"Hey hey, even my heart as a real Jindan can't stand it. I hope this guy Ying Zheng can survive."

  Han Fei smirked while flying.

  I have to say that this method is simply too convenient, saving myself a few days and nights of speech.

  As long as Ying Zheng is smart enough, he will be able to find out the most suitable political system in the current environment.And Chen Xian's fortune-telling teachings are quietly in line with that future comprehensive system!


  Taking the main altar of the divine religion in Quzhen, Han Fei heard the sound of swords clashing as soon as he landed.

  "Brother, come and help! This woman stole our spoils."

  Princess Guren shouted angrily from a distance.

  Yan Lingji and Zi Nu were holding long swords, constantly blocking the silver threads that appeared in all directions!

  At this moment, Wei Zhuang's arms, legs and feet were all covered with thin blood lines. If he hadn't been under 9% pressure by himself, the people around him would have died.

  "Is this the ruthless silk? The celestial killer of the net - Xiu Niang?"

  Looking at the ghostly figure in the distance, Han Fei said in surprise.

  "Hehe, you are Han Fei? It turns out that you have masters like Wei Zhuang and Yan Lingji under your command. No wonder you were able to kill Xuan Jian and Liu Jian slave!"

  Black Widow Xiu Niang, who suppressed everyone's chances of winning, looked at Han Feijiao and smiled.

  "What's so funny? You cut off your love and went to be a killer. Do you really think I don't kill women?"

  Han Fei was speechless looking at Xiu Niang's aloofness.

  Reaching out and pulling, Jin Dan's true essence turned into real fire and instantly burned the ruthless silk flying in the air, Xiu Niang screamed, and was sucked by Han Fei from the air, her neck pinched in her hand!

  "This! Cough! It's impossible—"

  Xiu Niang coughed and widened her eyes, looking at Han Fei in horror!

  She is the third-ranked expert on the Luowang Tianzi list, and she was arrested without even knowing how Han Fei did it?And Han Fei's palm was like a soldering iron, almost burning through her neck!

  "You all came out one by one to pretend to be uncles, and then I crushed them to death one by one, don't you think it's a waste of time?"

  "Go back and tell your masters, I will wait for you to gather all of you to take revenge on Huang Songpo on the border of Qin and Chu the day after tomorrow, and try to bring as many people as possible. Do you understand?"

  Han Fei looked at Xiu Niang, who was about to be crushed by him, and said seriously.


  Xiu Niang nodded humiliatingly.

  As if afraid that Xiu Niang's hatred is not enough, Han Fei's right hand shattered directly with a thought!

  "Sect Master, do you still dare to go when you say that?"

  Seeing Xiu Niang who was screaming and running away, Yan Lingji spread her hands.

  "They will go, because they are the snare, the No. [-] killer organization in the Seven Kingdoms. If they dare not even take up such a challenge, then there will be no snare for a while."

  Wei Zhuang sighed softly.

  As a cultivator, Han Fei is simply an incomprehensible existence in this world. All pride and hostility will become a joke when encountering Han Fei. Wei Zhuang is now looking forward to the leader of the trap when he sees Han Fei. what expression.

· · · Flowers · · ·

  "Brother Wei Zhuang's analysis is thorough. The day after tomorrow, I will ask Ying Zheng to watch this good show together. If everything goes well, I predict that we will be able to meet the conditions for building the gate of the kingdom of God in about seven days."

  Han Fei smiled.

  Hearing Han Fei's words, Yan Lingji, Red Lotus and Zi Nu were excited!Just now, I was depressed and beaten by Xiu Niang and disappeared in an instant!



  "What! Han Fei wants us to go to Huang Songpo at the border of Qin and Chu tomorrow to seek revenge for him?"

  "You didn't even kill him?"

  Looking at Xiu Niang, who lost her right hand and had a gray face in front of her, Zhao Gao stood up in shock, his eyes ruthless.


  "Sir, let's make peace with Han Fei!"

  "You know my strength, but I'm not even as good as an ant in front of Han Fei! Even if you go, it's the same! We can't avenge this revenge!"

  Xiu Niang looked at Zhao Gaodao with frightened eyes!


  Zhao Gao was furious!One kick kicked the embroidered mother far away!

  He is Zhao Gao, and Zhao Gao, who is more than ten thousand people under one person, is in a high position in the Qin state and is the leader of thousands of top killers!

  If he is unhappy, no one in the entire Seven Kingdoms dares to sleep well!

  Now Xiu Niang actually said that she was inferior to ants in front of Han Fei? ? ?

  "Just based on your words, I, Zhao Gao, will decide this game! Han Fei, a mere ninth son, dares to be so arrogant and dare to ask us to confront us at the border of Qin and Chu! I'm afraid I don't know how to write dead words!"

  "Hahaha! I'm looking forward to seeing Han Fei's despair when he is surrounded by killers and tens of thousands of troops tomorrow!"

  Zhao Gao's face twisted and laughed wildly.

  Few people in this world know that they are the leader of the snare!No one knew that they could actually deploy Qin Jun!This is his Zhao Gao's confidence!

  What kind of people and forces can survive under the Daqin Iron Cavalry?

  "Someone! Go and invite Master Li Si, the day after tomorrow, Huang Songpo, ask him to send troops to close the net!"

  "As long as Han Fei, Yan Lingji, Wei Zhuang and the others are wiped out, the H country that has lost Ji Wuye can only be a mermaid!"

  Zhao Gao said with a sinister smile.



Chapter 133

  "Zhao Gao, are you sure that after we arrange it like this, he can still come to the appointment?"

  Qin-Chu border, on Huangsongpo.

  Li Si looked at the hundreds of killers from various countries behind Zhao Gao, and his heart shook slightly.

  He never imagined that Zhao Gao had cultivated such a terrifying number of first- and second-tier killers over the years!He only knew that Zhao Gao had a dungeon dedicated to detaining martial arts practitioners, and all kinds of inhumane tortures would be repeated in the dungeon one by one.

  Under the endless slaughter and abuse, Zhao Gao, like raising a Gu worm, constantly cultivated extremely perverted killers.

  What's even more frightening is that these trained killers have never heard of a betrayal!Such a method is simply unbelievable.

  This is also the main reason why Zhao Gao was able to stand in the court and was highly regarded by Lu Buwei.

  "Lord Li Si, I'm afraid you don't know how arrogant your senior brother is now!"

  "Han Fei's Lucky God Cult is so large now that he actually said today's appointment in public, and he will definitely come!"

  Zhao Gao's gloomy and cold face revealed a murderous intent that could not be concealed.

  Forbearance is like him, and he can't help it. It can be seen that Xiu Niang's words hurt Zhao Gao's self-esteem so much!

  "Even if I come back, there's no need for me to mobilize the three battalions of iron cavalry to ambush! Do you think Han Fei has three heads and six arms, and now the H country does not have any troops that can be transferred from the border to come here to help him!"

  "This is a deadly situation. I still don't think Han Fei would be so stupid."

  Li Si shook his head.

  "Hey, he's already here! And he brought a gift!"

  "If there is no accident, the treasure of Canglong Qisu is also on your brother. Master Li Si can't be soft-hearted!"

  Zhao Gao squinted and smiled as he looked at the luxury carriage slowly approaching in the distance.

  Immediately outside, Han Fei, Yan Lingji, Wei Zhuang and others got out of the car and walked, approaching like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard.


  "Start the sword formation!"

  Zhao Gao, who is the master of the word under heaven, said with a wave of his hand, covering the sun.

  Hundreds of killers set off in unison, and a huge sword formation quickly had a chain reaction, strangling the carriage and the crowd!

  "Tsk tsk, it turned out to be Lord Zhao Gao, I just said how could Luo Wang have so many killers available!"

  "You, who are in charge of Qin's prison, are indeed qualified to set up a net!"

  Han Fei took a step forward and smiled.

  Zhao Gao and Li Si's eyes narrowed slightly. They found that since Han Fei spoke, those sword formation ultimate moves that had been arranged in advance could no longer get close to the carriage!

  "This kid is so weird, let me try him first!"

  Covering Ri walked out from Zhao Gao's side, and his movement speed exploded to the extreme. Before anyone arrived, the sword was already unsheathed and brought out a large scarlet light!

  "What a bloody sword, you guys are very good at crafting fierce swords!"

  "Weizhuang is fierce, this sword should also be kept."

  Han Fei raised his hand and squeezed the blade, and lightly took the road away from Ou Ri's hand.

  "This, how is this possible! You can't be so strong!"

  Covering the sun in horror.

  Zhao Gao and Li Si's eyes changed!

  "Kill them together!"

  Zhao Gao's voice was sharp and unpleasant, and a sigh came from the carriage beside Han Fei, apparently hearing Zhao Gao's voice.

  "I never imagined that even Zhao Gao would become Lu Buwei's lackey."

  Ying Zheng lifted the curtain of the carriage, looked at Zhao Gao and sighed.

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