Chapter 246

Seeing the appearance of his cheap apprentice, Shen Xinglou shook his head and laughed.



Chi Mengli no longer struggles with these.

snorted coldly.

"Hmph~ It's almost the same~"

After that, Chi Mengli communicated in the chat group to search for another world plane.

Honestly, she was looking forward to it too. .

Because this function is different from inviting new members. .


"Ding----Respected group owner, now search the world of the world of the heavens and the world~~"


The curtain ends with the prompt sound.

Ripples and incomparably mysterious rays of light appeared in the sky of the Ten Thousand Realms Exchange Center, which looked very beautiful, like the stars in the heavens.

"Ding-----dimensional spiritual dimension barrier construction.."


"Searching the world..."

"The search is successful. You can explore the planes in the following worlds. When the exploration is over and you are 25, you can bring 1 or 2 members to join the chat group and or the exchange center of all worlds."

""The King of the Undead---The World of Gu Aotian""

"True----The World of Three Kingdoms Warriors""

"Liaozhai Yizhi-----The World of Ghosts and Ghosts""

"Journey to the West to Conquer the Demon World-----Myth Derivation"


""The Great World of Xianhu-----thousands of spells, infinite avenues, I just ask, can you live forever??"

"The World of Nine Mosquitoes-----Emperor Yu Splits the Mountains with Five Axes to Divide Kyushu - Fantasy World""

"The World in the Snow---Fantasy High Martial Arts""

(The typo is intentional, I hope everyone can understand..)

With the end of the system sound.

Seven incomparably dazzling light clusters appeared in the sky of the Wanjie Exchange Center.

All members of the group can see the plane world represented by the light group and the introduction of the plot.

These seven plane worlds are all plane worlds that Chi Mengli can choose to explore.

These are the derivative worlds of anime, novels, and games that he was familiar with in his previous life.

Shen Xinglou also raised his brows slightly, because he also understood all these worlds and was very interested at the same time. .

Although the rest of the group members did not know the origin of these worlds, they also learned the worldview of these five worlds through the light group. .

Everyone is extremely excited, because the worldview of these seven planes is not small, and even the worldview of some worlds is very vast, and they are very interested. .

Just when Chi Mengli was struggling with which world to choose. .

The voice of the chat group sounded again. .

"Ding-----In order to avoid the discovery of the will of Heaven in the plane world, only two group members can enter the plane world to explore in any plane world. During the expedition, you can choose to return at any time, and at the same time, the plane world will randomly Trigger the plane mission!"

"After experiencing more than five worlds, members who go to the plane world can increase."

"While choosing to leave the plane world, according to the wishes of the plane world creatures, one or two plane creatures can be invited to become group members or join the Wanjie Communication Center."


Seeing the prompt of the chat group, Chi Mengli sighed slightly. .

She knew that this would make the group members lose, but there was no way. .

So, Chi Mengli told the group members about this. Although the group members were rather disappointed, they were understandable.

After all, the group members participating in the plane adventure can increase in the future.


After everyone's discussion and voting. .

From Shen Xinglou and Uchiha Itachi to the Westward Journey to the World of Conquering Demons-----the world of mythological derived planes for adventure.

Needless to say, Shen Xinglou, as the only big guy in the group, he is willing to go, everyone has no opinion, and almost all the group members have received the favor of Shen Xinglou, so Shen Xinglou wants to go to the plane world without any objection. .

And the reason why Uchiha Itachi was able to go together is because Uchiha Itachi is the veteran of the chat group, and it's his turn too~~

. . . . .

After confirming that no one objected. .

Chi Mengli confirmed that Shen Xinglou and Uchiha Itachi went to the Westward Journey to Conquer the Demon World----myth derivative plane for adventure through the group owner's authority, and they were watching the live broadcast at the Wanjie Exchange Center. .

Follow Chi Mengli to make a decision. .

Except for the World of Conquering Demons in Journey to the West ----- the light group of the mythological derived plane world left behind. .

The light clusters of other world planes all dissipated.

Then the figures of Shen Xinglou and Uchiha Itachi gradually faded and entered the world of Journey to the West - the world of mythological derived planes.

At the same time, an extremely luxurious sofa and bed appeared out of thin air in the Wanjie Exchange Center.

And a variety of luxurious and luxurious items for entertainment.

Sunflower seeds and peanut drinks were available at that time.

And the world of Conquering Demons in Journey to the West-----the light group of the mythological derived world plane directly expands infinitely in the sky.

Everyone sat on the sofa bed and watched as if they were there.

"Ding-----group management super beast Pluto and group members' younger brother control-Uchiha Itachi enters the world of Journey to the West to conquer the devil-----myth-derived plane world, now open a 1080-degree all-round live broadcast without dead ends, I hope all members of the group Watch the transcendence~”]


Birdie Rokka relied on Esdes with a look of enjoyment.

"Haha, fortunately I didn't go to the plane world to take risks, it's too comfortable~~"

Yue Buqun, who was lying on the bed, said righteously, "Comfort is reserved for the dead. Little Sister Liuhua must have a correct attitude."

After saying that, Yue Buqun took a glass of iced Coke from the table next to him and drank it.

Showing a comfortable look: "Is this an ice cola? It's delicious~~"

Zhao Min hugged the little deaf girl and looked at Yue Buqun speechlessly, wanting to complain, but she still held back~~

On the other hand, Pai Daxing hugged Bai Qinghu, who was leaning on the water margin world nearly 20 meters away, wearing sunglasses and eating snacks with a look of enjoyment.

While eating, he smiled at Bai Qinghu with a hanging forehead next to him and said, "It's delicious, hey, big cat, do you want one."

Bai Qinghu with a hanging forehead shook his head with contempt, and looked up at the live broadcast of the world of the Westward Journey to the Vault of Heaven ----- the world of mythological derived planes. .

All the members enjoyed watching the live broadcast of the World of Conquering the Demons of Journey to the West-----the world of mythological derived planes.


At this moment, a black spot suddenly appeared in the sky.

Everyone looked closely, and it turned out to be Lu Bu, who was finally about to fall. .

Haven't fallen to the ground yet.

Lu Bu was used by the King of Otto, who was nearly 60 meters tall. .

At this time, Lu Bu was in rags.

Silly face.

He kept muttering to himself: "My sister, the group leader, I was wrong, I will never dare again, I will never dare again......"

The corners of the eyes of everyone watching kept twitching.


Lu Bu returned to normal.

Everyone looked at the sky, Shen Xinglou and Uchiha Itachi traveled westward to the world of subduing demons-----the adventure of the mythological derived plane. . . .

Chapter 247

Shen Xinglou and Uchiha Itachi would never have imagined that their sand sculpture group would enjoy watching their plane adventures in this way.

Journey to the West to Conquer the Demon World-----Myth-derived plane world tells that during the Tang Dynasty, demons were rampant. A small fishing village invited Taoist priests to eliminate demons because of the harm of fish demons. The young exorcist Chen Xuanzang came to help but was mistaken for a liar .

Fortunately, Miss Duan, the professional bounty exorcist, helped Xuanzang subdue the real fish demon.The two met again in Gaojiazhuang to subdue the pig demon and Gangjae. This time, the demon removal was unsuccessful, but Miss Duan fell in love with Xuanzang at first sight.

Xuanzang asked for help from his master and learned that the way to get rid of the demon was to find Sun Wukong who was pinned under Wuzhi Mountain for help, so he was about to go to Wuzhi Mountain. On the way, he met Miss Duan and his subordinate Wusha. They were repeatedly rejected when they were together, and under the training of the fourth sister, they wanted to become more feminine, but it was counterproductive.

After the two broke apart, Xuanzang went on the road alone, and at the same time, the Demon Slayer, Tian Stump Foot, and Young Master Kong also went to exorcise the demon.After untold hardships, Xuanzang finally found Sun Wukong.

Miss Duan appeared again and gave Xuanzang an important thing. The pig demon was finally subdued, but a bigger crisis appeared in front of Xuanzang. It turned out that Sun Wukong was different from the rumors. Xuanzang's road to eliminating demons Can you continue [.


Journey to the West to Conquer the Demon World-----Mythic Derived Plane World

Two bright lights emerged.

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