This is a snowy world, and the snowflakes here are frighteningly big, the largest is about the same as a quilt, there are several huge bears, at first they were still crawling in the snow, and soon they were covered by heavy snow, only to see a bulging hill, moving slowly around.

At this moment, a giant flaming red bird suddenly appeared in the sky, they were wrapped in a flaming flame, and when the snowflakes approached them, they were immediately melted, and their beaks and eyes were like red-hot soldering irons, long and sharp.

When they spot a moving snow bag, they immediately lower their flight altitude, then make a dive and thrust their long mouths into the snow bag, if they are lucky, they insert a bear cub, if they live a weak bear, they will get a meal, if they are unlucky, they will be beaten by a fat meal, and if they are not lucky, they will be beaten to a door-to-door meal.

Suddenly, a sturdy firebird rushed towards a thin snow bag like an arrow, where it passed, the snowflakes directly turned into water vapor, when it was too close to the ground, the high temperature made the snow bag also begin to melt quickly, when the snow completely melted, the firebird found that it was not a bear hiding inside, but a petite girl.

It was already this time, and it didn't care so much, and its hot mouth pecked directly at the girl's throat. The girl screamed, and suddenly there was a dagger in her hand, and the firebird saw that the situation was not good, and immediately wanted to jump into the sky, the little girl raised her hand, and the dagger directly stabbed the firebird's vital point, and the firebird circled and fell to the ground, and the flames on her body slowly extinguished.

The little girl bent her waist and slowly walked to the firebird, she couldn't kill the thick-skinned bears on the ground, but it was more than enough to deal with the firebird in the air, and today she had killed three firebirds by disguised as a weak snow bag.

The little girl used a dagger to remove the feathers from the firebird's body very quickly, threw them on her shoulder, and began to run quickly in the snow, the big snowflakes fell from her side, but her body floated on the snow, without the slightest trace behind her.

Suddenly, behind her came the long chirping of a firebird, and then she felt the cold air above her head being torn apart by a wave of heat.

A smug smile appeared on her face, and she held the dagger tightly in her hand, motionless, intending to deliver a fatal blow to the firebird when it approached her.

In the past, she was disguised as a weak snow bag, and the stupid bird would throw herself into the net, but now she didn't expect the stupid bird to attack her directly, which reduced her a lot of trouble.

On the snow, the little girl's body was shrouded in a huge bird-shaped shadow, and the little girl stared at the bird shadow on the ground, a confident smile on the corner of her mouth.

Suddenly, she saw a head poking out of the bird's back from the bird's shadow, and she suddenly felt that the situation was not good, and quickly ran away, when a colorful rope suddenly appeared in the air and went straight to her neck.

Seeing this, the little girl immediately turned and ran in the snow, but the rope behind her seemed to have eyes, and followed her around, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

The little girl knew that she could not run, so she turned around suddenly, waved the dagger in her hand and slashed at the rope, but the dagger cut on the rope, and did not cause any harm at all, and when the little girl stopped, the rope was like a snake, tightly wrapped around the little girl's neck.

After the little girl's neck was entangled, the firebird quickly rose into the air, and the little girl's body was suspended, she grabbed the rope around her neck tightly with both hands, but the rope became tighter and tighter, and her limbs began to struggle desperately in the air, while the firebird flew faster and faster, and it kept changing direction and speed, so that the little girl's neck was subjected to greater traction.

Soon, the little girl stopped struggling, her petite body turned into a stiff popsicle in the air, and the firebird still hovered in the air with the little girl's body, and from time to time there were two long chirps in the air, as if it was demonstrating to someone.

Chen Han originally thought that the world they were going to was the same as the one shown in the Eye of the Universe, a dark and warm world, but he didn't expect it to be an ice and snow world, and the snowflakes with the big quilt looked a little scary.

It seems that the Eye of the Universe should show him the scene inside a certain cave, and it may not be easy to find that cave in this world, so Chen Han had to slowly spread his perception to see what kind of things were around.

Soon, he spotted some not-so-weak energy bodies around him, and then saw several snow packs moving slowly on the ground. Chen Han aimed at one of the snow bags, and slashed it with purple thunder and lightning, and after a loud bang, a huge snow pit appeared on the ground, and at the bottom of this snow pit, there was a very clumsy thing, shook his head twice, and continued to crawl slowly forward.

"Wow, the bears here are so resistant?"

Seeing that the bear was hit by Chen Han's thunderbolt, it was completely fine. The sect leader knew the power of Chen Han's thunder and lightning, even if he couldn't bear it, could it be that the cultivation of these bears here was even more powerful than him.

"Hehe, I want to see how good you can resist beatings. After Chen Han finished speaking, with a wave of his hand, purple lightning hit the bear's head again, and this time the bear fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the sect leader couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, this is normal, otherwise, the bear here is too perverted.

But before he could finish his breath, the bear staggered to his feet again, and continued to walk forward slowly, although it could be seen that it was injured, but it was not fatal.

At this moment, a long roar suddenly came from the sky, and a flame quickly pounced on the bear, only to see the firebird very accurately pierce its sharp long mouth into the bear's throat, and then grabbed the bear's two ears with its strong claws, and directly carried the bear into the air.

"Wow, Chen Han, do you see it, the burning bird, the burning bird. "

It was also the first time for Chen Han to see a bird wrapped in flames, and its mouth was red all over, and it knew that it had a high temperature of at least 1,000 degrees without touching it, which was probably why it was able to pierce its mouth through the bear's throat.

"I actually burned it myself, I don't know if its meat is cooked, whether it can be eaten directly without any processing. The sect leader looked at the sky and guessed with interest.

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