In addition to issuing a statement in the international arena and openly jumping out to condemn Chen Han, Bangziguo also privately spread many insulting remarks about Xia Guo, which made the high-level officials of the entire Xia Kingdom extremely angry, and many gods asked for their lives to go to Bangziguo with Chen Han to teach them a lesson.

Chen Han nodded, since Dongying Country has become Dongying Island of Xia Kingdom, it is not a big deal to have one more stick city, if anyone in the world jumps out to condemn it again, he will have a "good talk" with them when the time comes

Bangzi Country is even much smaller than Dongying, including the capital Seoul, there are only four cities in total.

And the Nine Heavens Awakened Persons recorded in the record were less than five people in total.

The entire stick country is like a great enemy, and they can kill the three awakened people of country M in an instant, they don't think that a few people on their side can pose any threat to Chen Han, and they can only wait for the order of their big brother country M.

Since it was preparing to ambush Chen Han, Country M was not worried about the few Nine Heaven Awakeners in the Stick Country, so he specially sent another team of five people.

These five-person squads are basically awakened with ice-based abilities, and they are not top in terms of aggression, but they are extremely powerful in terms of restriction.

It can be said that if he 027 shot at the same time, even a tsunami would be able to stop it.

"Don't worry, as long as that Chen Han dares to come, we will definitely keep him here forever!"

Seeing that several awakened people from the country of sticks were uneasy in their hearts, these five awakened people from country M suddenly burst with a sense of superiority. "No matter how powerful the awakened are, they are just human beings. "

They just need to restrain Chen Han's movements, and the rest will be left to the military.

"I hope so..."

For their big brother country M, the sticks still have a lot of trust, especially after seeing that country M sent five more Nine Heavens Awakened Beings to help them, they were immediately moved.

After learning that all the awakened people in the Stick Country were gathered together, Chen Han immediately felt that it was much more convenient, so that he only needed to throw a punch, and there was no need to waste time by flying around.

"Lord, I'm afraid there is some conspiracy. "

A few gods will be a little worried.

"So what?" Chen Han even had some expectations in his heart that the stick would come up with something special, but don't let him down too much.

After hearing Chen Han's answer, several god generals also scratched their heads in embarrassment.

Chen Han did not hide his aura, and soon came to the place agreed upon before in the country of sticks.

Because of the support of country M, the country of sticks is now a lot more confident, and even made a place similar to a court.

However, after Chen Han appeared, several awakened people from the country M, who were originally hidden, did not say a word of nonsense, and immediately started it!

The icy aura quickly climbed up Chen Han's legs, forming a thin layer of pale white ice.

"But that's it!"

The supernatural people of country M were extremely excited, and immediately reported that they had controlled Chen Han and could give the launch order.

Suddenly, there was smoke in countless silos, and all kinds of guides of different lengths were aimed at Chen Han.

However, their excitement didn't last for a few seconds before they were swollen in the face by reality.


The ice that was enough to stop the high-speed train cracked under Chen Han's feet, shocking several awakened people in country M.

Chen Han is very strong, they have been prepared for a long time, why can't even five people restrain Chen Han for even a second?!

"What are you doing in a daze!"

The awakened people of country M were also anxious, and they ordered the awakened people of the stick country to disturb Chen Han's attention.

For a while, all kinds of bursting energy flew around, and all the flames, frost, and thunder surged towards Chen Han.

Seeing Chen Han's expressionless face, everyone suddenly felt unsteady in their hearts.

Why, there isn't the slightest emotional fluctuation in this person's eyes?

It wasn't until they were annihilated by Chen Han's fist wind (acef) that they figured out that their people were simply vulnerable ants in front of Chen Han.

The court, which was originally used to "adjudicate" Chen Han, has now become a ruin, a ravine of rubble and rubble, making it difficult to imagine that this was a prosperous building before.

However, when Chen Han was about to mention the stick market, he suddenly heard a screaming sound from the sky.

"Lord, that seems to be... Missiles?"

How many gods will not be sure, why are there missiles flying over?

Chen Han also saw it, frowned and said, "If these things explode, how much damage will they cause?"

"I'm afraid that dozens of kilometers of the vicinity will be flattened. "

The gods will be secretly frightened, and all this is clearly a conspiracy that has been prepared for a long time.

First lure Chen Han here, then use the Ice Awakened to restrain Chen Han, and then bombard it with missiles.

One ring after another, if Chen Han is not too strong and outrageous, I am afraid that he will really hate here.

Rao is Chen Han also felt a slight unhappiness, these politicians seem to be more shameless than themselves, there are still many residential areas in the vicinity, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving this attack.

"Lord, let's go quickly, I'm afraid this is just the first wave of attacks. "

A few gods don't think they'll be able to withstand missiles.

"Withdraw, why withdraw?" Chen Han frowned. "Now this is Stick City, if you let these missiles blow up, won't it be a shame for me?"

At the same time, the country of sticks also felt a trace of abnormality.

Many people saw the missiles constantly passing in the sky and protested on social networking sites, accusing their own governments of shamelessness.

Watching those missiles gradually descend, the hearts of the people of countless stick countries have been shrouded in despair, and countless people have begun to write suicide notes, although they are not sure if they can survive the suicide note.

"Something flew up over there!"

"Is it God?!"

In the midst of all the attention, countless people saw a black shadow rushing into the sky, as if it was about to die with those missiles.

Immediately, they saw an incredible scene.

Countless missiles suddenly lost their power, turned into ice lumps and fell to the ground, like radishes stuck into the ground.

Naturally, country M also saw these "turnips"

"Contact the countries to the west now!"

Putt was completely panicked.

His plan failed, and now that he didn't kill Chen Han, I'm afraid that he will face Chen Han's crazy revenge next!

In the face of Chen Han, who was beyond imagination, Putt completely lost his square inch.

Even country M, known as the world's lighthouse, seemed to be unable to make a sound in the face of Chen Han's unreasonable fist. _

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collecting, recommending, and sharing

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