The surging international situation still has some impact on Chen Han's plan.

He didn't expect that in addition to Country M, several countries in the West also seemed to be aware of some anomalies, resulting in the appearance of many foreigners in Xia Country recently.

Chen Han was almost certain that they were spies or some kind of intelligence agent.

It's just that I never seem to want to hide something?

On the second day after the Awakened gathered, Chen Han, who was staying at home, was about to go to bed when he suddenly heard a few small movements.

Originally, Chen Han didn't care about it, until the sound of depressed footsteps reached Chen Han's ears.


Chen Han originally thought that Fang Ran and the others had something urgent to report to him, but he never thought that there would be someone who dared to steal things from his head.

"Although there are no guards outside the door, there are patrols outside the villa. "

Chen Han was a little surprised in his heart, if he wanted to sneak into his villa without alarming the guards on the periphery of the villa, he would at least need the strength of more than Eight Heavens.

It wasn't until Chen Han saw the appearance of the person who came clearly that he had a general understanding of the matter in his heart.

"Foreign spies?"

The darkness could not stop Chen Han from seeing even the slightest, and a blonde foreigner was tiptoeing around the living room.

was disturbed from sleeping, Chen Han was not in a good mood, so he got dressed directly and turned on the lights in the room.


The living room suddenly lit up as day.

The blonde foreigner was also startled, and immediately dropped a blade in his hand to the ground.

"I'm sorry... I just wanted to come and find something to eat..."

"You're stupid. "

Chen Han yawned slightly, and a purple light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

The foreigner on the opposite side was also quite cooperative, and became Chen Han's puppet without the slightest resistance, but even if he wanted to resist, it was not worth mentioning in front of Chen at all.

"Who told you to come?"

Chen Han is too lazy to talk nonsense, since he can simply control people, he doesn't have to waste more energy.

Without thinking, the sneaky figure uttered the name of a Western country.

It just so happens that there are often some small contradictions between this country and the Xia country.

It seems that in addition to the country of M, several other countries still covet the Xia country, or the latest legend of the Xia country-the legend that can make people break through the Nine Heavens of the Divine Treasure.

Chen Han patted his head, he didn't think about keeping his matter secret at all, and it was normal for him to be discovered by these countries.

Presumably, country M has also received this news a long time ago.

However, Chen Han didn't think much about it, even if they knew about it, it wouldn't affect anything.

In country M, Put, who had not rested for a day and a night, was still in good spirits, and his face flushed with excitement looked like a monkey's ass, which looked quite funny.

According to the predetermined plan, in two hours, the first transcendents of country M will wake up.

For Mr. Putte, he swore it was one of the best news he had ever heard since taking office, almost on par with his election as president.

Once the plan to cultivate the Beyonder is successful, Putt believes that he can quickly return country M to the throne of world hegemony.

When the time comes, Taput's name can also go down in history and become the most respected president in the history of country M!

Putt has such self-confidence!

When the time comes, the people of country M will forget Putte's mistakes and will only sing the praises of his great deeds.

With such thoughts, it is strange that Putt is sleepy.

In a top-secret villa, a dozen Awakened sit quietly on a table, all wearing game helmets on their heads.

Putt had really experienced the game, but he hadn't found any clues about the Beyonder.

As far as the other Awakened are concerned, though, it doesn't seem to be a difficult task.

Putt also wondered if it was because he was older and had no hope of a breakthrough.

Otherwise, why did some young awakened people, after just putting on that helmet, immediately have a sense of joy on their faces, and they have gained nothing?

"Are you ready?"

Putt cleared his throat, although this plan alone would not cost too much money and energy, after all, it only needed to provide a game helmet and a field.

But in order to maintain the highest level of confidentiality, some other costs are unavoidable.

"It's all set. "

Putt nodded, he would not allow the slightest mistake in this plan, not even the slightest bit.

A plan to revive the momentum of M's over... Putt thinks that if he succeeds, he will be able to become the greatest president of country M.

Defeat Xia Guo and dominate the world, Putt is full of expectations for this.

Two hours passed like water.

"Why hasn't there been any movement yet?" Putt glanced down at his watch, which was now two minutes past the scheduled time, but there was not even a hint of movement in it.

Did something go wrong?

Putt swore he had never been so nervous, and the feeling of agitation surrounded him up and down, even when his wife was in the hospital preparing to give birth.

Once he fails, he may have to live in the shadow of Xia Guo forever, which is definitely an unacceptable thing for Putte.

"Your Excellency!"

For the sake of secrecy, there were only two or three henchmen left in the vicinity of the president and his assistants, and the one who had just spoken was one of the president's henchmen, a ninefold heaven awakened person who looked to be forty or fifty years old.

He trotted to Put's side, bowed his head and whispered a few words.


Put's eyes widened, and before he could finish his words, he jumped up.

"I've got to go over and take a look!"

Putt took a deep breath, "The plan must not fail!"

According to his henchman's description, the building responsible for cultivating the transcendents was suddenly surrounded by a strange blue electric light, and all the surrounding monitors were useless.

Putt didn't think much about it at all, and when he arrived, he realized that the seriousness of the matter had exceeded his imagination.

On the periphery of the villa where the Beyonder was housed, Putt felt a terrifying momentum, and he soon saw the kind of "blue electric light" that his henchmen called it.

"God... What the hell is this?"

Putt looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, the small villa was already surrounded by a sea of blue thunder, and the blue arc was like some terrible monster, waving its terrifying tentacles with teeth and claws.

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