
  A strong law fluctuation suddenly came from the Zhuxiu Shrine!

  "It's starting, the four of you are lucky, you can catch up with Dongfang Huaizhu and become a god when you first arrived! Come and feel the power of the law in the past!"

  Medusa's eyes flashed with divine light, and the four of them with Yan Lingji disappeared in a flash! .

Chapter 136

  "Look! The flowers and butterflies around Zhuxiu Shrine are all glowing!"

  "The aura around is too strong!"

  "Ah, ah, the bamboos in the Immortal Bamboo Forest are all paying homage to Sister Huaizhu. Those bamboos have spirituality!"

  As soon as Medusa arrived with Yan Lingji and the others, they heard the exclamations of Nico Robin and others.

  "The breath of the godhead is the master of all things. If there is any fuss, it is necessary to understand the flow of the laws."

  Medusa reminded.


  Robin, Huang Rong and the others nodded quickly, closing their eyes to perceive.

  Yan Lingji and Zi Nu looked at the beautiful figure in the sky like the Lord of Heaven and Earth, and their eyes were blurred and intoxicated!

  "One day, I, Yan Lingji, will become such an existence! Become a god worshipped by all things..."

  "It's really great to have the chance to land in the kingdom of God!"

  The eyes of Honglian and Nongyu are extremely hot, they never dreamed that the road to becoming a god was in front of them, and they could even watch other sisters become gods!

  This intuitive shock is the biggest motivation!

  "Sister Medusa, why can't I perceive the flow of the laws you just said?"

  Yan Lingji closed her eyes for a while and said anxiously.

  "That's because your current life level is too bad, let me help you."

  Medusa seems to be extra friendly to Yan Lingji. The finger of condensed divine energy is placed on Yan Lingji's forehead. Under the nourishment of the lustrous divine light, Yan Lingji's breath soars rapidly!In just a few minutes, it has already approached the level of the inborn beings!

  The holy streamer shone on Yanling Ji's fair skin, making the woman in red dress, who had already brought disaster to the country and the people, even more thrilling!

  The three purple girls looked envious!

  But I also know that this kind of creation cannot be desired, and when the time comes, they will naturally catch up.

  "Yan Lingji thanks Sister Medusa for the suggestion!"

  With the improvement of her life level, Yan Lingji, who was finally able to perceive the faint aura of the law, truly gave Queen Medusa a blessing.

  "You're welcome, the flame you cultivated is of the same origin as mine, so it's so easy to help you. I can't help the other three sisters, unless the Lord God can do it."

  Queen Medusa looked at the three women apologetically.

  "Sister Medusa is too polite!"

  "Don't smash us!"

  "We are so grateful for your reception and guidance that we are about to cry!"

  The three purple girls hurriedly bowed.

  In terms of identity, Medusa is the concubine favored by the Lord of God, and her identity is higher than them. If you consider their strength, they are just ants in front of the god-level Medusa, and they dare not accept the other party's apology!

  Seeing that the four women are so sensible, Medusa nodded in satisfaction, just about to say something, but she looked at Tu Shan Honghong in the distance!

  At this moment, on top of Tushan Honghong's head, a huge spiritual power vortex began to take shape at an extreme speed.

  "I knew that in the battle with the True God Warcraft that day, you were the one who gained the most. Sure enough, you chased after him silently."

  Medusa looked at Tu Shan Honghong, whose whole body began to shine, and praised.

  "What! Sister Honghong also—"

  "Ah, ah, ah! My heart can't stand it! The head of Tu Shan's family was just promoted to rank 9 innate spirits the day before yesterday.

  "It is estimated that I received the law breath of Dongfang Huaizhu, and it came naturally! It's really good luck!"

  "It is also a blessing for us to witness the promotion of the two gods today!"

  "Yeah, Ai's family feels that they have some access to the law! Going to ask the Lord of God tonight, maybe Ai's family can also become a god in the near future!"

  Boya Han Cook excitedly clenched his fists.

  "Then congratulations to the Empress Sister in advance!"

  Princess White Star cheered.

  "Hancock, are you going to ask for advice alone at night?"

  The corner of Medusa's mouth evoked a wicked smile.

  "God! Queen Medusa, don't you want to cheat the family again? If you cheat me again, I will definitely kill you!"

   When the absurd thing happened last time, Boyahan Cook said with shame and anger.

  The girls burst into laughter!

  "Master, do you and the Lord God... feel good?"

  Nalan Yanran's mind moved slightly, and she asked in a low voice beside Yun Yun.

  "Damn girl! You also learned from Queen Medusa badly!"

  Yun Yun's delicate face was flushed, and she flicked Nalan Yanran's forehead fiercely.

  Gu Xun'er, who was silently feeling the vastness of the law in the distance, moved the corners of his mouth after hearing the conversation between the two masters. He unconsciously looked in the direction of the Temple of the King of God. Do you like her... Should I take the initiative or wait passively?

  Thinking of being embarrassed, Gu Xun'er stomped her feet angrily, putting aside all the insights brought by the promotion of the two gods who were immersed again.



  Inside the Palace of the God King at night.

  Yan Lingji, who was called by Medusa to greet Chen Xian together, looked at everything in the Palace of the God King curiously.Especially some decorations and buildings that look very modern, let Yan Lingji be eye-opening.

  "God, Lord God, did you really bring in the movie theater? Last time, people just listened to you and said it was interesting, and just casually expressed their expectations!"

  "You are so sweet!"

  Looking at the huge 3D cinema building next to the Garment Pavilion, Medusa excitedly kissed Chen Xian's lips.

  Seeing such a scene, Yan Lingji was a little dazed.

  It seems that Queen Medusa, who is so majestic in front of the girls, would take the initiative to get close to the Lord of God.

  "It's just a movie theater. The Shenhe Star Region is a multiverse civilization. Only 5000 Divine Crystals can buy a [-]-seat private theater."

  "You can come and have a look at your leisure in the future. I will post the usage of the cinema on the console later."

  Chen Xian lovingly hugged Medusa and said.

  "I know that Lord God loves me, but tonight I brought Sister Yanlingji here on purpose. Boya Hancook asked you a question and ran away. I can't leave you unaccompanied tonight."

  "I'm going to see what the cinema is doing now. You and Sister Yanlingji should rest early."

  Medusa gently pushed Chen Xian's arm and said softly.

  Obviously she knew what to do to make Chen Xian like her more and write down her goodness.

  "Master God... Yan Lingji is willing to serve..."

  Stared at by Chen Xian's insightful eyes, Yan Lingji's face was intoxicated, and her voice trembled.



  ps: Some pictures of the main female building will be deleted by the website after being uploaded because they do not meet the specifications. Let’s find a way to make up later! .

Chapter 137

  "I know that a stunner like Sister Yanlingji, no man can refuse..."

  Hearing the voice from the palace of the God King's Palace, Queen Medusa, who was playing with the theater console, smirked.

  Perhaps because of the fiery aura on Yan Lingji's body, she was naturally close to her strange fire. No matter how Medusa looked at Yan Lingji, it was pleasing to the eye, and Yan Lingji was also very good at being a person, and she was always respectful and polite to her.

  In this way, many beauties belong to the gods, and it is inevitable to distinguish between light and distant.

  "Now everyone has discovered the benefits of advancing in actual combat in God's country. There will be more and more fights in the future, and it will save you being beaten by a group of sisters."

  "Uh, this voice..."

  "I'd better go first, or I'm afraid I can't help but do something ridiculous."

  Medusa's delicate and unparalleled face was slightly red, and her figure dissipated in place.

  After all, tonight is an important time for Yan Lingji. Even if Medusa wants to, she will not join in the fun at this time...


  "My God, I just saw Sister Yanling Ji in the ready-made clothes pavilion. She is born with a 3rd rank! Yesterday, she only stepped into the kingdom of God. Why is there such a big gap with me?"

  "Sister Yafei, do you think I'm missing something?"

  On the square in front of the Immortal Treasure Pavilion, Gao Yao tugged at her two ponytails and said depressedly.

  "I know you're missing something. When you practice at night, the Lord of God is missing!"

  Ya Fei covered her mouth and snickered.

  Gao Yao? ? ?

  "Sister Yafei means that Yan Lingji is taking the double cultivation route? I haven't found such a secret scripture of Shinto in the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion."

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