Tu Shan nodded in red, and the law of time and space around him felt his mind, shrouding the figures of the two and disappearing without a trace.



  Just when Tu Shan Honghong planned to return to the lower realm to visit, returning from the past, Bai Yue, who had been planning for a long time, had already decided to do it!

  Tu Shan Yaya's stinky girls don't pay wages: "Brothers and sisters, bless me, my brother is going to launch a mutiny today, and I will not give up until I take down the Tu Shan sisters! Self-motivation jpg!"

  Ouyang is not crazy: "cough, your shameless lower limit is full of bad water, be careful not to bully your sister to cry too much, or the other party will come back from the kingdom of God and trouble you! Snicker jpg!"

  Killing monsters with a knife: "I'm curious about your plan, why it's called a mutiny!"

  Bucky, who is still in prison: "Fight, fight! Is there any decapitation in the plan?"

  They all call me Long Ma: "Bucky, you pervert, not everyone can take your head back just like you! Don't make a fool of yourself!"

  This young master Zhang Zifan: "I guess it must have something to do with money! If it weren't for money, Bai Yue would definitely not have made up his mind to fight."

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "It makes sense, I'm afraid that Tushan Yaya will be defrauded of money again! Snicker jpg!"

  I, Han Fei, just want to reform: "...Brother Bai won't be so miserable, right?"

  Tu Shan Yaya's stinky girls don't get paid: "Woooooooo!... You really are my confidants! Tu Shan Yaya, that beast, deducted all the commissions for my mission! It's tolerable. It's unbearable, it's time to use force to solve it! Even if she wants to settle accounts with me in the future, she will have to wait until I have eaten a few years before I have enough food! Fight to the death jpg!"


  Support Dumbledore: "I feel sorry for you! Touch your head jpg!"

  Xie En of Primal Survival: "I'm afraid there will never be a more miserable protagonist than you! Touch your head jpg!"

  They all call me Long Ma: "Touch your head jpg!"

  Han Tiaotiao: "Much worse than me! Touch your head jpg!"


  "Bai Yue! Are you crazy to attack me, Tushan, for a commission of 500 yuan?"

  Looking at the murderous Bai Yue Yue with the Demon Slayer stick in his hand, Tu Shan Rongrong was speechless...  

  It's fortunate that my sister Tu Shan Yaya didn't come back, otherwise Bai Yue would definitely be beaten to death.

  "Stop talking nonsense, is it easy for me to take the reincarnation task of destroying Tianjun with all my life? You dare to deduct my commission! To tell you the truth, my Bai Yue has been different now, and I haven't shot because I have already entered the kingdom of God. Tu Shan's red face! It's not for you and Tu Shan's elegant face!"

  "Now is the time for you to wake up!"

  Bai Yue pointed at Tu Shan Rongrong and laughed.

  "Sister Honghong? Landing in the kingdom of God..."

  "It's over... I knew that you would be so stimulated by the 500 yuan, so I should discuss with Sister Yaya to reduce the deduction."

  Tu Shanrongrong covered her face and said.

  In the distance, Tu Shan Su Su Miao's small stature is all dazed!

  Because this is not the first time she has heard the name "Tushan Honghong", isn't that "Tushan Honghong" her previous life?Why is it related to the Kingdom of God and Bai Yue?

  "Brother Taoist, are you hungry again? Let me find you some fresh grass!"

  Tu Shan Susu said worriedly.

  "I'm not crazy, I've eaten grass before I came here, and I'm sober now!"

  Bai Yue smiled.

  There are instructions on the use of the special prize 'Time and Space Escape Talisman' in the group file. When the same characters in different timelines meet, they will eventually become unique. Therefore, Bai Yue plans to completely reunite the three sisters and fly up together!In that case, the entire Tushan treasury will be yours! ! !

  Thinking of this ending, Bai Yue is excited to eat grass! ! !

  "Huh? Oh—"

  Tu Shan Susu said in a daze.

  "Two fools..."

  "Bai Yue, go to hell! Look at my Tushan illusion!"

  Tu Shan Rongrong lost his patience completely, and activated his best illusion handprint, shrouded towards Bai Yue!

  This time, I made up my mind that I must teach Bai Yue the most painful lesson!


Chapter 139

  "Huh? The art of fox thoughts, just rely on this to control me?"

  Bai Yue smiled and said, taking a breath at Tu Shan Rongrong!


  The wind is surging, the breath is thunder!

  In the past time and space, he received blessings from the gods, his life span was tens of thousands of years, and the demon power far surpassed that of the demon emperor.

  Before the wind and thunder came, the entire Tushan was already shaking like a boat under the gust of wind.

  "What!!! How can your mana be so strong? Even Dongfang Moon can't have such power!"

  Tu Shan Rongrong's face changed in shock!At the beginning of Bai Yue's disappearance, she and Tu Shan Yaya guessed that there was something abnormal in Bai Yue, but they didn't expect it to be a big surprise!

  Without waiting to think about it, Tu Shan Rongrong screamed and was blown away by the mighty wind and thunder spell. Not only was the technique of fox thoughts broken, but also his own mana was affected, making it unable to function!

  "Wow! Brother Taoist is so powerful, you have never beaten the two sisters before!"

  Tushan Susu worshipped the Tao.

  She was strictly persecuted by Tu Shan Yaya and others since she was a child, and her rebellious heart is not much weaker than Bai Yue.

  "Which side of Susu is on! It's me who is being bullied!"

14 Tu Shan Rongrong waved his fist angrily.

  "Hahaha, you know how good I am, and hurry up and take out the money! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

  Bai Yue's hand was excited with a single blow.

  He thought that the power he obtained would weaken after returning, but the scene in front of him completely dispelled his doubts.

  "Praise my god! Bai Yue is going to send you some great beauties today, and it's ten thousand years of life! Ah ha ha ha ha!"

  Bai Yue smiled happily and said.

  "Mad, you don't know what to say, you know what you're doing!"

  Tu Shan Rongrong shouted angrily.

  "Second Master, here we come!"

  "Bai Yue, this bastard is ungrateful, let's take care of him together!"

  "Second master, please order to start the big formation!"

  Other Tushan guards flew in from a distance.

  "You bastard, you are actually forced to start the Tushan Great Array to deal with Bai Yue?"

  "Then go start it, give him some power and quiet!"

  Tu Shan Rongrong said angrily.


  "Not good! The big formation has failed!"

  "Ahhh! Is that a black fox?"

  "The people of Yiqi Dao League were also killed by their control!"

  The Tushan guard looked at the darkness spreading from the Tushan border and said in horror.

  "How can it be so coincidental? Bai Yue, you are not colluding with the black fox!"

  Tu Shan Rongrong pointed at Bai Yue and said madly.

  "Uh? It's just a coincidence, don't wrong me, how could this uncle collude with such a disgusting creature as the black fox for 500 yuan."

  Bai Yue rubbed his chin.

  "Stinky boy, who are you calling disgusting?"

  A feminine and mysterious voice came from the darkness, and behind the man, the devastation Tianjun Shi Kuan, who lost his mind, and the leader and former leader of the Yiqi Dao League followed him numbly.

  "Tushan Meimei? You actually took refuge in the black fox. Back then, my sister was blind and shouldn't have saved you!"

  Tu Shan Rongrong looked at the person who came and said angrily.

  "Hahaha! Isn't this what you guys forced me to do? At the time I worked so hard to cultivate, and Tu Shan Yaya wouldn't even look at me, but now? What about her? Come on!"

  Tu Shan Meimei, who became the left envoy of the black fox, smiled strangely.

  "Destroy them!"

  Tu Shan Meimei did not talk nonsense, she pointed at the surrounding Tu Shan guards and shouted.


  The Destruction Tianjun Shikuan, who was already controlled by his fantasy technique, slammed into the ground with a punch, and the huge wave sent the ten guards around him flying to death!

  The two controlled Yiqi Dao leaders also shot at Tu Shan Rongrong!

  Tu Shan Susu hid behind Bai Yue in fear and shivered!

  "Boy, give me the little girl behind you! I can let you go down the mountain, or die here together!"

  Looking at Tu Shan Rongrong who was instantly downwind, the left envoy of the black fox pointed at Bai Yue and Tu Shan Su Su Road.

  "Huh? So crazy? Aren't you afraid that Tu Shan Yaya will trouble you?"

  Bai Yue said happily.

  "Hahahaha! To tell you the truth, Tushan Yaya has been dragged outside by our mother, and she can't come back for a while!"

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