"You!!! Who are you!"

  Zanaki Kenpachi, who was originally arrogant about everything, said in surprise and anger, he found that even if he tore off the blindfold, he still couldn't compare to Kurosaki Ichigo in spiritual pressure!

  The gap between the two sides is completely uncountable!

  "It's over... The corpse soul world is over..."

  Toushiro and Ukitake Shiruro looked at the terrifying Kurosaki Ichigo, smiled bitterly (Wang Zhao) and said.

  They were quite sure that even if the commander-in-chief came out of retreat, he would be enough to be Kurosaki Ichigo's opponent!


  Zaraki Kenpachi faced Kurosaki Ichigo's Reiatsu, and was directly suppressed by a cerebral hemorrhage!Fall to the ground before you can move!


  Kuchiki Byakuya closed his eyes sadly, who could do anything when encountering such a monster?

  "Young man, it's enough!"

  An old figure slowly walked in the air, and with each step, the figure grew stronger.

  Endless flames rose up behind the old man, as if the god of fire was alive!


  "Captain, you are finally out!"

  "We are saved!"

  Toushiro and the others cheered.

  "Rukia, that's the old Mr. Yamamoto Motoyuzai, the captain of the thirteenth team of Godou you said?"

  "Finally, there is a person to talk to."

  Kurosaki Ichigo scratched his chin. .

Chapter 155


  Two more figures appeared behind Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai.

  "That's the captain of the second division, Shuifeng, and the captain of the twelfth division, and the director of the Technology Development Bureau, Nie Yuli. The materials for the gate of the kingdom of God and I are in the Technology Development Bureau of Nie Yuli!"

  Kuchiki Rukia explained.

  "Okay! Has it finally arrived!"

  Kurosaki Ichigo squeezed his fist excitedly.

  He found that the population of this corpse and soul world did not seem to be very large, so the promotion of belief was the second priority, and the main task was to obtain the materials for the gate of the kingdom of God.

  "Katsuki Rukia! How dare you, you slut, dare to attack the idea of ​​my Technology Development Bureau? What do you want to do with the materials for the teleportation formation? What is the gate of the kingdom of God?"

  Nie Yuri cracked his mouth full of fangs, and looked at Kuchiki Rukia with a strange smile.

  "God, he's so disgusting."

  Inoue Orihime shivered as she looked at Nie Mayuri's black and white face.

  "It's really disgusting, and it's rude!"

  Kurosaki Ichigo squinted, his figure moved, and disappeared in place!

  "You dare!"

  Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai was furious, and he waved the wooden stick in his hand, and the terrifying space ripples rippled!

  It's a pity that the end is still a step behind!

  Nie Yuli's whole body screamed and flew upside down!The teeth and bridge of the nose were all broken by Ichigo Kurosaki!


  "How dare you attack me—"

  Nie Mayuri rolled on the ground in pain.

  "So fast!"

  "Let me take the place of the commander-in-chief first!"

  Broken Bee turned pale and stepped forward.

  "Broken Bee, step back! I'm afraid you can't even solve the first solution with such a spiritual pressure."

  Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai narrowed his eyes.

  "Yes, the commander-in-chief!"

  Broken Bee nodded reluctantly, and at the same time stared at Kurosaki Ichigo with very cautious and curious eyes. She wondered how such a super existence could appear in the human world?The strength of the spiritual pressure is still higher than that of the commander-in-chief, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai!

  "Tell me, young man, you haven't really killed the life of the Soul Society since you came in, so what are you doing?"

  Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai stared fixedly at Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes.

  Hearing this, Toshiro and the others over there were stunned!

  "Yes, so far, no one has died! With the strength of the other party, it is obvious that they are holding back!"

  "And the other side's medic is still treating Kuchiki Byakuya!"

  "The Tathagata didn't intend to capture our Soul Realm?"

  "Nonsense, how could three of them capture the entire Soul Realm!"

  The surrounding gods of death whispered in surprise.

  "It's easy to say! I'm the messenger of the gods, Ichigo Kurosaki, the leader of the Lucky God Cult!"

  "Rukia and Inoue Orihime are the guardians of my god's teachings. They came here to promote my god's teachings! They are to find some materials to make the gate of the kingdom of God teleportation array."

  "Old Mr. Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai can think about it. If he can get the blessing of my god, he will only earn and not lose."

  Kurosaki Ichigo smiled.


  As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar!

  "God's messenger???"

  "Hahaha! To pretend to be the messenger of the gods in front of our god of death?"

  "It's just bullshit—"



  The few death guards who had just made a mockery of their words were crushed by the Reiatsu of Kurosaki Ichigo before they finished speaking!Directly smashed into dust in situ!

  Everyone's face changed, Qi Qi was horrified!

  "You dare to kill!"

  Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai roared.

  The captains who had been relaxed were also tense again!

  "I have a good temper, but the glory of my God cannot be slandered! Whoever dares to question my God, prepare to die."

  Kurosaki Ichigo said with a violent aura all over his body.

  "Really deserve it!"

  "Damn it!"

  Kuchiki Rukia and Inoue Orihime were also angry.

  They who have received endless benefits and become faithful believers will never allow anyone to slander their beliefs!This is definitely the result of endless death!

  "The messenger of the gods? You actually killed people. If the old man doesn't take action, he won't be able to explain it to everyone!"

  "This battle is dangerous, you step back!"

  Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai closed his eyes and shouted.


   Broken Bee and the others were shocked, and the seriously injured people quickly left the battle circle!

  "Everything in Vientiane is ashes, and the blades are like fire!!!"

  Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai silently recited the "Beginning Solution" mantra.

  In fact, he really didn't want to fight with such a mighty Kurosaki Ichigo, because at the moment, the soul world is facing huge changes!

  Aizen had already quietly gone to the human world with the two captains Toxian Yao and "Ichi Yinmaru".

  If he expected it well, Aizen was probably the mastermind behind the "blurred experiment" a hundred years ago!Leaving at this moment, I am afraid that he has already found a breakthrough in the "virtualization experiment" in Urahara Kisuke.

  Compared with the friendly Kurosaki Ichigo in front of him, Aizen is the most terrifying hidden danger.

  It's a pity that Kurosaki Ichigo still committed the murder after all!This is a crime that cannot be reconciled by words alone!

  "Mr. Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai is really powerful. You have such power. I'm afraid we won't be able to compete in a short time."

  "Why don't you have a duel with the holy beast of the gods on your side?"

  Kurosaki Ichigo grinned.

  crowd? ? ?

  "No? Is there really a god behind him?"

  Broken Bee was a little stunned.

  "Looking forward to the sacred beast of my god's kingdom!"

  "So much the better."

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