"You want to count on Tu Shan Yaya's dream! When I absorb the demon power of Tu Shan's first person, what will happen to her when she comes back?"

  Tushan Meimei, who is the left envoy of the black fox, smiled evilly.

  "Ah, this person is terrible, Daoist brother save me!"

  Tu Shan Susu said in horror.

  "evil creature!"

  Before Bai Yue had spoken, an ice blue suddenly appeared in the sky in the distance!Tushan Yaya, who was controlling the sky-shattering cold air, was like a nine-day fairy slowly descending, and the surrounding scenery and even the air were filled with terrifying frost.

  "Empress even failed to trap you?!"

  The black fox left envoy Tu Shan Meimei was stunned, and he found that he still underestimated Tu Shan Yaya's ice power.

  Who would have thought that Tu Shan Yaya had just glanced at Tu Shan Mei Mei, but only stared at Bai Yue with a cold glow!

  "Bai Yue! You dare to rebel?"

  Tu Shan Yaya questioned in ventriloquism.

  Tushan is beautiful! ! !

  "Still ignore me... Even if I betrayed Tu Shan and joined Heihu for so many years, and even brought people to kill here, you still ignore me!"

  "Tushan Yaya! You forced me!"

  "Monster Emperor Beishan, unleash your full power! Use your Beidou Divine Fist to smash Tushan into pieces!"

  In such a scene, Tu Shan Meimei screamed.

  The Beishan Demon Emperor, who was under control over there, roared angrily, and his body suddenly grew bigger!

  "Be quiet, I'm about to talk about things!"

  Seeing that the time is ripe, Bai Yue no longer hides himself, and the terrifying spiritual pressure above the demon emperor broke out to suppress the way of the demon emperor in Beishan.


  The Beishan Demon Emperor, who had just grown bigger, couldn't bear Bai Yue's spiritual pressure, and knelt down on the ground with a dazed face!

  "how can that be!"

  Tu Shan Meimei screams, the dignified Beishan Demon Emperor, his strength is infinitely close to Tu Shan Yaya!Was actually seen kneeling by Bai Yue's eyes? ? ?

  Over there, Tu Shan Rongrong, who was fighting against the leader of the Yiqi Dao Alliance, also had his eyelids twitching, astonished at the power displayed by Bai Yue.

  "You, what's going on?"

  Tu Shan Yaya's eyes flashed a different color, and Sen coldly stared at Bai Yue and asked.

  "Wait a minute, I'll clean up these guys who came to make trouble first."

  Bai Yue smiled and waved his hands.

  Such a rare opportunity to pretend to be coercive, now you can't hold back, when Tushan Yaya ascends to the kingdom of God and becomes a god, he will not have the capital to pretend to be coercive!

  "Come here, little black fox, you have to hit the streets again in this time and space."

  Bai Yue smiled.

  Under the suspicious eyes of Tu Shan Yaya and the others, they grabbed it in the distance!

  A figure of a woman exuding a shocking black air, screaming all the way, was pinched by Bai Yue!


  Tushan Mimi, who is the left envoy of the black fox, is stunned!

  Tu Shan Rongrong was also stunned!

  Tu Shanya, who just got rid of the black fox entanglement, moved the corners of her mouth, shocked and speechless!

  Madam Heihu, who has been in chaos for hundreds of years, is as weak as a chick in front of Bai Yue? ? ?From time to time something goes wrong! .

Chapter 140

  "Bai Yue! How can you be so powerful, it's impossible! Even the stinky monkey who came from the country couldn't catch me so easily!!!"

  Madam Heihu screamed and struggled, but the black fire around her body was constantly being suppressed and reduced. Bai Yue did not use any magic formula to suppress her alone, and she was already driven into a desperate situation!

  "I said that I have the blessing of God. You have been destroyed by my God once in the past. Today, I, a faithful believer, will eliminate the harm for my God and the people again."

  Bai Yue squinted his eyes.

  "Three flavors are really fire, annihilate the demons!"

  With the blessing of the divine light of luck, his original pure yang flame has evolved into a three-flavored real fire, and its power is a hundred times stronger than before!It has already competed with the Phoenix True Flame of Oriental Huaizhu!


  "Forgive me! Bai Yue please forgive me! I don't dare to do bad things anymore! Help me—"

  The black fox struggled for only a few breaths before being burned to ashes!

  The embers of the real fire of Sanwei fell to the ground, but fortunately it was recovered in time by Bai Yue, otherwise the whole Tushan would be buried in a sea of ​​fire!Such a terrifying flame made everyone present dare not breathe!

  "...You just killed the black fox lady like that?"

  "You are not the reincarnation of Dongfang Yue! Even Dongfang Yue can't have such a powerful flame. This is not a flame that can exist in the world at all!"

  Tu Shan Meimei, the left envoy of the black fox, screamed, looking at Bai Yue like a ghost!

  "Why do you think so much about my past life in my past life? The current one has nothing to do with him at all. He is not even a weak chicken compared to my god."

  "Uh, you threatened me just now, then obediently take the lunch box."

  At the beginning of the year, a ray of flame flickered on Tushan Meimei.


  "Save me! Sister Yaya, save me! Sister Rongrong, help! I know I'm wrong!"

  The flames are like maggots attached to bones, burning into Tushan Meimei's internal organs!

  That kind of pain and fear made Tu Shan Meimei collapse directly!


  Tu Shan Rongrong moved his mouth, but still closed his eyes and cursed.

  "He deserves to die, but you shouldn't kill him!"

  Tu Shan Yaya squinted his eyes and said, took off the wine gourd and took a sip of wine, freezing all the demon power over it, intending to extinguish the flames of Bai Yue.

  "It's useless, the level gap between you and me is too big, if you want to fight with me, at least you have to wait until you come back from the kingdom of God!"

  Bai Yue laughed loudly.

  He just wants to make Tu Shan Yaya, who is so exciting and competitive, to make the other party believe in gods and gods in despair!

  "...It really can't be destroyed?"

  "You disappeared for [-] days, and you went to the so-called kingdom of God? The power you got there?"

  Tu Shan Yaya narrowed her eyes unconsciously.

  This feeling of powerlessness made her very hurt and angry!Very serious consequences!


  The entire Tushan Mountain, including the giant tree of affliction, was aroused by Tushan Yaya's thoughts, and the huge spiritual power poured into Tushan Yaya's body!Tushan Yaya became extremely tall by the way, like a giant of the mountain looking down at the beginning of the white moon!

  "The law of heaven and earth... my sister is really moving!"

  Tu Shan Rongrong smacked his tongue!

  Tu Shan Susu fainted from fright.

  The surrounding Tu Shan guards and the sober leader of the Yiqi Dao Alliance, seeing Tu Shan Yaya's power, squatted on the ground to protect his head, and all kinds of magic weapons set up defensive circles around them without money.

  "As expected of Tu Shan Yaya, you are the first person in Tu Shan to use the spirit gathering spell with the heaven and earth law."

  "Unfortunately, it's far from enough!"

  Bai Yue said with a smile, after raising the sky with one hand, the terrifying spiritual pressure that almost surpassed the limits of this world erupted!The whole sky was roaring and trembling, and a handprint covering the sky condensed thousands of miles of spiritual power to suppress it!

  "This scale..."

  "Bai Yue??? Could it be that you have become a god! You can't kill my sister!"

  Tu Shan Rongrong exclaimed with a pale face.

  Over there, Tu Shan Yaya just looked at the handprint that covered the sky, and she couldn't hold it anymore!

  "The difference is so big..."

  There was a trace of blood on the corner of Tu Shan Yaya's mouth. Just resisting Bai Yue's spiritual pressure had brought her to the limit. This was still under the condition of absorbing the entire Tu Shan's spiritual power.

  With Bai Yue's palm down, she knew that she had no chance of surviving...

  This kind of reality deficit made Tu Shan Yaya close her eyes and unconsciously began to recall the past, recalling the reasons for her hard work and becoming stronger step by step.

  Thinking of the figure in the red dress who was chasing his life, a look of relief appeared on Tu Shan Yaya's beautiful face.

  "Cough cough, why did Sister Yaya leak such a life-and-death look? I didn't mean to hit you with a slap in the face. If I beat you to death, Tu Shan Honghong wouldn't have to peel off my skin!"

  Looking at Tu Shan Yaya who closed his eyes and waiting to die, Bai Yue smiled dryly.

  Tu Shan Yaya? ? ?

  Tu Shan Rongrong and others? ? ?

  Heart said that you have already made such a battle, and even said that you have no plans to do it?Who are you fooling around with your nonsense!

  "White Moon!"

  "Tu Shan Yaya is a woman that my third young master likes, and you can bully it?"

  A golden figure in the sky came galloping with boundless golden light, and the speed was so fast that the surrounding space had cracks!

  Before the figure of the golden light arrived, the magic weapon long stick in his hand was already rising into the sky, and it roared with the giant hand covering the sky in Bai Yue!

  "Dinghai is a stick of ten thousand demons!"

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