
Chapter 131

  "Interesting, has Senior Brother become so scary? I'm suddenly very interested!"

  Li Siluo said with a smile.

  "I didn't expect that Han Fei turned out to be Master Li Si's senior brother. No wonder he has such ability. If so, should I give you a face and let him go?"

  Zhao Gao Luo Ziqian gave way.

  Today's Li Si is Qin Prime Minister Lu Buwei's right-hand man, and his astronomical and geographical conspiracy calculations are terrifying. He is the only person Zhao Gao has been afraid of in recent years.

  "Hahaha, that's not necessary. I and Han Feidao are different from each other. Everyone can rely on their abilities."

  "Now that you and I are both working for Prime Minister Lu, how can we ruin the great cause of the Prime Minister because of our own selfishness?"

  Li Si chuckled lightly.

  "Lord Li Si is decisive, Zhao Gao admires it."

  Zhao Gao narrowed his eyes.



  In the territory of country h, Xuanzhulin Inn.

  Sword Saint Genie, who was originally holding Yuanhong to alert the surrounding area, suddenly raised his head and looked at the corner of the sky!

  "Unexpectedly, Yukong came??"

  The man in a long gown beside Gai Nie was stunned and speechless!

  "I didn't expect that what the younger brother said was true. Han Fei, the leader of the lucky god sect, turned out to be a cultivator that has been rare for thousands of years!"

  Genie's mind was in turmoil, and his voice trembled a little.

  With such an immortal character on the opposite side, how much meaning does his swordsmanship have left?

  "Your Majesty, you are not easy to find."

  Han Fei fell into the clouds, looked down at Ying Zheng who looked nervous and smiled.

  Being able to frighten King Qin, who was overpowering the Six Kingdoms, looked uneasy, which was also an achievement for Han Fei.If it were before, Han Fei would definitely not be so high-profile, but he is now a real Jindan real person, and his longevity and longevity can be compared with ordinary and secular emperors. If he lowers his status and talks about monarchs and ministers, he will give the gods and chats. The guys in the group are embarrassed!

  So you Ying Zheng is the king of the world, with a life span of a hundred years, Lao Tzu is a cultivator, immortal for ten thousand years, and the gap is too large to be equal.

  "I have long heard that Mr. is a great talent, but it is more exaggerated than the legend."

  Ying Zheng smiled bitterly.

  He considers himself a dragon among people, and the Qin soldiers and cavalry are about to dominate the world and achieve great things for all ages!Such an unprecedented achievement was enough to make Ying Zheng a hero in the world!

  But who knows that this Han Fei is more incomprehensible than him, and he is not a person directly...

  How could Ying Zheng still show off in front of Han Fei? ? ?

  "Hehe, being able to transcend the mundane and become a cultivator is just a blessing from my god, and Han does not dare to take credit."

  "I came here today to preach for my god."

  Han Fei said bluntly.

  "Uh... Sir, this is, want me to help preach? With my current situation, I'm afraid some strongmen are in trouble."

  Ying Zheng's mouth twitched.

  I thought that you, Han Fei, are really welcome. You asked me to pass on your fooling stuff when we first met, and you are being hunted and killed, okay?

  Gai Nie on the side gradually relaxed, because he did not feel murderous in Han Fei, only peaceful.

  Furthermore, with a cultivator like Han Fei, it is enough to stop him if he really wants to do it himself.

  "I hope Han Fei can be a gentleman who puts benevolence and love first, as the younger brother said, otherwise my king will be in danger."

  Genie quietly sighed and said.

  "Haha, I know that the king has been unfavorable recently. He was under the control of Lu Buwei just after he ascended the throne, so isn't Han here to help?"

  "I'll help you get out of trouble, you help me preach, let's get what we need."

  Han Fei said frankly.

  "Mr. even knows about the affairs of our Qin country, and the news is really well-informed."

  Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes.

  Such presumptuous words, if others say it, they will definitely be blocked by Gai Nie's sword.But the one sitting in front of him is an eccentric cultivator!

  This depression made Ying Zheng very uncomfortable.

  "So the news is true. There was a squatter who provided information, and everything went smoothly."

  Han Fei secretly praised.

  "Wang Shangjue thinks that my proposal just now is not reasonable enough?"

  Han Fei looked at Ying Zheng and smiled.

  "It seems reasonable, but I have a lot of ignorance."

  Ying Zheng said seriously.

  "But it doesn't matter."

  Han Fei beckoned to the teapot who was going out, and the teapot automatically fell into Han Fei's hands, poured a cup of tea for Ying Zheng and himself, and waited with a smile.

  With such magical powers, Ying Zheng and Gai Nie quietly swallowed their saliva!

  However, Ying Zheng really believed that Han Fei was capable of helping him, and now Lu Buwei was powerful and had military power in his hands.I am afraid that only an immortal figure like Han Fei can help him gain power in the shortest possible time!

  "There are three things that Ying Zheng is unclear about: First, Mr. is the ninth son of Han Wang'an. If he operates properly, he can inherit the throne. Why bother with these churches?"

  "Second, if you came to me like this, and even wanted to help me take back the power, wouldn't it be equivalent to hastening the fall of the Six Nations? Do you want to give up the great cause after helping me take back the power, and fail to withdraw troops?"

  "Thirdly, I don't understand the benefits of people like you and me doing sect propaganda. Any country's religious power will inevitably threaten the state's affairs. This is simply shooting yourself in the foot, right?"

  Ying Zheng looked into Han Fei's eyes and asked.

  "Haha, as expected of King Yingzheng, who is not known as the emperor of a hundred years."

  "Wait a minute, I'll find someone to write information to give you the most professional answer."

  Under Ying Zheng and Gai Nie's obsessive gaze, Han Fei closed his eyes and devoted most of his consciousness to the chat group.

  I, Han Fei, want to reform: "Brothers and sisters, I am in a hurry! I am discussing the benefits of preaching with the future ruler of this world. If I can persuade him, it will not be long before my god's teachings will be spread all over the world!"

  I, Han Fei, just want to reform: "I need to show him some excellent and trendy ideas for governing the country and religion, otherwise he would definitely not dare to let our Lucky God Cult accept believers from all over the world! Do you understand what I mean?"

  Ouyang is not crazy: "Understood, but unfortunately I don't have much literature for you, but the third promotion article of "Instructions for Joining the Group" has the benefits of promoting believers. You can show him!"

  They all call me Long Ma: "Help you call those guys from modern civilization, there must be information! @Tushanyaya stinky girls don't pay wages! @Original Survival Xie En @Support Dumbledore @大古Don't want to be an Austrian Terman!"

  Everyone! ! !

  I, Han Fei, just want to reform: "Thank you Long Ma for reminding me!"

  Tushan Yaya stinky girls don't pay wages: "Wait for me, I'll download "The Evolution of the Five Thousand Years of Political Power" to you!"

  Shane, the original survivalist, uploaded the "Declaration of Victory in a Liberal Democracy"!

  Dagu didn't want to be an Ultraman, so he uploaded the "Declaration of a Community of Shared Future for Humanity in Front of Monsters"!


Chapter 132

  Tu Shan Yaya stinky girls don't pay wages: "I'll go, don't upload it indiscriminately, Ying Zheng's brain may not be able to digest such an avant-garde concept!"

  They all call me Long Ma: "I guess he may go crazy! Snickering jpg!"

  Supporting Dumbledore: "You are the devil!"

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "But with so much information, how do you show that Ying Zheng? Curious jpg!"

  Ben Young Master Zhang Zifan: "Same as above!"

  My Song Ming ultimately wants the whole world: "I'm also curious!"

  Dagu didn't want to be an Ultraman: "We can use light signal to communicate here, Han Fei, you don't even have electricity!"

  I, Han Fei, just want to reform: "Hey, I am a cultivator in the Jindan stage now. The "Sacred Book of the Gods" blessed by my god has related exercises, and I can directly throw the image memory into his mind with the immortal method!"

  Crowd:! ! !

  The one who killed the monster with the knife: "You still have this ability! I'm envious of my finger j~pg!"


  "My reasons are all here, the king slowly interprets it. After three days, you should be able to understand what I think - what I think."

  Han Feiyi pointed at Ying Zheng's forehead, and with Jindanqi's magic power downloaded the "Up and Down Five Thousand Years", "The Promotion Manual for Joining the Group", "Socialism is Good", "Discussion of Liberal Democracy and Civilization", "Monster" In front of him, more than a dozen future works, such as the Declaration on a Community of Shared Future for Mankind, were sent into Ying Zheng's head.

  "This! My king, is he all right!"

  Looking at the back of Han Fei, who had already gone away from the sky, Gai Nie looked at the King Qin who was stunned in place with worry.


  "Abolish the constitutional monarchy..."

  puff! ! !

  Just after reading a few words of the document in my mind, Ying Zheng's three views collapsed, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out!



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