For Putte, these two short hours are no less than a thrilling roller coaster for him.

He was originally extremely confident in defeating Xia Guo, but now he suddenly saw such a scene that made him almost crazy.

Facing a thunderous Wang Yang, Putt no longer had any hope for the Nine Heavens Awakened who participated in this plan.

Also as an awakened person of the Nine Heavens, although Putt has been on the battlefield for a long time, his intuition tells him that no matter who touches this sea of thunder in front of him, he will be instantly turned into ashes.

The consequence of the failure is not only the failure of the Transcendental plan, but also the loss of more than a dozen loyal Nine Heaven Awakened Ones!

It can be said that this has shaken the foundation of country M.

"There's no reason why this would be..."

Putt rubbed his messy hair with both hands, he really couldn't understand why a small game helmet would burst out with such terrifying energy.

"Your Excellency, we don't have to fail..."

Putte's assistant hesitated, "Although the situation is still unclear, on the whole, this energy is not out of control as we imagined. "

However, the comforting effect of these words is really limited.

"Do you think I'm a three-year-old?" Putt sneered, "I'm afraid I'm going to think about how to keep my position now, and there's no hope for the Beyonder Project." "

The Transcendental plan failed, losing more than a dozen Ninefold Heaven Awakened Ones, and Putt felt that the world was so bad for the first time.

However, presidential aides still insisted on what had been seen.

"No, although the energy was violent, it didn't cause much damage, even the trees around the house were still intact. "

Putt followed the direction of the assistant's finger and was stunned for a moment.

The villa in the sea of thunder loomed, but as his assistant said, there was not the slightest damage, not even a single tile fell.

This can't help but give birth to the last glimmer of hope in Pute's heart.

"It's probably just the energy that bursts out when the transcendents are born, right?" Putt muttered to himself, "yes, it must be..."

The thunder that covered the sky lasted for almost three hours, the longest three hours Putt had ever spent.

It was about his fate in the future.

Putte, whose eyes were red, stared at the villa, unwilling to let go of even the slightest disturbance.

The blue arc is slowly getting smaller...

Putte's heart was beating faster and faster.

If it's really the same as the assistant said, these are the energy that leaks out when you are promoted to transcendent... So how strong will the transcendent as the main body of energy be?

Even the previous Louis had not been able to give him this feeling, a feeling so powerful that he was invincible, or Putt didn't even dare to look up and take the initiative to look at the beings in the villa.

"It worked!"

Putt's eyes were red, and he looked like he was crazy.

You know, there are more than a dozen people in the villa!

Not to mention that all of them are promoted to transcendentals, even if only ordinary people break through successfully, it is a great thing for country M and Putt himself.

"If I can succeed, I can't help but want to see the shocked expressions of those idiots in Xia Guo. "

Putt took a deep breath and waited quietly for the arc to disappear.

Although the shadows of those blue arcs were barely visible in the vicinity, Putt didn't want to die before he could get out of the way.

"That's it. "

Putt waited for half a second to disappear, and after making sure that there was no danger, he leaned towards the villa.

And Chen Han, who was far away on the other side of the earth, although he didn't see what happened to Pute with his own eyes, but the strong fluctuation of the power of the law couldn't hide it from his eyes at all.

"It seems that the king of the realm of country M has appeared. "

Chen Han felt that this was good news, at least if he couldn't train the realm king of the Xia country for the time being, Chen Han himself would be able to easily solve the trouble from the M country.

But it is not a way to do it all the time, Chen Han is not Xia Guo's nanny, going to the starry sky to find the gods has been put on his agenda, and he must speed up his training steps.

Just as he was thinking about how to improve the strength of the team members, Fang Ran happened to come to the door with the members of the Japanese Patrol Division.

After thinking about it, Chen Han still didn't tell them what happened in country M, which added too much pressure to them.

"Lord, we have already thought about it, even if we can't reach the Nine Heavens realm for the time being, we have decided to activate that kind of equipment. "

Chen Han smiled playfully and said in a low voice, "You probably don't understand the power of that thing. "

However, since this group of awakened people of the Eight Heavens Realm wanted to try, Chen Han would not stop them.

"Come with me. "

The twenty Awakened followed Chen Han step by step, their expressions both nervous and excited.

They all fantasized in their hearts that they would be able to ascend to the sky in one step, but even Chen Han had no way to predict the result.

The giant egg that Chen Han was about to come lay quietly in a corner, and even if they glanced at it from a distance, these awakened people felt a kind of pressure like a mountain looking up.

"It's scary..."

"Even just standing here I feel like I'm having trouble breathing. "

This pressure instantly made the voices of the group much quieter.

Chen Han just smiled at this, and after telling the group of people to stand still, he paused and said, "If anyone can't hold on, tell me immediately." "

"Of course, if anyone is foolish enough to think they can hold on, I won't stop it. Chen Han glanced at everyone.

"But in the end, I couldn't think of anything else but a dead end. "

Hearing Chen Han's words, the faces of the twenty awakened people were all cold, including Fang Ran, who couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

If Chen Han didn't say it, most people would have the idea of holding on.

After all, this is a rare and good opportunity, not to mention that this is still an opportunity to show yourself in front of Chen Han!

In case his good performance is appreciated by Chen Han, then it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a steady progress!

It's just that the more ordinary Chen Han's tone is, the more frightened they feel.

"Very well, the right amount of fear is also a must for you. "

Chen Han stood in front of the silver-white device and squinted his eyes slightly.

It was simple to channel the power of the law in this device, but Chen Han's task was not just to absorb the power of the law contained in it.

First of all, he had to purify the will of the gods contained in it, and he also had to control the overflow speed of this law power, in case the power of the law in it gushed out, these twenty people would never survive.

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