"Such friendship, if we refuse, wouldn't it be too immature beauty!"

  "Although I don't have an artifact Rong Feifei, but I have a lot of 9-star fairy treasures and points, plus all of Pei Li's net worth, although it's not as good as a 3-star artifact, it's not much worse!"

  "You must know that we have been saving for thousands of years, and the points are also used to exchange for artifacts! Chen Xian, are you willing to gamble?"

  Rong Feifei's pupils shone with divine light.

  Over the years, Su Xue gave up the copy of the teacher, but she and Pei Li did not give up, the points were quite a lot!

  Now, if you can directly get Chen Xian's 3-star artifact, you will make a lot of money!

  As for losing?Impossible!

  As a seventh-order lower god, Rong Feifei can crush Su Xue with one hand!How could it be possible to lose?


  "Very good, then ask the two teachers, Li Mei, to register your bets in detail, so that you will regret it later."

  Chen Xian narrowed his eyes and smiled.

  Su Xue was pinching Chen Xian's sleeve tightly, and nervous sweat broke out!

  If Chen Xian loses the 3-star artifact for this, the competition for the academy will be greatly affected.

  "Pei Li!"

  Rong Feifei shouted.

  "Understood, it doesn't matter if I even press my own divine crystal in it!"

  Pei Li grinned.

  Under Li Mei's stunned gaze, Pei Li and Rong Feifei's bet list almost filled 2 pages! ! !

  After all, what Chen Xian took out was a 3-star artifact, and the value was terrifying!

  If Chen Xian is not willing to count the points of the two, otherwise there is absolutely no possibility of gambling!

  Pei Li and Rong Feifei are both gods who have been famous for thousands of years.

  Such a huge gamble immediately attracted the onlookers of the surrounding teachers and students of all classes!

  "Crazy! Crazy!"

  "Is that Chen Xian from the first grade? He's so crazy at such a young age!"

  "Haha, I was dazzled by the glory! He has already been crowned the first genius of the Shendu Academy!"

  "After all, it's only the first year, so he was able to escape from the hands of two lower-ranking gods, and he is also the ultimate true god, the first genius who has reached the limit of cultivation in hundreds of millions of years."

  "Who said it wasn't, he has already had a lot of dazzling performances, and he broke the record of the s-level copy."

  "No way!"

  "No wonder he can have a 3-star artifact! That guy Xuanwu entered the divine way with a sword. What he needs most is the Great Bright Sword. It is said that he has already made a battle with Chen Xian, and there is no result, but now..."

  "Hey, the Great Bright Divine Sword is about to change hands before it's heated up!"

  "Heroes are sad for Beauty Pass. If you can use a 3-star artifact to catch the Snow Goddess, it will be worth it..."

  "By the way, Su Xue is really beautiful!"


  Hearing the complaints of the surrounding teachers and supreme students, Su Xue was so ashamed that she did not dare to look up!

  In the Shenhe Star Region, the gods do not talk about the morality of teachers, students, and teachers. Several supreme students once expressed this to Su Xue.

  You must know that the status of the supreme student is much higher than that of her Su Xue, a first-year teacher. She is willing to take the initiative to pursue Su Xue, which is definitely the envy of other female teachers!

  Unexpectedly, Su Xue, who has always refused men's pursuit, came so close to Chen Xian that Chen Xian was willing to take out a 3-star artifact as a bet, so it was completely reasonable for everyone to guess that the two were already together...

  "I will fight for my life, and I won't let you lose the artifact!"

  Seeing that this was the end, Su Xue looked at Chen Xian and gritted her teeth.

  "You shouldn't have to work hard, let's go, I'm looking forward to the copy of the next god!"

  Chen Xian smiled and took the initiative to pull Su Xue into the "Abyss of Confusion" of the SS-level teacher copy!

  "Pei Li, although your realm is one level lower than mine, if you can help me win the Great Bright Sword this time, I will agree to your pursuit!"

  Seeing that Chen Xian and Su Xue had already entered the dungeon, Rong Feifei's thoughts transmitted to Pei Li.

  "Really? Well, that's great! I'll help you win the bet even if you lose half your life!"

  Looking at Rong Feifei with a graceful figure, Pei Li, the god of fire, grinned excitedly.

  In the past, he also pursued Su Xue, but found that there was no drama at all, but Rong Feifei was not far behind!Moreover, Rong Feifei's godhead attribute has a bonus effect with his fire godhead, so it is also very suitable as a Taoist dual cultivation!


  Pei Li and Rong Feifei stepped into the dungeon teleportation array one after another!

  "Chen Xian! You use the Great Bright Divine Sword to deal with these abyss fire demons, and I will lead the ultimate boss Abyss Demon Lord to the Lufa rooftop! Fight for an hour...within..."

  Su Xue shouted while standing on her frozen throne, but after feeling Chen Xian's breath, Su Xue was stunned!

  "One hour? Hehe, can an hour break the record?"

  "Prepare a candlelight dinner tonight!"

  Chen Xianwei smiled.

  The aura of the 7th-Rank Ultimate True God burst out without restraint, and the Weng Ming that shook the entire dungeon time and space rang!The strength of the breath is a hundred times stronger than that of the next god, Su Xue! ! !

  "With my divine light, destroy the demons!"

  With Chen Xian's idiom, the power of the ultimate law in the palm of God's country and the power of light that is billions of times are all poured into the great sword of light!

  The shadow of the sword is monstrous, and the sword is smashed into the final boss who is ignorant!

  The Abyss Demon Lord didn't even see Chen Xian's shadow, and his head fell off...


Chapter 149


  The ultimate boss of the lower god level, the abyss demon master, was smashed by Chen Xian, who was thousands of miles away, with the great sword of light.

  If it exists like this, if it is not sealed in the copy by the Supreme God with the law of time and space, or it is a super overlord who swallows the stars!It is impossible to die just by losing a head, and under the urging of terrifying divine power, a head is born again!The huge body like a mountain floated up, looking for the guy who cut it!

  "As expected of a demon god at the level of a lower god, can he resist under my great sword of light?"

  "Then some more swords!"

  Chen Xian said with a smile, the great sword of radiant light slashes again!Chop again!Chop again!

  Three swords in a row completely wiped out the roaring abyss demon master!The abyss guards at the peak level of the true gods around, look stupid!One by one, they crawled on the ground facing Chen Xian's direction!

  Such a crushing situation, actually appearing in the dungeon world of the lower gods, not only the god-level monsters are stupid, but even Su Xue is stupid!

  One minute after entering the game, Chen Xian directly killed the ultimate boss Abyss Demon Lord thousands of miles away at the entrance of the dungeon...

  Do you want to know that the strength of the abyss demon master is still higher than her Su Xue?Doesn't this mean that if Chen Xian wanted to kill her, a 5th-order low-level god, it would be easier than crushing an ant? ? ?

  "Are you really Chen Xian? How could you be Chen Xian..."

  Looking at the radiant figure in the sky, Su Xue murmured absentmindedly.

  Even after giving her [-] imaginations, she couldn't connect Chen Xian before her with the student who was always Muna a few years ago!From appearance to temperament, to strength is completely different!

  What's even more incredible is that this change did not happen suddenly, and it evolved at a rapid rate!

  "There is no true god in front of the limit... Compared with you, what are we lower gods..."

  Su Xue's delicate face was full of bitterness that could not be concealed.

  She was originally a beautiful girl, but she couldn't find the slightest sense of superiority in front of Chen Xian!

  She finally understood the meaning of the words of the old principal just now, but whoever sees the growth rate of Chen Xian's strength is more than unintentional cultivation?It's almost like suicide! ! !

  "Mr. Su Xue, why are you dumbfounded, those little monsters are handed over to you."

  Behind the convergence method, Chen Xian appeared in front of Su Xue and smiled.

  "Don't... Please don't call me teacher, I'm not even a vase in front of you!"

  Su Xue covered her face.

  Chen Xian...

  "How is it possible, I don't have such a beautiful vase as you."

  Chen Xian frowned and said very seriously after thinking.

  "You bastard, you can die if you don't bully people!"

  Su Xue gave Chen Xian a punch in shame and anger, and then threw all his temper on the dungeons of the true god level!


  A beautiful frozen throne emerges high in the sky, and the law of ice fills the world!

  Everything is ice blue, and the wind and snow are picturesque!

  Those 8th and 9th rank true god-level magical beasts exploded in Su Xue's poetic country of ice!

  "It's so beautiful! No wonder so many people pursue it."

  Looking at the beautiful goddess on the Frozen Throne, Chen Xian's eyes flashed.


  Congratulations, "Chen Xian and Su Xue cleared the teacher-level ss copy 'Abyss of Chaos' in 6 minutes and 13 seconds, breaking the previous record of 16 minutes and earning ten times the points reward!"

  The pleasant law announcement resounded through the dungeon hall, and the figures of Chen Xian and Su Xue also appeared and returned!

  But there was only silence in the hall!

  The teachers and students in the entire dungeon hall digested the information just heard in silence...

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