"Master! Your strength is really admirable!"

  "It has been many years that no human can step into the Soul Realm!"

  "Did you defeat Kuchiki Byakuya? It's incredible! But that's it!"

  Three amazing figures of Reiatsu appeared in front of Kurosaki Ichigo with a calm expression.

  "Captain of the 8th Division, Jingle Chunshui!"

  "The captain of the thirteenth division, Ukitake Shirou!"

  "Squad 7 Captain Komamura Zuojin!"

  Rukia said with a solemn expression, the presence of three captains at one time put a lot of pressure on her.

  She is not like Kurosaki Ichigo, who has invincible potential power in her own right. Unless she is blessed by the gods, Rukia is not even qualified to speak in front of the captain!

  "The three of you look alike, can talking be considered useful?"

  Kurosaki Ichigo grinned and pointed at the three of them with a knife.

  He has fully understood the principles of dealing with things in the Soul Society, that is, it is useless to play tricks, and it is possible to preach directly by killing and maiming.

  "Stinky boy!"

  "This old man will let you taste the price of arrogance!"

  "Boom, damn it!"

  The half-orc's Komamura Zuozhen has the most violent temper, so let's solve it directly!

  "Go roaring your sister! My god is in desperate need of believers, and I don't have time to listen to you!"

  Kurosaki Ichigo, who was completely impatient, launched a flash and punched Komamura Zuojin's head!

  The burly orc captain, Komamura Zuozhen, swayed for a while, and his eyes turned white and passed out!

  Rukia is speechless!

  Jingle Chunshui and Ukitake Shiruro opened their mouths wide!

  The place was dead silent!


Chapter 154

  "It's just... an unprecedentedly powerful enemy..."

  The corners of Jingle Chunshui's mouth twitched, which was originally leisurely.

  The strength and speed Kurosaki Ichigo showed just now surpassed the strongest person he had ever seen!He was completely unable to understand the source of this power!

  "Don't be careless, the two of us go together!"

  "But before that, I need to confirm, Kuchiki Rukia, you really betrayed us, right?"

  Shirou Ukitake looked at Rukia Kuchiki with complicated eyes.

  As Kuchiki Rukia's direct subordinate, he thought he knew Rukia as a human being, so he still didn't believe that Rukia came to the Souls Realm with the troubles of the human world.

  "Captain Ukitake, I have not betrayed anyone. It is because the existing system in the Soul Society has a problem. The leader, Ichigo Kurosaki, will bring light to this place, the light bestowed by the true God!"

  Kuchiki Rukia raised his sword and shouted.

  "I don't know what it means! Then see the real chapter on the sword!"

  "All the waves, turned into my shield, all the thunder, turned into my blade; the principle of double fish!"

  Shirou Ukitake squinted his eyes and shouted.

  As soon as Shirou Ukitake's initial solution was unfolded, he absorbed Kuchiki Rukia's icy spiritual power, causing Rukia's initial solution state to become a little unstable.

  "Ichigo Kurosaki help Rukia sister!"

  Inoue Orihime exclaimed in the distance.

  "I know, I know, it's an interesting ability to absorb the energy of the enemy and use it for one's own use."

  "But there should be an upper limit, right?"

  With a wave of Kurosaki Ichigo, the crescent moon appeared again!Go straight to Shiruro Ukitake!

  "You can't ignore me like that!"

  "The flowers are chaotic, the flower gods cry, the sky is chaotic, the demons sneer, the flowers are crazy!"

  Jingle Chunshui recited the mantra silently.

  With the completion of the first solution of Jingle's spring water, an amazing hurricane whistled and swept the sword energy towards Kurosaki Ichigo!

  However, the next scene completely stunned Jingle Chunshui!

  The hurricane drawn by his Soul Chopping Saber was fundamentally powerful enough to disperse Kurosaki Ichigo's crescent blade qi, or it didn't weaken it at all!The terrifying black sword was like a broken bamboo, and it slashed at Shirou Ukitake who was fighting against Rukia!


  Shiruro Ukitake's body was stained with blood, and he flew hundreds of meters upside down!

  "Captain Floating Bamboo 々¨!"

  Toushiro, who just barely got up over there, exclaimed.

  "Stinky boy! You are making me anxious!"

  "Solution! Flower Burial!"

  Jingle Chunshui closed his eyes and said.

  Before he finished speaking, petals were already covered in a hundred miles of space, and countless death guards hurriedly dodged, but some people were still scratched by those petals and fell in a pool of blood!

  "Jingle Chunshui, put away your swastika! It's not at that point yet, cough, cough!"

  Shirou Ukitake coughed up blood while anxiously persuading him.

  "It turned out to be an indiscriminate attack, this is no good!"

  Seeing that Inoue Orihime and Rukia hurriedly opened the defense shield to resist, Kurosaki Ichigo snorted coldly, and swore again!

  "Black tooth!"

  Kurosaki Ichigo slashed at Kyoraku Chunsui with a swastika, and at the same time, the figure disappeared in place!

  "What! You can actually walk in a blink of an eye?"

  Jingle Chunshui had just avoided the Heiliuya Saber Qi with a ghost step, but he didn't expect that the opponent's movement was faster than himself!


  Kurosaki Ichigo's knife hit Jingle Chunshui's head, and even the bamboo hat used by the other party to pretend to be coercive was blown away, and his hair was scattered like a beggar!


  Rukia over there had never seen Captain Jingle Chunshui so embarrassed, she couldn't help laughing out loud.

  "Sister Rukia..."

  Inoue Orihime's reaction was always half a beat, she didn't understand why Rukia laughed, she was fighting, okay?



  Jingle Chunshui was obviously aware of his embarrassment at the moment. Looking at the shattered hat, his forehead was bleeding. The killing intent he had never had before made his eyes red and he roared in anger!

  bang bang bang!

  The unseen figure appeared in front of him, and the red-eyed Jingle Chunshui was a mad stomping on!

  Thirteen feet in a row!

  The last kick directly stepped Jingle Chunshui into the crack of the rock!Only a half-dead head was left, obviously fainted.

  Toshiro is stunned!

  Shiruro Ukitake and the others were in a cold sweat!

  Under the treatment of Inoue Orihime, Kuchiki Byakuya, who woke up slightly but had dull eyes, looked at Jingle Chunshui, who had figured out what happened to him, and was speechless.

  He knew that from now on, the leader of the shocking band who had always been fond of pretending to be forceful was over, and they who lost their self-esteem would lose everything...

  "I said don't waste time! Can't none of you in the Soul Soul Realm be able to fight?"

  Kurosaki Ichigo said angrily.


  "The leader is mighty."

  Inoue Orihime waved his fist excitedly.

  Rukia reluctantly spread her hands, thinking that you are the best at pretending to be a kid!

  "Boy! You are crazy!"

  The terrifying Reiatsu approached, causing Kurosaki Ichigo to raise his eyebrows.

  "...that monster is here!"

  "It's Captain Zeraki Kenpachi! This time, this trip is dead!"

  The terrified death guards in the distance said excitedly.

  "I didn't expect him to come out to fight the enemy..."

  Toshiro, who coughed up blood under the cliff, said in a complicated tone.

  "The spiritual pressure is quite high, but it's worse than me."

  Kurosaki Ichigo said with a wicked smile, with a ten-thousand-year lifespan, the boundless spiritual pressure of the realm exploded completely!

  The terrifying dark black spiritual pressure made the sky in the Soul Realm covered with thunder and clouds, and the earth roared and shook!

  Countless gods of death and people in the Soul Society screamed in panic, endlessly!

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