"Did I hear it wrong? Chen Xian went to the SS-level teacher dungeon? And he broke the dungeon record with Teacher Su Xue?"

  "You may hear it wrong by yourself, but a group of people won't hear it wrong. Look at the faces of the people around you with fright..."

  "Ah ah ah! Chen Xian went to play the copy of the god, and he also cleared the customs and broke the record??? Please tell me this is not true, how can such a damn thing happen!"

  "Damn it! Why did Teacher Su Xue suddenly become so fierce? Break through the SS-level lower-level god copy in 6 minutes?"

  "And still bring Chen Xian with him? Even if Chen Xian has a 3-star artifact like the Great Bright Excalibur, the efficiency is too exaggerated!"

  "Chen Xian must be eating soft rice with his thighs in his arms! That's Su Xue, the ice and snow goddess in my dreams, who treats him so well!"


  Countless crashes and shocks came from every corner!

  The mission administrator, Li Mei, stared at Chen Xian and Su Xue in front of him, unable to say a word!

  She couldn't imagine how Su Xue, a 5th-order low-level god, could kill the abyss demon in only 6 minutes!The last dungeon record, but two 9th-order lower gods joined forces to create a 16-minute customs clearance record! ! !

  "Su Xue, you... have you become so powerful? Killed the Abyss Demon Lord in 6 minutes?"

  Li Mei was shocked for a long time, but she couldn't help but admire Su Xue.

  The supreme students and teachers around who heard the news also looked at Su Xue with hellish eyes!I seriously doubt that Su Xue possesses any divine weapon against the sky! ! !

  "I... I'm just lucky, I found something that restrains the Abyss Demon Lord."

  Su Xue's face was blushing, she gritted her teeth and said bluntly.

  This is the scene she guessed before she walked out of the dungeon. Such an incredible record cannot be exposed!Otherwise, someone will soon guess that Chen Xian has the strength to kill the next god!


  "I see!"

  "Scared to death! I thought the two of you killed the Demon Lord of the Abyss with your strength!"

  "Even so, it's super amazing! Chen Xian can really resist the attack of the lower gods, and he didn't die!"

  "Who said it wasn't, if you were killed in an SS-level copy, you would really die!"

  The surrounding teachers clicked their tongues.

  Several third-year Supreme students glanced at Chen Xian with disdain and disappeared.

  From their point of view, Chen Xian was just eating soft rice and following Su Xue to get points, and true lower-level theological students like them were still two grades in heaven and earth!

  "Chen Xian, you are really lucky to have a beauty like Su Xue willing to take you to ss-level dungeon!"

  "You jump like this, do you have time to fight with me?"

  Xuan Wu, the supreme student of Class 1, walked up to Chen Xian and laughed and mocked.

  He really, really wants Chen Xian's Great Bright Sword!

  "Xuanwu, you can stop now. There is still a month left for the school competition. If you have any problems, it will be a loss to the school (Wang Hao)."

  Su Xue subconsciously discouraged.

  Then, as soon as the words came out, I realized that it was broken!

  "What did Su Xue just say? He actually thinks that Xuan Wu is not Chen Xian's opponent!"

  "Hey! As expected of a pair of men and women who have come together, there is blind trust under love!"

  "So it seems that our ice and snow goddess has really been won one year? It's a waste of beauty resources!"

  "Look at Xuan Wu's face, Chen Xian has made up his mind!"

  The surrounding teachers and supreme students snickered.

  "Chen Xian, Su Xue is so optimistic about you, you won't let the beauty down, will you?"

  Xuan Wu endured the irritability in his heart and squinted at Chen Xiandao.

  "No, no, as long as you have the capital, see you in the ring tomorrow."

  Chen Xian stared at the artifact cloak behind Xuan Wu and smiled.

  The other party is a 2-star artifact cloak!Throwing it into the kingdom of God can make the spiritual charm of the kingdom of God skyrocket. The spiritual charm of the divine tool has its own aura of law, which is extremely beneficial to the new spiritual practitioners such as Tu Shan Yaya! .

Chapter 150

  "Okay! It's really courageous! Don't worry, I'll save your life just for your courage!"

  Seeing that Chen Xian agreed, Xuan Wu left the road with satisfaction.

  "Do you really want to fight? He's just that artifact, inherited from the Xuan family's ancestry."

  Su Xue sighed lightly.

  After seeing Chen Xian's method of killing gods like slaughtering dogs, Su Xue can know what the result will be tomorrow with her eyes closed.

  "The ancestors are good!"

  "Win it and sell it to his ancestors at double the price."

  Chen Xian spread his hands.


  Su Xue couldn't hold back any longer, and the branches of laughter trembled.

  The surrounding teachers and students watching such a scene are envious, the relationship between the two is basically a real hammer!

  However, this is not news. Those who can come to Shendu Academy are at least hundreds of years old, and the love between teachers and students is extremely normal.Chen Xian is so evil, he might still be a senior teacher here after graduating in a few years.

  A few minutes later, when Pei Li and Rong Feifei came back from the dungeon with blood stains, the moment they saw Su Xue, Rong Feifei's face instantly turned pale!

  "How! How is this possible!"

  "Me and Pei Li did not hesitate to consume the source, and even the kingdom of God almost collapsed! It only took 17 minutes to clear the level, which is almost equal to the clearance record!"

  "How did you do it?"

  Rong Feifei looked at Chen Xian and Su Xue and asked sharply.

  "You don't care how we did it, willing to admit defeat. Could it be that you want to question the copy of the law set by the Supreme God?"

  Su Xue sneered.


  Rong Feifei's face flushed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person's breath quickly wilted!

  Over there, Pei Li looked at the information on the screen in the dungeon hall and was stunned!

  "6 minutes and 13 seconds to clear the level..."

  Vulcan Pei Li rubbed his eyes and looked at task administrator Li Mei subconsciously.

  He hoped he was wrong!

  Or there is a problem with the display screen!

  "We are all witnesses. Haven't we seen a good show where people around us are waiting for your return?"

  Li Mei looked at Rong Feifei with some pity.

  As soon as this word comes out!Pei Li stumbled and fell to the ground, all his net worth!After saving thousands of years of net worth and dungeon points, it's gone?Gone? ? ?

  When Rong Feifei heard the words, she swayed for a while, and finally squatted on the ground and cried...


  In the evening, Su Xue's Frost Palace.

  Two figures, a man and a woman, raised their glasses to celebrate in the dreamy ice palace that reflected the candlelight in the sky.

   "A rank 2 artifact that is enough to revitalize a first-class family, you just gave it to me like this, do you know what is being said outside?"

  Su Xue was wearing a long ice-colored dress, like an elf under the night sky, her eyes blurred and she looked at Chen Xiandao.

  "Haha, why should I care what other people say?"

  "Seeing those two guys go bankrupt, I'm also in a good mood! As for the artifact, after all, I can get another one in the ring tomorrow."

  Recalling how Rong Feifei and Pei Li were desperate and had to pay, Chen Xian smiled and drank the red wine in the glass!

  "That is, you can say that, it is a Grade 2 artifact that countless gods are willing to pay for everything they want."

  Su Xue sighed lightly.

  "Oh? What price can the beauty Su Xue pay?"

  Chen Xian asked teasingly.

  "Big bastard, are you really not saving any face at all?"

  "I know that you will definitely become the top existence in the entire Shenhe Starfield in the future. I hope that when the time comes... just don't dislike me."

  Su Xue lowered her head in fascination, her voice trembling.



  In the world of the god of death, separated by infinite planes, time flies extremely fast.

  "Oh my God? It's a god of death again!"

  On the way out of school, Orihime Inoue exclaimed when she saw the red-haired figure appearing in front of her, and then suddenly remembered something, her face turned pale and quickly took a detour.

  "Hey, little girl, you can actually see me? Do you know where Kuchiki Rukia lives?"

  A Sanjing Renji made a vertical leap to block Orihime Inoue's way.

  "No...don't know!"

  Inoue Orihime looked at the other party with a ferocious look, turned her head again in fright and ran away!

  She's not good at fighting, so I have to call Kurosaki Ichigo and Rukia immediately.

  "Hey, you stupid woman, you can't even lie!"

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