Chapter 459 had long been watched

Bi Hao’s heart suddenly surged with a sense of tension.

“Do you mean that everything we do is being monitored by that system right now?”

As a result, the system said in a tone that was not very certain, “I am not sure whether he is watching or not, but I am sure that now our every move has been known.” ”

This sentence was ambiguous, making Bi Hao shake his head with some helplessness.

“What if it’s really being watched?” Bi Hao said nervously.

The system sighed and said, “If that’s the case, then we have to take relative measures.” ”

At this time, in reality, the ghost Guanyin in the eyes of everyone suddenly moved.

Bi Xiuzhen looked nervously at the ghost Guanyin who had suddenly shaken his body, not knowing what to do.

At this time, the phoenix hurriedly walked over to hold Bi Hao, because the moment she found that the ghost Guanyin moved, Bi Hao’s fingers seemed to have a slight trembling, she was worried that something would happen to Bi Hao, and hurriedly pulled Bi Hao, but at this time, Bi Hao was still a godless being, and the scarlet eyes of the ghost Guanyin were full of monstrous murderous qi at the moment.

Phoenix said with a worried face, “How did this ghost Guanyin suddenly become so fierce?” Could it be that something is wrong? ”

Bi Xiuzhen said with a serious expression, “You take Bi Hao with you first, I feel that this ghost Guanyin is definitely going to attack us.” ”

Phoenix nodded and said with a serious face, “Otherwise, I will send Bi Hao back first, and I will come to you in a moment.” ”

Bi Xiuzhen shook his head and said, “Don’t come to me, how far you have run and how far, whether you come to me now is not counted, don’t die here, you know?” ”

Phoenix couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows deeply, and it could be seen that Bi Xiuzhen now had very little confidence in the matter of fighting against Ghost Guanyin in front of him.

So Phoenix could only sigh and say, “Then let’s go first, take care of yourself.” ”

The ghost Guanyin in front of her was really terrible, but this was the Guanyin of the Divine Buddha Realm, and the Divine Buddha Realm she had heard the elders of Mount Meru mention it before, that was a new realm beyond the Mahayana period.

And now in front of him there was a god and Buddha advanced big man, and he was still full of hostility.

What if this really wreaks havoc on the human world? Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but sigh deeply again.

At this time, Bi Xiuzhen had already looked solemnly at the Ghost Guanyin.

This was the Ghost Guanyin of the Divine Buddha Realm, facing such a powerful enemy, the pressure brought was even stronger than the pressure brought to him by the Heavenly Dao.

After all, no matter how strong the Heavenly Dao is, it is only around the Mahayana period, and the reason why he can crush them casually is because the Heavenly Dao has used the power of the entire world, but the ghost Guanyin in front of him can reach such strength without the help of the power of the world.

Such a powerful enemy, this battle is more fierce than lucky.

Bi Xiuzhen sighed deeply again, and couldn’t help but look nostalgically in the direction of the phoenix and Bi Hao running towards the distance.

Fortunately, his own blood was still flowing, even if he died, I believe that Bi Hao would not be in chaos in Mount Emei.

So Bi Xiuzhen tightened his grip on the long sword of the Qilin in his hand and slashed at Ghost Guanyin, with a determined face.

“Whether we live or die today depends on us – after fighting this old life, I will not let you wreak havoc on the human world——”

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