Inoue Orihime and Kuchiki Rukia's eyes are as bright as stars, and showing miracles is the best way to survive!

  "Praise my god, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, you are the lucky ruler above all living beings! Your loyal believer Kurosaki Ichigo..."

  With the chanting of Kurosaki Ichigo's summoning incantation, terrifying cracks appeared in the space of the entire Soul Realm, the earth roared, and all things bowed their heads!

  A terrifying phantom slowly appeared in the sky that scared everyone into a fool, and the captain of the second division, Shui Feng, raised his head in horror, and fell to the ground just after a glance!

  "The breath of the gods..."

  The old man Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai let out a bitter sigh in his throat, and he took the lead and knelt down very decisively!



  Killing monsters with a knife: "Brothers and sisters! I, Ichigo Kurosaki, finally have the face to speak!"

  "Knife Killing Monster" uploaded a video file!

  Ouyang is not crazy: "Fuck! You can summon the sacred beasts of the kingdom of God?"

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "It's not bad, boy, keep going, since our Queen Medusa went to the lower realm, my sister and I have tens of millions of followers! I'm proud of jpg!"

  Supporting Dumbledore: "Shocked + envious jpg!"

  Bucky, who is still in prison: "Hey, I'm still searching for more daughters of destiny for my god. Do you have a choice for Ichigo Kurosaki?"

  The one who killed the monsters with a knife: "Yes, Uncle Bucky! The materials for the formation in the Soul Realm are very abundant, and maybe I can build the gate of the kingdom of God tonight! I have a very cute destiny woman to choose, I hope my god can like it. !"


Chapter 156

  "Sister Lin Xuan, how did you feel the night before yesterday? Let me know."

  Divine Kingdom Space, Peach Blossom Pavilion.

  Gao Yao leaned in front of Lu Linxuan with a ponytail and said with a soft smile.

  That morning, when Lu Linxuan came out of the Palace of the God King, she bumped into her, so she teleported away in shame!Now that Lu Linxuan is caught making peach wine here, how can she let go of this pretty girl who is the same age as her.

  "Yeah! You can't finish it, you even chased after this Taohuating to make fun of me, do you want to go to the battle with me?"

  Lu Linxuan pushed Gao Yao away in shame and anger.

  "Hee hee, I don't dare to go to the Fighting Stage, I'm not a lunatic like Ah Qi and Sister Jindao! You don't know, they both went crazy yesterday when they got angry. Everyone died at least 5 times, 5 times. what!"

  "It hurts to death just thinking about it! If it were me, I would definitely have nightmares at night!"

  Recalling the life-and-death match between Shi Jindao and Ah Qi yesterday, Gao Yao shivered.

  "Oh? It turns out that you are so afraid of death, so you are going to provoke me? Tell you, they are now concubine gods, even if I can't beat you, I can still use some holy beasts to help!"

  Lu Linxuan seemed to have thought of the magic weapon for victory, looked at Gao Yao and smiled wickedly.

  "Ahhh? You're such a fool! It's a shame that you even thought of such a way..."

  Gao Yao covered her face in panic.

  "Little sister Lin Xuan is so smart! Really, I didn't expect our concubine gods to be able to use their identity to make holy beasts! It's great, in the future, when Shi Jindao, the fighting maniac, comes to fight again, I will pull a big saint. The beast scare her!"

  Nicole Robin clapped her hands excitedly.

  Although she and Boyahan Cook came relatively early, she has always been fascinated by the historical documents of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, and is fascinated by the cultures of the major civilization galaxies in the Kamihe Star Region, resulting in a realm comparable to that of Shi Jindao.

  The realm is figured out, and the level of fairy treasures is similar, so Shi Jindao, who has an outstanding fighting talent, naturally presses her to fight every time he competes!In addition, there is no safe zone in the kingdom of God, and sometimes it is difficult to refuse, which makes Nicole Robin very painful!

  Yesterday, Nicole Robin was chased by Shi Jindao, and she still escaped to the Seaview Shrine of the Pirate Empress Boya Hancook. Only with the support of the Empress did she avoid a battle!

  Now with this method, there is no need to ask for help every time...

  "Look, I am Lu Linxuan, and I still have a good brain!"

  Being praised and praised by Nicole Robin, Lu Linxuan pinched his waist proudly.

  "Hee hee, is it just your brain? Lin Xuan, your physical fitness is also very good. Lord God is so can stand it."

  Gao Yao snickered.

  "Ah ah ah! You are not ashamed and impatient, I will kill you!"

  Lu Linxuan's pretty face was on fire, the 2nd rank immortal sword came out of his body, and he was fighting with Gao Yao!

  "Hey hey! You guys are going to the Fighting Stage. Queen Medusa said that sisters should discuss not to damage public facilities, or you won't be allowed to watch movies for a month!"

  Mitel Yafei, who flew from a distance, kindly reminded.

  "Oh! Thank you, Sister Yafei, for reminding us that we were just kidding, so we went back to fight."

  Lu Linxuan and Gao Yao quickly stopped and waved their hands to explain.

  In today's movie theaters, Queen Medusa is in charge of the broadcasting rights. Who can afford not to watch a movie for a month.

  "Sister Ya Fei often goes to the Palace of Gods to watch movies recently? Is it really that interesting?"

  A beautiful girl in a blue fairy dress, with a smile, Mitel Yafei said beside her.

  "Of course, Xun'er, you also know that I didn't have much talent in cultivation since I was a child, but I was fascinated by some strange things. The movie theater can sell tickets to make money by only providing a venue. It is definitely a profitable business!"

  "And those movies are really interesting. Some of the customs of the Shenhe Star Region can be seen in them. It's a pity that you didn't go to see Xun'er."

  Mitel Yafei's bright eyes shone brightly.

  "Uh... I'm a little interested in what you said."

  "Recently, I haven't come out because I'm busy with cultivation. I haven't even said goodbye to the Lord God for three days. Fortunately, the Lord God's new style is like a sea, otherwise it would be Xun'er's big sin."

  Gu Xun'er sighed softly.

  "You! You still take the honor of the family too seriously, which will affect your mood! Look at the Sect Master Yun Yun, not only has he become a concubine, but he is also favored, and his cultivation is the same."

  "God, maybe the cultivation base entry is really related to that kind of thing?After all, that is the Lord God..."

· · · Flowers · · ·

  "Let's go, let's go, Xun'er, please go with me to say goodbye to the Lord God."

  Mitel Yafei winked at Gu Xun'er.

  "what do you mean……"

  Gu Xun'er was pulled up from the sky, but she was still a pure girl, how could she keep up with Mitel Yafei, who had been in business for many years and had a lot of knowledge.

  Especially when it comes to "dirt"...

  "Mitel Yafei has seen Lord God! I brought sister Xun'er to greet you."

  The side hall of the Temple of God.

  Mitel Yafei looked at Chen Xian who was practicing calligraphy and bowed.

  "Xun'er has seen the Lord God, please greet the Lord God!"

  Gu Xun'er's pretty face was slightly red, and she said in a panic.

...... 0

  "It's almost noon, please. Yafei, didn't you come here this morning? Why did you run so diligently to the Palace of the God King today?"

  Chen Xian put down the jade pen and lifted Gu Xun'er and Mitel Yafei with a smile.

  "Hee hee, I've been here before, but Xun'er hasn't come out of the ascetic practice for a long time. Doesn't this mean that I miss you, and I'm so embarrassed, so I brought it here."

  "Master God and Xun'er have a good chat, lunch break is worth a thousand dollars."

  Mitel Yafei blinked and bowed back.

  "Sister Yafei, how can you do this—"

  Gu Xun'er covered her face.

  "Ya Fei, how did you learn to be a matchmaker with Medusa?"

  Chen Xian laughed.

  I was with Su Xue last night, but before it was morning, the teacher of the goddess of ice and snow was kicked out of the Frost Shrine on the grounds that she was ashamed to see people and it was inconvenient to change her clothes.

  Unfinished, Chen Xian had no choice but to return to his own time and space in the kingdom of God.

  Chen Xian couldn't calm down, so he thought of practicing calligraphy to calm down the restlessness, because in the afternoon, there was a next-level god-level arena to be played in the Shendu Academy.

  Now, with an extraordinary fairy like Gu Xun'er by her side, it is much more useful than practicing calligraphy...

  "Ya Fei said it well, a lunch break is worth a thousand dollars."

  "You have to make up lessons for Xun'er."

  Chen Xian chuckled lightly and took the beautiful girl in front of him into his arms.


Chapter 157

  "Ya Fei, this guy has killed people..."

  In the afternoon, in the Palace of the King of God.

  Gu Xun'er covered her face.

  At this point, she finally understood something.

  Why is she as beautiful and powerful as Queen Medusa, she will be very happy to select beautiful concubines for Chen Xian, and why the dignified and elegant Oriental Huaizhu will not be jealous because Yanling Ji is favored.



  "Oh? Did the little princess of the ancient clan finally think about it?"

  In the super holographic cinema next to the Palace of the Gods, Queen Medusa, who was choosing the film for the girls, smiled when she saw Gu Xun'er's state.

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