Chapter 455: Bi Hao’s Heart

Although the system had told him before that even if it was no matter how much trouble, it would not affect the real course of history, but Bi Hao was still relieved in his heart and decided not to interfere with anything.

What’s more, in the chat between him and Na Jie, he learned that the Buddha was inside, and every character was the original ghost, which meant that these undead souls actually died in this battle thirty thousand years ago, so was it also true that Qi Tian Dasheng was also dead?

He felt that this idea was very possible, so he discussed with the system, but the system suddenly laughed, when the system laughed, the voice was cold, but it could also be heard, the tone revealed the mockery, Bi Hao rubbed his nose and felt that he was really not a person inside and outside, how he was always mocked by a system.

“Host, this world of Buddha, I want to tell you that except for the Qi Tian Great Sage, the rest are undead souls, and I can be sure that this Qi Tian Great Sage is definitely not the existence of the undead.” The tone of the system was very determined, and Bi Hao was puzzled, so he asked him why he said this.

The system said in a calm tone, “Remember the dark side I used to emphasize with you before?” These undead souls do not have a dark plane, and Qi Tian Dasheng, after I checked it, he still has a dark plane, I have read his data, he is indeed Qi Tian Dasheng is not a ghost. ”

Hearing the system’s resolute answer, Bi Hao was relieved, and he frowned slightly, saying, “If only Qi Tian Dasheng is not a dead soul in this Buddha world, then what is the existence of this Qi Tian Dasheng?” Just now I asked Na Jie, Na Jie said that this world is not an illusionary existence, the ghosts in it are real, but I don’t know why they were collected by this Buddha world, and still retain their original consciousness. ”

The system smiled and said, “The host is starting to be mediocre again.” ”

Bi Hao somewhat did not understand the meaning of his words.

“You can think in a deeper direction, the cultivation world, there is no Qi Tian Great Sage now, but no one said that Qi Tian Da Sage died in that fierce battle, so it means that Qi Tian Da Sage is still alive now, so where is the real Qi Tian Da Sage?” Please tell me. ”

“You mean that the Qi Tian Dasheng in this Buddha’s world we are in is the real Qi Tian Dasheng!” With a flash of inspiration, Bi Hao couldn’t bear the shock in his heart and couldn’t help but scream in horror.

“That’s right, I guess that the Qi Tian Dasheng in this Buddha’s world is the real Qi Tian Dasheng, but why don’t I know why he would be willing to stay in this realm of the dead, and this Buddha world, according to my data, everything that exists in it can be said to be true or false.”

This sentence made Bi Hao very puzzled, he first pressed the shock in his heart, and then slightly frowned and said, “What you said is true and what is false, I don’t understand it.” ”

The system said in a light tone, “This world is real to the deceased, it is false to us, you can understand it like this, they are a world that the unwilling consciousness of the deceased comes together and condenses, and everything in this world is immersive for them, and the scene before they are alive is reproduced.” ”

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