M country, presidential palace.

Putt hadn't closed his eyes for thirty-six hours, and while that wasn't a big deal for an awakened person, Putt felt exhausted.

Yes, psychological exhaustion.

In the past few hours, he felt that it was not enough to describe himself as a roller coaster, and if he had to compare it, it would be more appropriate to jump off the building.

When the blue arc of electricity that surrounded the villa dissipated, and Putt was finally able to see the true face of the Beyonder Project, he was stunned again.

More than a dozen awakened people were lying on the ground in a row, their faces were full of pale marks, no matter how they looked, Putt couldn't feel any powerful aura from them, let alone transcendent.

Not even an ordinary Awakened Person!

However, the previous blue arc is not fake.

With the current strength of these people alone, it is impossible to have a whole corpse left.

In the end, he could only explain it with temporary weakness.

At least, that's what Putt hoped in his heart.

But in any case, the counterattack plan against Xia Guo had to be postponed for a while, and Putt could only do nothing about it.

"I don't know what happened to that Chen Han's training plan. "

Putt was worried, if there were also a batch of awakened people in the Xia country, it would definitely not be good news for the M country.

Because of Chen Han's existence, Putt felt that the individual combat strength of the transcendents of the Xia Kingdom was definitely much stronger than that of his side, and if he couldn't win in terms of numbers, the result would probably be a little different from Put's imagination.

"If country M fails again..."

Putt couldn't imagine what would happen next.

Either he will become a great man in the history of country M, or he will become a sinner.

Put, of course, did not want to be the latter, and for this, he did whatever it takes.

As long as Chen Han's pace can be slowed down, no matter what the cost...

Putt took out a cigar, took a deep breath, and dialed a phone call: "Hold the Xia people for three days." "

“... Are you crazy?" A stunned male voice came from the other end of the phone, "The lord of the Xia Kingdom is not dead yet, now dare to move the Xia Kingdom?" I swear you will regret it." "

"Or else, because of his presence, we must live forever in his shadow?" said Put, who was a little agitated and even shouted at the end.

After a while of silence on the phone, he continued: "My friend, to say something unpleasant, now we are like rats hiding in the corner, and that Xia Guoren is like a cat..."

"If we bite him in retaliation, the result may be just a hair loss for him, but for us, the result may be devastating..."

"Huh. Putt sneered and sneered, "But this cat has almost killed us." "

"But we still have room to manoeuvre, don't we? At least we're alive now, and we're just as powerful. The voice on the phone was a little helpless.

As one of the big countries in the West, it has now become an existence that relies on Xia Guo's breath, and it is naturally impossible to say that he is convinced.

But in the current situation, no matter how dissatisfied he is, he can only endure it.

If the cat were to be completely angered to the point of flipping the table, the man would probably only be able to destroy them in a snap of his fingers.

"Hold him for three days, and we are sure of a comeback. "

Putt snorted coldly, paused and said, "Now, tell me what you think, whether you want to live in the shadow of that man for the rest of your life, or if you are ready to fight back." "


There was silence on the phone, "This can't be, his power... It's not even what we could have imagined! It's even more than we can see!"

"But now we have one too, and more than one!" said Put, with some ostentation in his tone, "I call them Beyonder." "

Then, Putt told Xia Guo about his preparation to cultivate transcendentals.

"As long as we can hold back the footsteps of the Xia people and wait until our transcendent awakens, it will not be a difficult thing to defeat him. "

"But how can you guarantee that the transcendents you're talking about will wake up on time after three days?" the voice on the phone was still a little confused, "if this can't..."

"Shut up!"

Putt said angrily: "Whether they can wake up or not, we must organize this plan of the Xia people, otherwise once they succeed, we will never turn over!"

That's right, that's what Putt worries the most.

If Chen Han's plan succeeds, Xia Guo will completely consolidate his position as the world hegemon.

At that time, whether it is country M or several countries in the West, it will be impossible to pose even a little threat to the Xia country.

"This is our last chance. "

Finally, Putt heard the three words he wanted to hear.

"I promise. "

Both sides tacitly did not talk about how to distribute the benefits afterwards, and they probably both thought that only after defeating the Xia Kingdom could they be qualified to talk about such a thing.

In the Xia Kingdom, Chen Han didn't know anything about Pute's Xiao Jiujiu, but even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart at all.

He was now controlling the power of the law, carefully guiding it out of the silver-white device.

Although Chen Han's absolute power of the law he guided was already the smallest level unit, for the group of Eight Heaven Awakened people behind him, even the weakest power of the law was no less than the pressure of Mount Tai overwhelming.

Even Fang Ran was now tightened his teeth, and his face had already swelled like a pig's liver.

The coercion of the power of the law cannot be seen or touched, but it does exist.

With every breath, Fang Ran felt that what he was inhaling was not air, but a cluster of fiery fireballs.

The blood seemed to be burned by this fireball, and every inch of skin in the body seemed to be torn...

Fang Ran wanted to raise his right hand, this was something they had discussed with Chen Han, and once anyone couldn't hold on, they would raise their right hand.

"Hold on a little longer..."

Fang Ran didn't just want to show himself in front of Chen Han, but also because under this inexplicable pressure, he felt that the shackles in his body that prevented him from breaking through were slowly being broken.

And the energy of the awakened person is also constantly surging in his body under the heavy pressure, washing his whole body over and over again, as if washing the marrow.

These awakened people are convinced that the longer they hold on, the greater the benefits they will receive!

One minute...

Three minutes...

Chen Han raised his eyebrows in some surprise, he didn't expect that this group of people would all be able to hold on for more than three minutes, and none of them would quit.

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