"Really envy me? I heard that each of you got an immortal treasure in the past few days, so you couldn't sleep happily."

  Medusa said seriously.

  Although she has a 7-star fairy treasure Xuanhuo Jian, no one thinks there are too many fairy treasures, and sometimes one more is equal to more lives.

  "I'm going, the news is so well-informed? Who made a small report in advance?"

  Shui Yunji looked around and waved her fists.

  "No no!"

  "It's not us anyway!"

  Huang Rong and Cheng Yaojia waved their hands hastily.

  During the trial that day, all the 1st rank True God-level beasts were blinded by Shui Yunji, and the two of them together were definitely Shui Yunji's opponents.

  "Understood, Xun'er is you, you and Medusa are from the same world."

  Shui Yunji put her arms around her shoulders, staring at Gu Xun'er with the eyes of a traitor.

  "Sister Shuiyunji, don't wrong me, Xian'er doesn't have one of those things like Xianbao."

  Gu Xun'er blushed.

  Boom boom boom!

  The bell of God's entry rang, finally interrupting the quarrel among the girls.

  An extremely glamorous figure in a red dress slowly appeared, and the devil-like waist and delicate face made several female gods present in surprise!

  I feel that women are like this, and the word "beautiful" is just worthy of it!

  "The believer Yan Lingji, I have seen the Lord God!"

  The woman in the red dress was slightly stunned, and after seeing Chen Xian's appearance, she bowed in a panic.



Chapter 135

  "Yanling Ji? The name is as beautiful as a person!"

  "Look at the long legs of others, they are a match for Qi."

  "Sister Honghong, why do you feel that Yanling Ji misses the demon fox more than you!"

  Ya Fei and Shi Jindao praised and laughed.

  "It's boring, she doesn't have a demonic aura, it's just a long charm."

  Tu Shan Honghong's expression remained unchanged, and he snorted coldly in ventriloquism.

  Since the marriage with Chen Xian, not only why Tu Shanhonghong's cold personality has not changed much, but also in front of Chen Xian, some daughter's gestures may be revealed. The usual communication is also Wang Quanzui and Dongfang Huaizhu's hometown women. some more.

  The only thing Tu Shan Honghong is interested in now is to find someone to learn spells, because no matter how much you fight in the kingdom of God, you will not die. Practical training is the fastest shortcut!

  "Yanling Ji has seen several godly sisters!"

  Hearing the girls teasing her, Yan Lingji's heart moved slightly, and she bowed to Tu Shan Honghong and others.

  "Get up, the three divine gates you entered are my gods, and you don't need to be restrained like them."

  Chen Xian smiled.

  "Sister Yanling Ji, the Lord God has a good temper. After the sister is so beautiful, it's better to come to the Palace of the God King more often."

  Queen Medusa squinted her eyes and smiled while looking at Yan Lingji's body.

  I secretly thought that with Yan Lingji's conditions, I'm afraid that it will be easy to become Chen Xian's bedside person, and maybe he will be more favored than himself.

  "Yes, thank God Lord and Godly Sister for their tips!"

  Seeing that Chen Xian was really easy to talk, Yan Lingji raised her head in surprise.

  "Why don't you see Huaizhu? Usually, when newcomers enter, she is quite active onlookers."

  Medusa looked around suspiciously.

  "Sister Huaizhu is still cultivating, it seems that today is a critical moment!"

  Nalan Yanran was staying at Zhuxiu Shrine last night, so she quickly responded.

  "It's a critical moment? Lord God, is she also--"

  Tu Shan Honghong looked at Chen Xian in surprise.

  "That's right, she is preparing to condense her divine personality in Zhuxiu Shrine. Later, you can go to Zhuxiu Shrine and observe it for a while, which will be beneficial to your subsequent spiritual cultivation."

  Chen Xian sensed it a little and said seriously to everyone.



  "Sister Huaizhu will also condense her godhead to become a real god!"

  "so envious!!!"

  Huang Rong, Song Yan and the others exclaimed.

  "Consolidate the godhead...become a true god..."

  Hearing the information from everyone's mouth, Yan Lingji's eyes were bright and she couldn't help clenching her fists!

  I said in my heart that this place is indeed the kingdom of God, and even the woman of the Lord of God seems to easily become a true God!That is something that Yan Lingji desperately desires!

  Because in the lower realm, Han Fei's immortal methods gave her too much stimulation, and that kind of power was also the reason why she and Zi Nu and others stepped into the kingdom of God!


  Three figures landed again!

  After being a little stunned, the three delicate-looking women bowed down to Chen Xian!

  "Purple girl, red lotus, Nongyu! I have seen the Lord God, may the Lord God have endless luck and glory forever!"

  The three purple girls greeted each other with excitement!

  "Wow! Sister Yanlingji, did they come from the same world as you? They all look so beautiful, and the dresses and skirts are so beautiful!"

  Wang Quanzui's face that just came of age showed admiration.

  "Yes, I seem to have a special physique, and I can be teleported faster than them."

  Yan Lingji responded with a smile.

  "Huo Mei's spiritual body has a high affinity for the Five Elements Formation, so it is naturally easier to transmit than ordinary physiques."

  "You three, get up, Medusa will settle the address of the shrine for you. If you have any doubts, you can go to the palace of the king to find me."

  Chen Xian chuckled and nodded, and after speaking, the figure slowly dissipated on the spot.

  In the past few days, he is also about to break through the realm. Once he breaks through, his strength will double again, and it will be time to go out and make waves!

  Some time ago, I killed two lower gods in one fell swoop. I don't know what it looks like outside...


  "I am Medusa, the concubine of the Lord God, and the current state is the second-rank god. You can choose the address of the bedroom with me, and try to choose a place that is compatible with your own breath."

  Medusa stretched out her hand to invite, the voice fell, and the four Yan Lingji exclaimed, and the clouds floated up under their feet.

  "One thought becomes a cloud! It is indeed the godly means of Sister Medusa!"

  "Ahhh! This trick is so cool, when will I become a god!"

  Cheng Yaojia and Wang Quanzui held their faces in envy.

  Qi, who had been silent in the distance, looked at Medusa through the mask and looked at Medusa's words, she couldn't help pinching her fingers!Years of Assassin training in the lower realms has made her desire to be strong, and even in the Kingdom of God, she can't tolerate being the tail of a crane!

  "Aqi, we are a kind of people, and the hobby of dancing with a knife and making a stick can't be changed."

  "How about we have a life-and-death confrontation later, anyway, we can still be resurrected after death!"

  Shi Jindao was very familiar with Qi's shoulders.


  Ah Qi nodded seriously.

  As soon as these words came out, all the girls in the distance rubbed their foreheads in unison, and they were also drunk on these two martial arts idiots. This is simply seeking death on purpose!

  Even if you are killed in the kingdom of God, you can be resurrected infinitely, but the pain of death will be crushing! ! !

  "Does this whole palace belong to me? It's more luxurious than the palace!"

  Looking at the Golden Shrine under her feet, Princess Red Lotus said excitedly.

  "It's just gold, so you will choose this shrine with no attribute bonus."

  Medusa chuckled softly.

  Along the way, she already understood the previous identities of the four women, and knew that Honglian was born as a princess of a country, and she was used to a place of dignified and noble style, so she was attracted by this dazzling golden shrine at first sight.

  "Red Lotus, are you good at something? You've already arrived in the kingdom of God and you're still greedy for this."

  "This is the disease caused by wealth and wealth."

  Yan Lingji and Zi Nu were also speechless.

  Nongyu lowered her head (how about Li Hao), and did not dare to talk to Queen Medusa. From Medusa's words and deeds, Nongyu was enough to judge how noble and powerful Medusa was.

  And it seems to be very favored. When she just came down, only Queen Medusa was alone in the arms of Lord God...

  "People just like the color of gold. What can you do! Don't you know that before my brother Han Fei came back, I was so poor that I didn't even have a piece of pocket money for gold for a month!"

  Princess Red Lotus spread her hands.

  "You better stop talking, go to your bedroom and count the bricks."

  Yan Lingji snickered and said Zhuang.

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