After all, Chen Han had already sensed that several people had reached their limit, and if he didn't withdraw the power of the law, I was afraid that these people would soon explode in front of him like fireworks.

For the Eight Heavens of the Divine Treasure, even the faintest power of the law was already beyond the limit of what they could bear.

If it weren't for the power of will, they wouldn't have thought of holding on for even a second.

Once you have a beginning, the rest is much easier.

At least they held on for a lot longer than the first time, and even reached five minutes in the second time.

For every extra second, the pressure will multiply and increase.

However, the benefits of this pressure are also clear.

Fang Ran felt that the power in his body had almost reached its peak, and it was only one opportunity away from breaking through to the realm of the Nine Heavens of the Divine Treasure.

However, the next training session has been postponed until twelve hours later.

Although Fang Ran was anxious, he also knew in his heart that his body had reached the limit of what he could bear, and if he didn't relieve himself, he was afraid that it wouldn't be long before their body collapsed.

This time regarding the training of the awakened, Chen Han didn't think about hiding.

Some countries will make some small moves, which is also expected by Chen Han.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that those countries in the West would dare to do things to such an extent.

"Lord of the Nation, those troublesome awakened ones are not hiding their location. "

"I suspect that these people are deliberately coming to my Xia Kingdom to stir up trouble. "

Chen Han glanced at the information in his hand lightly.

The three Awakened Ones slaughtered indiscriminately on the border of the Xia Kingdom, causing an extremely bad impact, and none of these three people hid their identities!

And the people who were killed were all innocent citizens of the Xia Kingdom, and they had nothing to do with these awakened people.

And the most important thing is that these awakened people are all the strength of the Nine Heavens, and there is really no one in the Xia Kingdom today who can do anything to these awakened people except for Chen Han.

"Looks like it's aimed at me. Chen Leng snorted, "It is estimated that this is inseparable from the president of country M." "

Is it because the tiger has not shown its fangs for too long that the prey will think that the tiger has become a sick cat?


The others were about to tell Chen Han about the specific countries, but they were interrupted by Chen Han raising his hand, "No, this time I will go to the West in person, no matter which country it is, I will let them understand what the rules are." "


There was still a lot of time before Fang Ran's next training, which was enough for Chen Han to stir up trouble in the west and return.

Although others were a little speechless about this, they felt that there was no problem with these words coming out of the mouth of their own lord.

A small border county in the western part of the Xia Kingdom.

The originally peaceful and peaceful mountain village was dead silent at this time, and the remnants of the sun like blood hung alone on the cliff, showing weakness.

The air was filled with the smell of blood, and there were even severed limbs and dripping blood everywhere on the ground.

In just two hours, this small mountain village has been turned into a living hell.

There are more than 60 people in the village, and only a few scattered families remain.

Even if they survived, they only dared to hide in their homes with trepidation, for fear of making a little noise and attracting the demons outside the house.

In a low square, an old man cowered behind the wooden door, nervously putting his ear to the door, listening carefully to the movement outside the door.

Bang bang!

Suddenly, a rhythmic knock on the door broke the silence, and the old man was so frightened that he almost fainted.

He wanted to pretend to be dead and get by, but then he was afraid of the little grandson in his room, so he finally opened the wooden door tremblingly.

"Who are you?!"

The old man looked surprised, and standing outside the door was a twenty-something face, and he swore that this young man was definitely not from their village.

"Come on in!"

The old man seemed to have thought of something, and reached out to pull the young man outside the door in.

"There are two weirdos out there who are killing indiscriminately!

But the old man found that his hand seemed to touch an iron pillar, and no matter how hard he tried, the young man did not even move his footsteps.

The young man was naturally Chen Han, and following the previous information, Chen Han quickly found the small mountain village that was slaughtered.

"It's okay, I'm here to help you. Chen Han felt that the old man in front of him had a good heart, and if he was an ordinary person, he would not choose to open the door at all in this situation.

"Ouch, how could you be the opponent of those two people!"

The old man hung his head and said, "They can fly!"

In his eyes, there was no difference between the two awakened and the immortals.

"Don't worry. Chen Han said as he spoke, and found that the expression of the old man in front of him was a little wrong.

The way his eyes widened, his mouth opened slightly, and his lips twitched, it was as if he had seen something terrible.

Chen Han looked back and found that behind him, two blonde and blue-eyed Westerners were staring at him with a cruel smile, as if they were looking at a dead person.

"I can't believe that anyone would dare to come and die. "

"Hehe, except for their lord, everyone else in the Xia Kingdom is just a waste. "

The two of them thought that Chen Han was an awakened person sent by the Xia Kingdom to inquire about the situation, and their words were full of ridicule and contempt.

"You're unlucky enough to be sent here to die. "

"But why can't I feel your strength?

"It's over... It's over..."

The old man's face was ashen, and he glanced at Chen Han with some resentment, after all, if it weren't for him, he probably wouldn't have been discovered.

The two Westerners mocked them in every possible way, but found that Chen Han didn't seem to be interested in them at all.

"Hurry up and get rid of these two people and leave. "

"After all, this is in the Xia Kingdom, in case that country lord comes, it will not be easy to do. "

"What are you afraid of? You don't really think he can kill the awakened of the Nine Heavens in an instant, do you?"

However, although the two of them said this, the movements in their hands did not stop, and in an instant, a burst of dazzling light erupted, and a pale golden long knife quickly condensed in the hand of one of them.

This way of fighting... Chen Han was a little embarrassed, it seemed that no one had dared to do anything to him for a long time, this way of fighting the awakened really made him a little nostalgic.


Just as Chen Han sighed with emotion, the long knife with awe-inspiring killing intent had already slashed at Chen Han.

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