"Could it be a data error?" Putt stared blankly at the screen.

"Absolutely impossible, the X Combat Evaluation System works well and there is no possibility of error. "

As the top secret of country M, the X division is the most important awakened policy that Putt has been strongly supporting since he came to power.

Transform the Awakened, and even create the Awakened in bulk.

And X, who was sent to the Xia Kingdom this time, was the only one alive among the thousands of awakened people who were created in the first batch.

It is not so much a person as a robot with the ability of the Awakened but with a mind completely under the control of the government, and a combat system built in its body that can quickly assess the strength of the current target and accurately calculate the probability of victory.

However, now among the data fed back by X, all the data of that Xia Guoren are garbled, which means that Chen Han's strength assessment has exceeded the limit of X!

This is also the source of Putt's suspicions, even if it is an exploding nuclear weapon, it will not make X have such a failure, could it be that the destructive power of this person has exceeded that of a nuclear bomb?

As soon as he thought of this, a cold sweat broke out on Putte's forehead.

"Let X tick withdraw!"

As for the deaths of Mike and Claude, they didn't make Pute's eyelids move at all, although there are few awakened people in the Nine Heavens, but it is still bearable for country M to die two, but X, it is the only surviving product that they spent several years of energy to make!

There must be no room for error!

"Quick! Contact me the lord of the Xia Kingdom!

However, contrary to expectations, by the time his men found the phone, they had completely lost contact with X.


Chen Han was a little surprised, the awakened person he had just stepped on to death had very little flesh and blood on his body, and there were still a lot of wires in his body, and the sparks brought lightning when he stepped on it.

Although this thing was a little weird, because it was too weak, it didn't arouse Chen Han's interest at all.

The top awakened people sent by the three M countries were all solved by Chen Han in just one face.

The big stone in the hearts of all the Xia State officials finally fell to the ground, although Chen Han was late, but he didn't cause any big losses.

In fact, Chen Han didn't take these awakened people to heart at all, and after killing them, he put them behind him in the blink of an eye.

"My lord, the matter of country M... ~?"

The others were a little worried, Chen Han's methods were naturally extremely fast, but Country M would definitely not give up.

They were more worried that if Country M had any retaliation actions in the future, would Chen Han suddenly disappear for a few more days.

"If there's any trick, let them use it."

Chen Han just smiled faintly at this.

The others suddenly calmed down a lot, and Chen appeared like a powerful reassuring pill, giving them the greatest confidence.

The death of the three awakened people in country M quickly swept the world like an earthquake.

Countless countries think it is incredible, didn't the Xia Kingdom go through an infighting, and only the last Nine Heavens Awakened Person was left dead?

How can you still have the ability to block the three masters of country M?

And after learning the details of what happened, these countries thought that they had heard the Arabian Nights.

But now that Xia has counterattacked country M, it has become a fact, and most of the small countries have chosen to stand still and dare not jump out as the first bird.

Although they felt that Xia Guo was just making the last senseless struggle, M Country would definitely not give up.


"Your Excellency the President, the plan for the awakened people in the Xia Kingdom has been deployed, as long as that awakened person dares to step into our trap, he will definitely let the other party go to God!"

Hearing this, Putt breathed a long sigh of relief.

The awakened person of the Xia Kingdom is really beyond his expectations, since Chen Han appeared, Putt has been unable to sleep and eat all day, such an awakened person who has surpassed the X-system destructive power assessment line, has actually appeared in his enemy country!

If you don't get rid of this awakened one, Putt won't have the heart to do anything else at all!

Therefore, he ordered Congress to discuss countermeasures overnight, with only one purpose.

No matter how much it costs, Chen Han must be removed!

And after a day and a night of discussion, Putt finally came up with a plan that sounded quite workable.

In fact, this plan sounds quite simple, which is to lure Chen Han into a trap, then send a powerful awakened person, drag him down, and then directly wipe him out with a hot weapon.

But naturally, in the face of such a dangerous existence as Chen Han, Putt would never do this in the territory of country M.

Therefore, this place is set in one of the younger brother countries of country M, the country of sticks.

Although the country of the stick was quite dissatisfied with this, the intimidation of country M, coupled with the promise of heavy profits, the president of the country finally agreed.

Soon, less than two hours after the death of the three awakened people in Country M, the Stick Country held an international conference all over the country, and the purpose of the meeting was only one, to condemn Xia Guo and condemn Xia Guo's Chen Han for using violence indiscriminately.

In the description of the country of sticks, Chen Han has become a super terrorist who kills people without blinking, and if left unchecked, it will cause great harm to the whole world...

At the end of the statement, the stick country demanded that the Xia people hand over Chen Han and be adjudicated by the international community, and the international community must give an explanation.

"In that case, then I'll go to a good taxi. "

Chen Han said lightly: "They like to build momentum internationally, so I'll see if it's their mouths or my fists." "

Fighting with others is not Chen Han's strong point, (Zhao) Since Bang Ziguo wants to let him pass, then he will give them a surprise.

This result made the country of sticks and the country of M overjoyed, and they felt that although the awakened person of this Xia country was strong, there seemed to be some problems with their brains.

"Hmph, although its destructive power is powerful, it is always just one person!"

Putt was quite pleased with the result. "If we continue to deploy, we need the support of the entire army to carry out all-round coverage strikes, and we will definitely not be able to let this Chen Han escape!"

Although the Awakened is strong, it is not invincible, and it is still extremely dangerous under the bombardment of a large number of thermal weapons!


Several officers standing in front of Putt nodded their heads again and again, nervously deploying the order.

For a while, countless missiles in country M, Bangzi country and several secret military bases around the country had been set up on the launch frame, just waiting for Chen Han's arrival. _

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