Chapter 458: The Destination of the Heart

The system said in a very confused tone, “I don’t know this, but if the Buddha’s world is really broken, these undead souls are likely to dissipate quickly, after all, their souls should have disappeared into the underworld 30,000 years ago, and now they have been struggling for 30,000 years, in fact, it is reasonable to say that the strength of the soul cannot support for so long, it is very likely that there are some strange magic tools in this Buddha world that can maintain their survival, if the Buddha’s world disappears, these undead souls should soon cease to exist, right? There was simply no time for them to reach the underworld. ”

“Moreover, the soul also has a life span, and these souls we see at present are not ordinary mortal souls, but the souls of some immortals, and the souls of these cultivators are very powerful, so they can live for so many years, if it is a mortal soul, it may dissipate in a few decades, it is impossible to exist for thirty thousand years, but the souls of these people should be dissipated in ten thousand years, and now that they have existed for thirty thousand years, it must be catty.”

Speaking of this, the system suddenly sighed, “Forget it, don’t think about these things first, if they come and go, you don’t have to pay too much attention to the little wooden things, after all, this is something they experience every day, you just inserted an extra foot in it.” Nothing. ”

Although the system said so, Bi Hao’s heart still felt very uncomfortable.

He raised his head and said very helplessly, “I want to save them, these undead souls, if they live in this illusion every day, it will be too torturous.” ”

As a result, the system said, “It’s not that there is no solution, you don’t have to say this, follow me, let’s go to the Qi Tian Grand Sage to get some truth from his mouth, maybe it will be more helpful, you think about this now, it won’t help, thinking too much will affect your own future path, now you still better focus on what you want to do.” ”

“Have you found the Great Saint of Qi Tian?” Bi Hao was slightly surprised.

“No, I found a very serious thing that I had ignored before.” The system said in a heavy tone.

Bi Hao was slightly stunned, not knowing what to say.

How scary is it to be able to make the system admit that it is wrong?

“I overlooked a very serious thing, very serious!” The system said in a heavy tone, “It is very likely that this Buddha’s world is not just a living person of Qi Tian Dasheng. ”

Hearing these words, Bi Hao was stunned.

He looked at the system in disbelief, “What do you mean by that…”

The system suddenly sneered, “I had been wondering where the system of the owner of the cultivation world was, but now I have discovered that he is hiding in this Buddha’s world.” ”

“What? That cultivation world owner system is now in this Buddha world? Bi Hao was shocked, he was really shocked.

“When I was investigating the dark plane data before, I suddenly felt an unusual stream of data flashing and flashing, I originally thought that it was a problem when I was investigating, but later I found out that this force was not weaker than me, and I had not yet taken it seriously, just said a few words to you, I suddenly found that it was likely to be the cultivator system.”

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