"If there's anything to guess, just get one down and you'll know. Chen Han glanced at the sect leader and said lightly.

The sect leader immediately waved his hand towards the sky, and a huge area without snowflakes was formed in the air, but there were no firebirds in this area, so he changed his direction, as if casting a net, and kept creating snowless areas in the air, but there was no trace of firebirds.

"You can't do this, the firebirds here are extremely smart, under normal circumstances, they should not be able to deal with the giant bear just now, I just injured the giant bear, they took advantage of the situation, and they now know that we are powerful, how can they dare to appear next to us." "

The sect leader did not give up, and tried several times in different angles, but still to no avail, he could feel the presence of firebirds around him, but he just couldn't know their exact location, just when he was about to despair, he suddenly heard the chirping of firebirds in the distance.

"Chen Han, listen, there's a firebird over there. The sect leader said excitedly.

"Aren't you going to hunt it down, go quickly. "

The Sect Master immediately took off into the air and flew in the direction of the bird. Chen Han looked at the back of the sect leader, but the corners of his mouth showed a mischievous smile, he had already sensed that it was not an ordinary firebird, there was a super strong existence on the back of the firebird, and this existence was enough to beat the sect leader to the ground.

The Sect Master quickly rushed to the area of the firebird, which was even bigger than the one he had seen before, but what he didn't understand was why there was a popsicle hanging from underneath the firebird.

The Firebird obviously sensed his presence as well, and began to slowly hover above his head, the Sect Master already sensing that the other party was accumulating strength and wanted to deliver him a fatal blow.

The Sect Master didn't believe that he would not be able to kill even a bird, so he also slowly accumulated energy, if the firebird dared to take the initiative to attack him, he would definitely let it have no return.

With a long roar, the popsicle under the firebird suddenly rushed towards the sect leader, it turned out that this popsicle was the secret weapon of the firebird, and the sect leader immediately gathered his strength in his palms, intending to directly smash this popsicle to show his power to the other party.

Just when the sect leader slapped the popsicle with his palm, he suddenly found that there was actually a little girl in the popsicle, and let him kill a little girl, he couldn't do it anyway, so he quickly unloaded the power of his palm and stretched out his hands to catch the little girl.

And at this moment, a colored rope suddenly came out from the back of the little girl, and went straight to the neck of the sect leader, the sect leader snorted coldly, and grabbed the rope, but the rope seemed to have life, not only changed direction, but also became much longer.

The leader had no choice but to leave the little girl in the snow, holding the rope around her neck with both hands, while he poured his energy into the rope, trying to follow the rope to knock the bird on the other end away.

To the shock of the sect leader, Asuka's energy was actually stronger than he imagined, and at first he was able to form a situation with Asuka to hold onto the bird, and soon, he felt his feet leave the ground.

And what made him panic was that in addition to the strong force at the other end of the rope trying to pull him up, the rope around his neck was getting tighter and tighter, and he felt like he was about to suffocate.

The sect leader was not worried about his safety, he believed that Chen Han would definitely not let him die, but if he couldn't even kill a bird, it would be too embarrassing if it was spread out.

However, the Firebird obviously didn't consider his face, after finding that his strength had weakened, the strength over there actually increased significantly, and this time the sect leader was completely desperate, he had to give up resistance and let his body start to sway freely in the air.

At this moment, a purple lightning bolt suddenly pierced the sky, and the sect leader instantly felt his neck slash, and then his butt fell to the ground. In order to prove that he was not incapacitated by the firebird, he hit a carp, then kicked the ground with both feet, and took the initiative to pounce on the firebird.

Soon, he flew in front of the firebird, and then gathered the strength of his whole body and slapped it towards the firebird's head, just when his palm was about to hit the firebird's head, suddenly Chen Han's smiling face poked out from the back of the firebird, and he had to forcibly retract the strength, at this time, he saw Chen Han stepping on the back of the firebird, and he was holding a black-clothed man curled up in a ball in his hand.

"He... Who is he?" asked the Sect Master with a shocked expression.

Chen Han shrugged: "I don't know, after waking him up later, I'll just ask if I know." "

"No wonder I can't kill this firebird, it turns out that he is playing ghosts behind his back, I said, obviously the force has increased, how can he not even kill a bird?"

"You don't have to rejoice, there must be some fierce beasts in the world that you can't do, if there is a Firebird King in this world, you may not be able to do it. "

"By the way, there is also a little girl, I originally thought that the little girl was the hidden weapon on its body, but now it seems that the little girl was killed by him. The Sect Master suddenly remembered the little girl she had left in the snow, and immediately landed on the ground.

Chen Han grabbed the firebird's neck, only to hear a click, the firebird suddenly fell to the ground like a kite with a broken line, Chen Han waved his hand, a white light flashed, and one of the firebird's legs was cut off by him.

Chen Han grabbed his hand, the bird's leg immediately flew to his hand, he picked it up and smelled it, there was really a smell of roast chicken just being roasted, he took a tentative bite, he didn't expect the taste to be good, the salt taste was just right, if it could be sprinkled with a little chili noodles, it would be perfect.

The sect leader was very careful to remove the ice slag from the little girl's body, and when he saw Chen Han passing, he quickly got out of the way.

"Chen Han, can you help take a look, is this little girl still saved?"

Chen Han walked up to the little girl, touched her pulse, and then put his hand on her head.

"It's been too long to die, and I'm not even conscious, and I'm hopeless. Chen Han said in a deep voice.

"No, Chen Han, your magical powers are so vast, it shouldn't be difficult for you to come back to life, how can you not be saved?" the sect leader asked with a skeptical expression.

"What do you mean, do you want to question my judgment, or question my motives, didn't you hear what I just said, it's hopeless. Chen Han said loudly with some annoyance.

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