Evolved into two figures.

It was Shen Xinglou and Uchiha Itachi.

Look at the green mountains and waters in front of you and the clear sky.

Shen Xinglou smiled and said, "The environment here is good~"

Uchiha Itachi, who was on the side, nodded slightly: "Yes, there is a special kind of energy in the air. Although the energy level is not high, it is extremely pure and refreshing~"

Today's Uchiha Itachi has also reached the realm of three-star peak pseudo four-star, and may not be a number in this myth-derived world of Journey to the West~~~

Because although the movie world derived from the knowledge myth of the world of Journey to the West, there are such existences as the Tathagata.

According to the performance of the movie, the realm of the Tathagata starts with at least five stars.

However, the genius of Itachi Uchiha's family, although Uchiha Itachi after joining the group has let himself go a bit, but a genius is always a genius.

Today's Uchiha Itachi can already use the six hook jade reincarnation eye~~

He believes that Uchiha Itachi still has the ability to protect himself. .

And with him there, even the Tathagata would not be able to hurt Itachi. He has this strength and confidence.

"Boss Hades, where should we go?"

Uchiha Itachi looked at Shen Xinglou suspiciously. .

Shen Xinglou said indifferently: "Just follow your heart, and finally come to other plane worlds, of course, just look at the great rivers and mountains here~ You can follow your heart."

Uchiha Itachi nodded slightly and said, "I understand~ Mr. Hades, you mean to let me understand the mystery of this world and improve my state of mind! It is indeed you~"


The corners of Shen Xinglou's mouth twitched slightly, standing beside him.

Looking at Uchiha Itachi's serious look.

I thought to myself: "You and the brain-boosting king of the Bone Aotian World have a fight" ."


Shaking his head slightly.

The two of them walked on the group and saw each other, and they walked for nearly a thousand miles, but they were still deserted.

Shen Xinglou and Uchiha Itachi didn't use any way to hurry.

Just walking as usual. .


For Shen Xinglou, the world of the world of Journey to the West is too small, and he came here not to reincarnate in a hurry, but to experience the people and things in the world of Journey to the West. .

As for Uchiha Itachi, he didn't complain either. In his opinion, being able to engrave such a supreme boss as the Hades boss would be profitable no matter what.

The words and deeds of the Pluto boss may be instructing himself.

Uchiha Itachi started to make up his mind again. .


In this way, the two walked for nearly an hour and found a white-haired old man in front of them.

The two walked forward. .

But seeing the old man shook his head and sighed.

Uchiha Itachi wondered: "This old man, why are you sighing here??"


Originally muttering to himself, the white-haired old man raised his head and looked in the direction of the voice.

When he saw Shen Xinglou and Uchiha Itachi, he was stunned. .

Because the man at the head gave off a feeling like a god.

Although I can't see his appearance, I feel that just standing there gives people a feeling of peerless elegance, contempt of all things, and contempt for the heavens and the earth.

The mysterious armor and cloak with dark gold on the body and slightly silver-white divine patterns on his body further highlight his splendor.

It doesn't seem like it should be in the world at all. .

It makes people feel that this is a peerless powerhouse, with a peerless appearance and a peerless temperament.

Although I have never seen an immortal, it gives people the feeling that even an immortal is not as good as the man in front of him.

And this man is Shen Xinglou. . .

And the other, although there is a big gap compared with the man who is like an immortal, but it is also far from being comparable to an extraordinary person.


The white-haired old man knew that the two in front of him were likely to be the legendary cultivators.

Thinking of this, the old man responded: "Nowadays there is a severe drought in Guan, and locusts are flooding, sweeping all over the Central Plains, the people are displaced, and even change their children to eat. As a doctor, although the old man can save one or two people, dozens of people can be saved. , but can't save a hundred, a thousand, the world's people~ Therefore, I sigh."

"Let the two immortals laugh~~"

Uchiha Itachi nodded slightly and didn't say anything.

In ancient times, natural and man-made disasters were the most terrifying, and the people really had nothing to do in the face of locust plagues. .

And this is a mythologically derived world, certainly not that simple.

However, the heart of this old man made Shen Xinglou feel good. He could see that this old man was just an ordinary person, but his body's vital functions were maintained very well, and he could even live to his age without going outside. .


And Uchiha Itachi also admires this white-haired old man's mind very much, much stronger than his dutiful son~~

. . .

The old man in white paused.

Looking at Shen Xinglou and Uchiha Itachi, he said, "Both of them are legendary gods~ Now that demons are rampant in the world, I am afraid that the plague of locusts is not that simple. I hope that the two immortals can act for the heavens if they encounter demons~ "


Just as Uchiha Itachi was about to agree, he was stopped by Shen Xinglou.

Shen Xinglou smiled and said, "Of course you can, but you can die first~~"

The white-haired old man sneered and said: "Xianchang, you are joking, there is nothing wrong with the old man, I just hope that you can slay demons and demons, why do you do this to me?"

Shen Xinglou's expression was still indifferent, and he said with a smile, "Monkey King Sun Wukong~~ Why do you think I would do this to you??"


In an instant, in the surprised eyes of Uchiha Itachi. .

The white-haired old man's face became extremely ferocious, and then quickly turned into a sharp-mouthed monkey with an extremely ugly and short-looking monkey.

It is the demon king Sun Wukong. .

"Monkey King Sun Wukong, the chat group judged it to be a congenital monster at the peak of the four-star mid-level. It has a low-end version of seventy-two transformations, as well as various magical magical powers. It has the power to destroy the stars."

"It was suppressed by the ceiling of the sky and the earth, and the six-star peak of the Great Sun Tathagata (one of the endless avatars of the mythical plane) for five hundred years."

"I didn't expect to meet such an unlucky creature when I first came here, and Shen Xinglou didn't want to explore in the plane of Journey to the West. The main reason is because he is very disgusted with the demon king Sun Wukong. This demon king Sun Wukong is too ugly and his heart is too dark. ~~”

thought here.

Shen Xinglou said to Uchiha Itachi who was beside him: "¨〃I don't like this world very much, so I want to annihilate this world, I hope you don't mind~"

Uchiha Itachi swallowed a mouthful of spit.

He hurriedly shook his head and said with a smile: "How come, Senior Hades is happy~"


The demon king Sun Wukong on the side clasped his ears with his little finger.

He opened his mouth and said: "Hey, what are you talking about, have you talked enough, and annihilated the world, my old grandson just wanted to tease you, do you really think you are very powerful?? I've never bragged like that!!"


Shen Xinglou looked indifferent and snapped his fingers gently.


A black substance the size of a marble marble appeared.

. .

A moment of reappearance. .

All the laws and orders of the entire world of Journey to the West were annihilated, and hundreds of millions of stars fell.

The demon king Sun Wukong hadn't had time to say a word. .

It just turned into nothingness. .

Western Paradise.

Eternal Buddhaland.

The Great Sun Tathagata is speaking with a group of Bodhisattvas and Arhats. .

Suddenly, the eternal Buddha country emits immeasurable golden light, and after only supporting it for a moment, the immeasurable golden light becomes a black light full of decay.

The Arhat Bodhisattvas, who are usually solemn in their precious appearances, were extremely panicked and looked at the Great Sun Tathagata sitting in the center.

The Great Sun Tathagata, with deep eyes, murmured: "The supreme taboo powerhouse above the heavens and the world wants to annihilate this world, who is it that offends this..."

"I hope the deity can notice this plane~"

....(Li Zhaohao).

In an instant, the matter the size of the marble marble expands infinitely, forming an incomparably vast black hole, and all matter within the scope of the black hole space, even time, dimension, and space, no longer exist.

The Pure Land of the Tathagata, the eternal Buddha kingdom, is torn apart inch by inch.

For a moment, the entire world of Journey to the West turned into endless chaos.

. . . . .

Uchiha Itachi on the side dared to say a word from beginning to end. .

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