suspect that these two worlds were actually the same world many billions of years ago, or that one world is a sub-world, and one world is the mother world. ”

Hearing the system’s words, Bi Hao felt suddenly cheerful, in fact, he also had such a feeling, but he had never thought about it before.

Because if you think about these things too much, you will feel that your back is tingling.

The power that could separate the two worlds would be so powerful that even Bi Hao was not sure if he was holding the system now.

If you think about it, as a Heavenly Dao, presiding over this world can kill people in this world at will, and how powerful the people who can split the two worlds should be, and Bi Hao is very sure that the relationship between the earth and this world is a child-mother relationship.

Why is it so certain that he has not been thinking about it before, and now that he thinks about it carefully, many doubts can be solved by thinking about the relationship between mother and child.

Of course, there is a certain basis for saying this, for example, Wu Cheng’en, the author of the Journey to the West, Bi Hao can guess that he must be a person of this world, because it is in this world that he can see these things of Qi Tian Dasheng, and the cultural distinction of Qi Tian Dasheng is clearly written by Wu Cheng’en.

He had never heard those legends before, and it was very likely that Wu Cheng’en had seen these things and then he wrote them in another world.

Therefore, it can even be affirmed that this Wu Cheng’en was actually a person from the cultivation world, and then came to Earth, and he began to continue to improve these cultures as novels, polished them, and then wrote them out to become one of the four famous works, so that there is some strangeness in thinking, but it can be explained very well.

Otherwise, if these things of Qi Tian Dasheng had not been seen with their own eyes, why would they appear so realistic?

Then it is very likely that this cultivation world and the earth are the existence of a child-mother relationship, and the earth is likely to be a sub-world.

At this thought, Bi Hao frowned slightly.

In fact, now was not the time to trace the relationship between the two worlds of the earth and the cultivation world, and the most urgent thing he had to do now was to see the truth of what happened thirty thousand years ago.

Bi Hao decided that he absolutely could not interfere.

If you meddle in yourself, it is very likely to lead to the problem of the truth of the matter.

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