Asanjing Renji gave a strange laugh and swung the Soul Chopping Blade directly. Although he would not kill anyone at will, if he scared the other party to death or injured him, he would definitely be able to let the other party say everything he wanted to know!



  Inoue Orihime exclaimed in surprise, and suddenly stumbled under her feet, narrowly escaping Asani Renji's Soul Chopping Sword.

  "Damn it, this is also possible? You little girl is lucky?"

  Asanjing Renji scolded.

  "God, God help me!"

  "Praise my God, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, you are the lucky ruler above all living beings! Your loyal believer Orihime Inoue..."

  Inoue Orihime panicked and sounded the only other person who could ask for help, and quickly recited praise in a fearful tone.


  A ray of divine light came down upon the invitation, and by coincidence it shone on Inoue Orihime's petal hairpin!

  The hairpin, which had never had any movement before, was activated by the blessing power, and it became radiant!

  Such a spectacle, not only Asanjing Renji was stunned, even Inoue Orihime was inexplicably stunned!

  "Inoue! We have been illuminated by the light of the gods and have been activated in advance!"

  "Hurry up and say our real names, we are your soul guardians!"

  "Hahaha, we feel the power of God's blessing, it's too powerful, we can help you fight!"

  "Live! We are finally alive! We will be elves blessed by gods in the future!"

  "Using our spell is..."


  The petal hairpin turned into a six-path elf, surrounding Orihime Inoue excitedly with a sound transmission!

  "What are you? Are you a person with special abilities?"

  Assani Renji pointed the knife at Inoue Orihime with a look of disgust.

  "They are not things, they are gifts from my God, you heretic!"

  After understanding the elf's voice transmission, Inoue Orihime gathered up the courage and cursed.

  "Damn! How dare a little human girl scold me? Do you really think I don't cut women!"

  Asanjing Renji's eyes were fierce, and he slashed at Orihime Inoue's arm!

  "Huo Wuju, Mei Yan, Lily, three days to form a shield!"

  Inoue Orihime's face was pale, and she closed her exclamation according to the elf's prompt.


  "Ah ah ah ah ah!"

  "how can that be!"

  Looking at the light shield that suddenly appeared in front of Inoue Orihime, and then at the Soul Chopping Sword that he cut into two pieces, Asanjing Renji was stunned! .

Chapter 151

  "Stinky girl... Dare to break my Soul Chopping Blade! I, Asanjing Renji, can't stop with you!"

  Asanjing Rianci's face was flushed, and he cursed in anger.

  You are the vice-captain of the 6th Division!Is it the god of death in the corpse and soul world? Usually, these humans are weak like ants. Who would have guessed that he was just descended into the world, and the mission target was not found, and a little human girl broke the soul-killing knife?

  If this matter is reported back to the Soul Soul World, the vice-captain of himself will not think about messing with it, and he will be laughed to death by all the gods of death...

  Thinking of the embarrassment, Asanjing Renji read out his original solution with the half-slashing sword!

  "Roar, Sheweimaru! Kill this stinky woman for me!"

  Half of the soul-cutting sword's spiritual power was halved, and under the eyes of Asanjing Renji vomiting blood, he turned into a small snake and killed Orihime Inoue.

  Inoue Orihime is speechless!

  She had seen Kurosaki Ichigo's soul-cuttering sword and ~ swastika!

  But I didn't expect this guy's Soul Chopping Saber to be so different, and the remaining half can still be used...

  "Chun Gui, Arc Sky Slashing Shield!"

  Inoue Orihime shouted.

  She is an ashes-level member of the Lucky God Cult, and the blessing effect of Lucky Divine Light is extremely powerful!Her destiny magic weapon "Dun Shun Liu Hua" has been strengthened by Shen Guang like never before, and its power is completely incomparable!


  The ear-piercing bone snake screamed, and the Soul Chopping Saber after the first release was cut into pieces by the other party's elf under the desperate eyes of Asanjing Renji!


  A Sanjing Renji felt the same, and a mouthful of blood spurted out!He knelt on the ground in a sullen mood!

  He actually lost!

  Just after going down, she lost to a little human girl who was threatened and insulted by herself...

  "Why is this happening? Is this a mistake?"

  "who are you?"

  Asanjing Renji knelt helplessly on the ground, looking at Inoue Orihime in despair.

  "My name is Inoue Orihime, I'm a friend of Rukia and a member of the ashes of the God of Fortune."

  "Go back quickly, you were so fierce to me just now, you will die if you are seen by our gods."

  Inoue Orihime said proudly.

  At this moment, the worship of the God of Luck in her heart is simply incomparable!Such a generous and omnipotent god is really worthy of her lifelong service!

  "Rukia's friend...a member of the God of Fortune?"

  Asanjing Renji wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, nodded in great pain, and disappeared into the passage leading to the Soul Realm.

  "Inoue! Are you alright, my scanner just detected a strong breath of death!"

  Rukia, who was in a state of death, flew over from a distance.

  "Sister Rukia, don't worry, that person has already been driven away by me, and even the Soul Chopping Sword is broken."

  Inoue Orihime narrowed her eyes happily.

  "Ah? You beat me away???"

  "What did you use to defeat the opponent! What's the opponent's name?"

  Rukia swallowed her throat and asked in shock.

  "He seems to call himself A Sanjing or something, and his Soul Chopping Blade can turn into a bone snake."

  Inoue Orihime recalled touching her cute chin.

  As soon as these words came out, Rukia stumbled and looked at Orihime Inoue with hellish eyes!

  "Asanjing Renji, that's the vice-captain of the 6th Division! He was beaten by you as soon as he arrived, and he broke his Soul Chopping Saber..."

  Rukia's mouth twitched.

  "Haha, God bless you!"

  "Sister Rukia didn't see the miraculous scene just now. When I was about to be chopped off, the lucky light of my god gave strength to the hairpins on my hair!"



  At this time, the Soul World, the 6th Division Hall.

  "I just came back from the lower realm and was defeated by Rukia? Did you, the vice-captain, want a position?"

  Looking at Ah Sanjing kneeling on the ground with a downcast face, Kuchiki Byakuya frowned and said coldly!

  "I... I'm sorry, Captain, I didn't get to meet Rukia..."

  Asanjing Renji said with a bitter expression.

  "I didn't see anyone? Then who hit you? The leader of that sect?"

  Kuchiki Byakuya said with some interest.

  "...No, I was defeated by a little human girl."

  Asanjing Renji closed her eyes and begged for death.


  Kuchiki Byakuya kicked Asanjing Renji's head, and the whole person flew a hundred meters away!The members of the surrounding 6th Division shrank their necks in fright, but their hearts were also shaken!

  Their vice-captain, Renji Asanjing, actually gave it to a little human girl for nothing?This kind of damn thing spread out, and the entire 6th Division was embarrassed. No wonder Kuchiki Byakuya was so angry!

  "Captain! Cough cough!"

  "That's not an ordinary human little girl, her name is Inoue Orihime, and she has a very powerful magic weapon! And she is also a member of the Lucky God Cult!"

· · · Flowers · · ·

  A Sanjing Renji coughed up blood in pain.

  "It's the god of luck again?"

  "Okay, very good!"

  Kuchiki Byakuya's murderous aura was almost as real, and before everyone in the hall could react, they could no longer see Kuchiki Byakuya's figure.


  The moment Kuchiki Byakuya appeared in Kakuza-cho, Rukia's detector sounded an alarm.

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